import React, { useState } from "react"; // react-hook-form import { Controller, useForm } from "react-hook-form"; // react-color import { TwitterPicker } from "react-color"; // headless ui import { Popover, Transition } from "@headlessui/react"; // ui import { CustomMenu, Input, PrimaryButton, SecondaryButton } from "components/ui"; // icons import { PencilIcon, RectangleGroupIcon } from "@heroicons/react/24/outline"; // types import { IIssueLabels } from "types"; type Props = { label: IIssueLabels; issueLabels: IIssueLabels[]; editLabel: (label: IIssueLabels) => void; handleLabelDelete: (labelId: string) => void; }; const defaultValues: Partial<IIssueLabels> = { name: "", color: "#ff0000", }; const SingleLabel: React.FC<Props> = ({ label, issueLabels, editLabel, handleLabelDelete }) => { const [newLabelForm, setNewLabelForm] = useState(false); const { register, formState: { errors, isSubmitting }, watch, control, } = useForm<IIssueLabels>({ defaultValues }); const children = issueLabels?.filter((l) => l.parent ===; return ( <> {children && children.length === 0 ? ( <div className="gap-2 space-y-3 divide-y rounded-md border border-custom-border-200 p-3 md:w-2/3"> <div className="flex items-center justify-between"> <div className="flex items-center gap-2"> <span className="h-3 w-3 flex-shrink-0 rounded-full" style={{ backgroundColor: label.color, }} /> <h6 className="text-sm">{}</h6> </div> <CustomMenu ellipsis> {/* <CustomMenu.MenuItem>Convert to group</CustomMenu.MenuItem> */} <CustomMenu.MenuItem onClick={() => editLabel(label)}>Edit</CustomMenu.MenuItem> <CustomMenu.MenuItem onClick={() => handleLabelDelete(}> Delete </CustomMenu.MenuItem> </CustomMenu> </div> <div className={`flex items-center gap-2 ${newLabelForm ? "" : "hidden"}`}> <div className="h-8 w-8 flex-shrink-0"> <Popover className="relative flex h-full w-full items-center justify-center rounded-xl bg-custom-background-80"> {({ open }) => ( <> <Popover.Button className={`group inline-flex items-center text-base font-medium focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-indigo-500 focus:ring-offset-2 ${ open ? "text-custom-text-100" : "text-custom-text-200" }`} > {watch("color") && watch("color") !== "" && ( <span className="h-4 w-4 rounded" style={{ backgroundColor: watch("color") ?? "black", }} /> )} </Popover.Button> <Transition as={React.Fragment} enter="transition ease-out duration-200" enterFrom="opacity-0 translate-y-1" enterTo="opacity-100 translate-y-0" leave="transition ease-in duration-150" leaveFrom="opacity-100 translate-y-0" leaveTo="opacity-0 translate-y-1" > <Popover.Panel className="absolute top-full left-0 z-20 mt-3 w-screen max-w-xs px-2 sm:px-0"> <Controller name="color" control={control} render={({ field: { value, onChange } }) => ( <TwitterPicker color={value} onChange={(value) => onChange(value.hex)} /> )} /> </Popover.Panel> </Transition> </> )} </Popover> </div> <div className="flex w-full flex-col justify-center"> <Input type="text" id="labelName" name="name" register={register} placeholder="Label title" validations={{ required: "Label title is required", }} error={} /> </div> <SecondaryButton onClick={() => setNewLabelForm(false)}>Cancel</SecondaryButton> <PrimaryButton loading={isSubmitting}>{isSubmitting ? "Adding" : "Add"}</PrimaryButton> </div> </div> ) : ( <div className="rounded-md bg-custom-background-80 p-4 text-custom-text-100"> <h3 className="flex items-center gap-2 font-medium leading-5"> <RectangleGroupIcon className="h-5 w-5" /> This is the label group title </h3> <div className="mt-4 pl-5"> <div className="group flex items-center justify-between rounded p-2 text-sm hover:bg-custom-background-90"> <h5 className="flex items-center gap-2"> <div className="h-2 w-2 rounded-full bg-red-600" /> This is the label title </h5> <button type="button" className="hidden group-hover:block"> <PencilIcon className="h-3 w-3" /> </button> </div> </div> </div> )} </> ); }; export default SingleLabel;