import { FC } from "react"; import { useRouter } from "next/router"; import { useTheme } from "next-themes"; // hooks import { useApplication, useUser } from "hooks/store"; import useLocalStorage from "hooks/use-local-storage"; // components import { EmptyState, getEmptyStateImagePath } from "components/empty-state"; import { PagesListItem } from "./list-item"; // ui import { Loader } from "@plane/ui"; // constants import { EUserProjectRoles } from "constants/project"; import { PAGE_EMPTY_STATE_DETAILS } from "constants/page"; type IPagesListView = { pageIds: string[]; }; export const PagesListView: FC = (props) => { const { pageIds: projectPageIds } = props; // theme const { resolvedTheme } = useTheme(); // store hooks const { commandPalette: { toggleCreatePageModal }, } = useApplication(); const { membership: { currentProjectRole }, currentUser, } = useUser(); // local storage const { storedValue: pageTab } = useLocalStorage("pageTab", "Recent"); // router const router = useRouter(); const { workspaceSlug, projectId } = router.query; const currentPageTabDetails = pageTab ? PAGE_EMPTY_STATE_DETAILS[pageTab as keyof typeof PAGE_EMPTY_STATE_DETAILS] : PAGE_EMPTY_STATE_DETAILS["All"]; const isLightMode = resolvedTheme ? resolvedTheme === "light" : currentUser?.theme.theme === "light"; const emptyStateImage = getEmptyStateImagePath("pages", currentPageTabDetails.key, isLightMode); const isButtonVisible = currentPageTabDetails.key !== "archived" && currentPageTabDetails.key !== "favorites"; // here we are only observing the projectPageStore, so that we can re-render the component when the projectPageStore changes const isEditingAllowed = !!currentProjectRole && currentProjectRole >= EUserProjectRoles.MEMBER; return ( <> {projectPageIds && workspaceSlug && projectId ? (
{projectPageIds.length > 0 ? ( ) : ( toggleCreatePageModal(true), } : undefined } disabled={!isEditingAllowed} /> )}
) : ( )} ); };