"use client"; import { DeleteImage, EditorContainer, EditorContentWrapper, getEditorClassNames, IMentionHighlight, IMentionSuggestion, RestoreImage, UploadImage, useEditor, EditorRefApi, } from "@plane/editor-core"; import * as React from "react"; import { RichTextEditorExtensions } from "src/ui/extensions"; import { EditorBubbleMenu } from "src/ui/menus/bubble-menu"; export type IRichTextEditor = { initialValue: string; value?: string | null; dragDropEnabled?: boolean; fileHandler: { cancel: () => void; delete: DeleteImage; upload: UploadImage; restore: RestoreImage; }; id?: string; containerClassName?: string; editorClassName?: string; onChange?: (json: object, html: string) => void; forwardedRef?: React.MutableRefObject; debouncedUpdatesEnabled?: boolean; mentionHandler: { highlights: () => Promise; suggestions: () => Promise; }; placeholder?: string | ((isFocused: boolean) => string); tabIndex?: number; }; const RichTextEditor = (props: IRichTextEditor) => { const { onChange, dragDropEnabled, initialValue, value, fileHandler, containerClassName, editorClassName = "", forwardedRef, // rerenderOnPropsChange, id = "", placeholder, tabIndex, mentionHandler, } = props; const [hideDragHandleOnMouseLeave, setHideDragHandleOnMouseLeave] = React.useState<() => void>(() => {}); // this essentially sets the hideDragHandle function from the DragAndDrop extension as the Plugin // loads such that we can invoke it from react when the cursor leaves the container const setHideDragHandleFunction = (hideDragHandlerFromDragDrop: () => void) => { setHideDragHandleOnMouseLeave(() => hideDragHandlerFromDragDrop); }; const editor = useEditor({ id, editorClassName, restoreFile: fileHandler.restore, uploadFile: fileHandler.upload, deleteFile: fileHandler.delete, cancelUploadImage: fileHandler.cancel, onChange, initialValue, value, forwardedRef, // rerenderOnPropsChange, extensions: RichTextEditorExtensions({ uploadFile: fileHandler.upload, dragDropEnabled, setHideDragHandle: setHideDragHandleFunction, }), mentionHandler, placeholder, }); const editorContainerClassName = getEditorClassNames({ noBorder: true, borderOnFocus: false, containerClassName, }); if (!editor) return null; return ( {editor && }
); }; const RichTextEditorWithRef = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => ( } /> )); RichTextEditorWithRef.displayName = "RichTextEditorWithRef"; export { RichTextEditor, RichTextEditorWithRef };