import React, { useState, useEffect, useCallback, ReactNode, useRef, useLayoutEffect } from "react"; import { Editor, Range, Extension } from "@tiptap/core"; import Suggestion from "@tiptap/suggestion"; import { ReactRenderer } from "@tiptap/react"; import tippy from "tippy.js"; import { Heading1, Heading2, Heading3, List, ListOrdered, Text, TextQuote, Code, MinusSquare, CheckSquare, ImageIcon, Table, } from "lucide-react"; import { startImageUpload } from "../plugins/upload-image"; import { cn } from "../utils"; interface CommandItemProps { title: string; description: string; icon: ReactNode; } interface CommandProps { editor: Editor; range: Range; } const Command = Extension.create({ name: "slash-command", addOptions() { return { suggestion: { char: "/", command: ({ editor, range, props }: { editor: Editor; range: Range; props: any }) => { props.command({ editor, range }); }, }, }; }, addProseMirrorPlugins() { return [ Suggestion({ editor: this.editor, allow({ editor }) { return !editor.isActive("table"); }, ...this.options.suggestion, }), ]; }, }); const getSuggestionItems = ( workspaceSlug: string, setIsSubmitting?: (isSubmitting: "submitting" | "submitted" | "saved") => void ) => ({ query }: { query: string }) => [ { title: "Text", description: "Just start typing with plain text.", searchTerms: ["p", "paragraph"], icon: <Text size={18} />, command: ({ editor, range }: CommandProps) => { editor.chain().focus().deleteRange(range).toggleNode("paragraph", "paragraph").run(); }, }, { title: "Heading 1", description: "Big section heading.", searchTerms: ["title", "big", "large"], icon: <Heading1 size={18} />, command: ({ editor, range }: CommandProps) => { editor.chain().focus().deleteRange(range).setNode("heading", { level: 1 }).run(); }, }, { title: "Heading 2", description: "Medium section heading.", searchTerms: ["subtitle", "medium"], icon: <Heading2 size={18} />, command: ({ editor, range }: CommandProps) => { editor.chain().focus().deleteRange(range).setNode("heading", { level: 2 }).run(); }, }, { title: "Heading 3", description: "Small section heading.", searchTerms: ["subtitle", "small"], icon: <Heading3 size={18} />, command: ({ editor, range }: CommandProps) => { editor.chain().focus().deleteRange(range).setNode("heading", { level: 3 }).run(); }, }, { title: "To-do List", description: "Track tasks with a to-do list.", searchTerms: ["todo", "task", "list", "check", "checkbox"], icon: <CheckSquare size={18} />, command: ({ editor, range }: CommandProps) => { editor.chain().focus().deleteRange(range).toggleTaskList().run(); }, }, { title: "Bullet List", description: "Create a simple bullet list.", searchTerms: ["unordered", "point"], icon: <List size={18} />, command: ({ editor, range }: CommandProps) => { editor.chain().focus().deleteRange(range).toggleBulletList().run(); }, }, { title: "Divider", description: "Visually divide blocks", searchTerms: ["line", "divider", "horizontal", "rule", "separate"], icon: <MinusSquare size={18} />, command: ({ editor, range }: CommandProps) => { editor.chain().focus().deleteRange(range).setHorizontalRule().run(); }, }, { title: "Table", description: "Create a Table", searchTerms: ["table", "cell", "db", "data", "tabular"], icon: <Table size={18} />, command: ({ editor, range }: CommandProps) => { editor .chain() .focus() .deleteRange(range) .insertTable({ rows: 3, cols: 3, withHeaderRow: true }) .run(); }, }, { title: "Numbered List", description: "Create a list with numbering.", searchTerms: ["ordered"], icon: <ListOrdered size={18} />, command: ({ editor, range }: CommandProps) => { editor.chain().focus().deleteRange(range).toggleOrderedList().run(); }, }, { title: "Quote", description: "Capture a quote.", searchTerms: ["blockquote"], icon: <TextQuote size={18} />, command: ({ editor, range }: CommandProps) => editor .chain() .focus() .deleteRange(range) .toggleNode("paragraph", "paragraph") .toggleBlockquote() .run(), }, { title: "Code", description: "Capture a code snippet.", searchTerms: ["codeblock"], icon: <Code size={18} />, command: ({ editor, range }: CommandProps) => editor.chain().focus().deleteRange(range).toggleCodeBlock().run(), }, { title: "Image", description: "Upload an image from your computer.", searchTerms: ["photo", "picture", "media"], icon: <ImageIcon size={18} />, command: ({ editor, range }: CommandProps) => { editor.chain().focus().deleteRange(range).run(); // upload