import set from "lodash/set"; import unset from "lodash/unset"; import { observable, action, makeObservable, runInAction } from "mobx"; // types import { ProjectPublishService } from "@/services/project"; import { ProjectRootStore } from "./"; // services export type TProjectPublishViews = "list" | "gantt" | "kanban" | "calendar" | "spreadsheet"; export type TProjectPublishViewsSettings = { [key in TProjectPublishViews]: boolean; }; export interface IProjectPublishSettings { anchor?: string; id?: string; project?: string; is_comments_enabled: boolean; is_reactions_enabled: boolean; is_votes_enabled: boolean; view_props: TProjectPublishViewsSettings; inbox: string | null; } export interface IProjectPublishStore { // states generalLoader: boolean; fetchSettingsLoader: boolean; // observables publishSettingsMap: Record<string, IProjectPublishSettings>; // projectID => IProjectPublishSettings // helpers getPublishSettingsByProjectID: (projectID: string) => IProjectPublishSettings | undefined; // actions fetchPublishSettings: (workspaceSlug: string, projectID: string) => Promise<IProjectPublishSettings>; updatePublishSettings: ( workspaceSlug: string, projectID: string, projectPublishId: string, data: IProjectPublishSettings ) => Promise<IProjectPublishSettings>; publishProject: ( workspaceSlug: string, projectID: string, data: IProjectPublishSettings ) => Promise<IProjectPublishSettings>; unPublishProject: (workspaceSlug: string, projectID: string, projectPublishId: string) => Promise<void>; } export class ProjectPublishStore implements IProjectPublishStore { // states generalLoader: boolean = false; fetchSettingsLoader: boolean = false; // observables publishSettingsMap: Record<string, IProjectPublishSettings> = {}; // root store projectRootStore: ProjectRootStore; // services projectPublishService; constructor(_projectRootStore: ProjectRootStore) { makeObservable(this, { // states generalLoader: observable.ref, fetchSettingsLoader: observable.ref, // observables publishSettingsMap: observable, // actions fetchPublishSettings: action, updatePublishSettings: action, publishProject: action, unPublishProject: action, }); // root store this.projectRootStore = _projectRootStore; // services this.projectPublishService = new ProjectPublishService(); } /** * @description returns the publish settings of a particular project * @param {string} projectID * @returns {IProjectPublishSettings | undefined} */ getPublishSettingsByProjectID = (projectID: string): IProjectPublishSettings | undefined => this.publishSettingsMap?.[projectID] ?? undefined; /** * Fetches project publish settings * @param workspaceSlug * @param projectID * @returns */ fetchPublishSettings = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectID: string) => { try { runInAction(() => { this.fetchSettingsLoader = true; }); const response = await this.projectPublishService.getProjectSettingsAsync(workspaceSlug, projectID); runInAction(() => { set(this.publishSettingsMap, [projectID], response); this.fetchSettingsLoader = false; }); return response; } catch (error) { runInAction(() => { this.fetchSettingsLoader = false; }); throw error; } }; /** * Publishes project and updates project publish status in the store * @param workspaceSlug * @param projectID * @param data * @returns */ publishProject = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectID: string, data: IProjectPublishSettings) => { try { runInAction(() => { this.generalLoader = true; }); const response = await this.projectPublishService.createProjectSettingsAsync(workspaceSlug, projectID, data); runInAction(() => { set(this.publishSettingsMap, [projectID], response); set(this.projectRootStore.project.projectMap, [projectID, "is_deployed"], true); this.generalLoader = false; }); return response; } catch (error) { runInAction(() => { this.generalLoader = false; }); throw error; } }; /** * Updates project publish settings * @param workspaceSlug * @param projectID * @param projectPublishId * @param data * @returns */ updatePublishSettings = async ( workspaceSlug: string, projectID: string, projectPublishId: string, data: IProjectPublishSettings ) => { try { runInAction(() => { this.generalLoader = true; }); const response = await this.projectPublishService.updateProjectSettingsAsync( workspaceSlug, projectID, projectPublishId, data ); runInAction(() => { set(this.publishSettingsMap, [projectID], response); this.generalLoader = false; }); return response; } catch (error) { runInAction(() => { this.generalLoader = false; }); throw error; } }; /** * Unpublishes project and updates project publish status in the store * @param workspaceSlug * @param projectID * @param projectPublishId * @returns */ unPublishProject = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectID: string, projectPublishId: string) => { try { runInAction(() => { this.generalLoader = true; }); const response = await this.projectPublishService.deleteProjectSettingsAsync( workspaceSlug, projectID, projectPublishId ); runInAction(() => { unset(this.publishSettingsMap, [projectID]); set(this.projectRootStore.project.projectMap, [projectID, "is_deployed"], false); this.generalLoader = false; }); return response; } catch (error) { runInAction(() => { this.generalLoader = false; }); throw error; } }; }