#!/bin/bash set -e python manage.py wait_for_db # Wait for migrations python manage.py wait_for_migrations # Create the default bucket #!/bin/bash # Collect system information HOSTNAME=$(hostname) MAC_ADDRESS=$(ip link show | awk '/ether/ {print $2}' | head -n 1) CPU_INFO=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo) MEMORY_INFO=$(free -h) DISK_INFO=$(df -h) # Concatenate information and compute SHA-256 hash SIGNATURE=$(echo "$HOSTNAME$MAC_ADDRESS$CPU_INFO$MEMORY_INFO$DISK_INFO" | sha256sum | awk '{print $1}') # Export the variables export MACHINE_SIGNATURE=$SIGNATURE # Register instance python manage.py register_instance $MACHINE_SIGNATURE # Load the configuration variable python manage.py configure_instance # Create the default bucket python manage.py create_bucket python server.py