image const input = document.createElement("input"); input.type = "file"; input.accept = "image/*"; input.onchange = async () => { if (input.files?.length) { const file = input.files[0]; const pos = editor.view.state.selection.from; startImageUpload(file, editor.view, pos, workspaceSlug, setIsSubmitting); } };; }, }, ].filter((item) => { if (typeof query === "string" && query.length > 0) { const search = query.toLowerCase(); return ( item.title.toLowerCase().includes(search) || item.description.toLowerCase().includes(search) || (item.searchTerms && item.searchTerms.some((term: string) => term.includes(search))) ); } return true; }); export const updateScrollView = (container: HTMLElement, item: HTMLElement) => { const containerHeight = container.offsetHeight; const itemHeight = item ? item.offsetHeight : 0; const top = item.offsetTop; const bottom = top + itemHeight; if (top < container.scrollTop) { container.scrollTop -= container.scrollTop - top + 5; } else if (bottom > containerHeight + container.scrollTop) { container.scrollTop += bottom - containerHeight - container.scrollTop + 5; } }; const CommandList = ({ items, command, }: { items: CommandItemProps[]; command: any; editor: any; range: any; }) => { const [selectedIndex, setSelectedIndex] = useState(0); const selectItem = useCallback( (index: number) => { const item = items[index]; if (item) { command(item); } }, [command, items] ); useEffect(() => { const navigationKeys = ["ArrowUp", "ArrowDown", "Enter"]; const onKeyDown = (e: KeyboardEvent) => { if (navigationKeys.includes(e.key)) { e.preventDefault(); if (e.key === "ArrowUp") { setSelectedIndex((selectedIndex + items.length - 1) % items.length); return true; } if (e.key === "ArrowDown") { setSelectedIndex((selectedIndex + 1) % items.length); return true; } if (e.key === "Enter") { selectItem(selectedIndex); return true; } return false; } }; document.addEventListener("keydown", onKeyDown); return () => { document.removeEventListener("keydown", onKeyDown); }; }, [items, selectedIndex, setSelectedIndex, selectItem]); useEffect(() => { setSelectedIndex(0); }, [items]); const commandListContainer = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null); useLayoutEffect(() => { const container = commandListContainer?.current; const item = container?.children[selectedIndex] as HTMLElement; if (item && container) updateScrollView(container, item); }, [selectedIndex]); return items.length > 0 ? ( <div id="slash-command" ref={commandListContainer} className="z-50 fixed h-auto max-h-[330px] w-72 overflow-y-auto rounded-md border border-custom-border-300 bg-custom-background-100 px-1 py-2 shadow-md transition-all" > { CommandItemProps, index: number) => ( <button className={cn( `flex w-full items-center space-x-2 rounded-md px-2 py-1 text-left text-sm text-custom-text-200 hover:bg-custom-primary-100/5 hover:text-custom-text-100`, { "bg-custom-primary-100/5 text-custom-text-100": index === selectedIndex } )} key={index} onClick={() => selectItem(index)} > <div> <p className="font-medium">{item.title}</p> <p className="text-xs text-custom-text-300">{item.description}</p> </div> </button> ))} </div> ) : null; }; const renderItems = () => { let component: ReactRenderer | null = null; let popup: any | null = null; return { onStart: (props: { editor: Editor; clientRect: DOMRect }) => { component = new ReactRenderer(CommandList, { props, editor: props.editor, }); // @ts-ignore popup = tippy("body", { getReferenceClientRect: props.clientRect, appendTo: () => document.querySelector("#tiptap-container"), content: component.element, showOnCreate: true, interactive: true, trigger: "manual", placement: "bottom-start", }); }, onUpdate: (props: { editor: Editor; clientRect: DOMRect }) => { component?.updateProps(props); popup && popup[0].setProps({ getReferenceClientRect: props.clientRect, }); }, onKeyDown: (props: { event: KeyboardEvent }) => { if (props.event.key === "Escape") { popup?.[0].hide(); return true; } // @ts-ignore return component?.ref?.onKeyDown(props); }, onExit: () => { popup?.[0].destroy(); component?.destroy(); }, }; }; export const SlashCommand = ( workspaceSlug: string, setIsSubmitting?: (isSubmitting: "submitting" | "submitted" | "saved") => void ) => Command.configure({ suggestion: { items: getSuggestionItems(workspaceSlug, setIsSubmitting), render: renderItems, }, }); export default SlashCommand;