import { observable, action, makeObservable, runInAction } from "mobx"; // types import { RootStore } from "../root"; import { IState } from "types"; // services import { ProjectService, ProjectStateService } from "services/project"; import { groupBy, orderArrayBy } from "helpers/array.helper"; import { orderStateGroups } from "helpers/state.helper"; export interface IProjectStateStore { loader: boolean; error: any | null; // states createState: (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, data: Partial) => Promise; updateState: (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, stateId: string, data: Partial) => Promise; deleteState: (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, stateId: string) => Promise; markStateAsDefault: (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, stateId: string) => Promise; moveStatePosition: ( workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, stateId: string, direction: "up" | "down", groupIndex: number ) => Promise; } export class ProjectStateStore implements IProjectStateStore { loader: boolean = false; error: any | null = null; // root store rootStore; // service projectService; stateService; constructor(_rootStore: RootStore) { makeObservable(this, { // observable loader: observable, error: observable, // states createState: action, updateState: action, deleteState: action, markStateAsDefault: action, moveStatePosition: action, }); this.rootStore = _rootStore; this.projectService = new ProjectService(); this.stateService = new ProjectStateService(); } createState = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, data: Partial) => { try { const response = await this.stateService.createState( workspaceSlug, projectId, data, this.rootStore.user.currentUser! ); runInAction(() => { this.rootStore.project.states = { ...this.rootStore.project.states, [projectId]: { ...this.rootStore.project.states?.[projectId], []: [...(this.rootStore.project.states?.[projectId]?.[] || []), response], }, }; }); return response; } catch (error) { console.log("Failed to create state from project store"); throw error; } }; updateState = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, stateId: string, data: Partial) => { const originalStates = this.rootStore.project.states || {}; runInAction(() => { this.rootStore.project.states = { ...this.rootStore.project.states, [projectId]: { ...this.rootStore.project.states?.[projectId], [ as string]: (this.rootStore.project.states?.[projectId]?.[ as string] || []).map( (state) => ( === stateId ? { ...state, } : state) ), }, }; }); try { const response = await this.stateService.patchState( workspaceSlug, projectId, stateId, data, this.rootStore.user.currentUser! ); runInAction(() => { this.rootStore.project.states = { ...this.rootStore.project.states, [projectId]: { ...this.rootStore.project.states?.[projectId], []: (this.rootStore.project.states?.[projectId]?.[] || []).map((state) => === stateId ? { ...state, ...response } : state ), }, }; }); return response; } catch (error) { console.log("Failed to update state from project store"); runInAction(() => { this.rootStore.project.states = originalStates; }); throw error; } }; deleteState = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, stateId: string) => { const originalStates = this.rootStore.project.projectStates; try { runInAction(() => { this.rootStore.project.states = { ...this.rootStore.project.states, [projectId]: { ...this.rootStore.project.states?.[projectId], [originalStates?.[0]?.group || ""]: ( this.rootStore.project.states?.[projectId]?.[originalStates?.[0]?.group || ""] || [] ).filter((state) => !== stateId), }, }; }); // deleting using api await this.stateService.deleteState(workspaceSlug, projectId, stateId, this.rootStore.user.currentUser!); } catch (error) { console.log("Failed to delete state from project store"); // reverting back to original label list runInAction(() => { this.rootStore.project.states = { ...this.rootStore.project.states, [projectId]: { ...this.rootStore.project.states?.[projectId], [originalStates?.[0]?.group || ""]: originalStates || [], }, }; }); } }; markStateAsDefault = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, stateId: string) => { const states = this.rootStore.project.projectStates; const currentDefaultState = states?.find((state) => state.default); let newStateList = states?.map((state) => { if ( === stateId) return { ...state, default: true }; if ( === currentDefaultState?.id) return { ...state, default: false }; return state; }) ?? []; newStateList = orderArrayBy(newStateList, "sequence", "ascending"); const newOrderedStateGroups = orderStateGroups(groupBy(newStateList, "group")); const oldOrderedStateGroup = this.rootStore.project.states?.[projectId] || {}; // for reverting back to old state group if api fails runInAction(() => { this.rootStore.project.states = { ...this.rootStore.project.states, [projectId]: newOrderedStateGroups || {}, }; }); // updating using api try { this.stateService.patchState( workspaceSlug, projectId, stateId, { default: true }, this.rootStore.user.currentUser! ); if (currentDefaultState) this.stateService.patchState( workspaceSlug, projectId,, { default: false }, this.rootStore.user.currentUser! ); } catch (err) { console.log("Failed to mark state as default"); runInAction(() => { this.rootStore.project.states = { ...this.rootStore.project.states, [projectId]: oldOrderedStateGroup, }; }); } }; moveStatePosition = async ( workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, stateId: string, direction: "up" | "down", groupIndex: number ) => { const SEQUENCE_GAP = 15000; let newSequence = SEQUENCE_GAP; const states = this.rootStore.project.projectStates || []; const groupedStates = groupBy(states || [], "group"); const selectedState = states?.find((state) => === stateId); const groupStates = states?.filter((state) => === selectedState?.group); const groupLength = groupStates.length; if (direction === "up") { if (groupIndex === 1) newSequence = groupStates[0].sequence - SEQUENCE_GAP; else newSequence = (groupStates[groupIndex - 2].sequence + groupStates[groupIndex - 1].sequence) / 2; } else { if (groupIndex === groupLength - 2) newSequence = groupStates[groupLength - 1].sequence + SEQUENCE_GAP; else newSequence = (groupStates[groupIndex + 2].sequence + groupStates[groupIndex + 1].sequence) / 2; } const newStateList = states?.map((state) => { if ( === stateId) return { ...state, sequence: newSequence }; return state; }); const newOrderedStateGroups = orderStateGroups( groupBy(orderArrayBy(newStateList, "sequence", "ascending"), "group") ); runInAction(() => { this.rootStore.project.states = { ...this.rootStore.project.states, [projectId]: newOrderedStateGroups || {}, }; }); // updating using api try { await this.stateService.patchState( workspaceSlug, projectId, stateId, { sequence: newSequence }, this.rootStore.user.currentUser! ); } catch (err) { console.log("Failed to move state position"); // reverting back to old state group if api fails runInAction(() => { this.rootStore.project.states = { ...this.rootStore.project.states, [projectId]: groupedStates, }; }); } }; }