// mobx import { action, observable, makeObservable } from "mobx"; // helper import { applyTheme, unsetCustomCssVariables } from "helpers/theme.helper"; // interfaces import { ICurrentUserSettings } from "types"; class ThemeStore { sidebarCollapsed: boolean | null = null; theme: string | null = null; // root store rootStore; constructor(_rootStore: any | null = null) { makeObservable(this, { // observable sidebarCollapsed: observable, theme: observable, // action setSidebarCollapsed: action, setTheme: action, // computed }); this.rootStore = _rootStore; this.initialLoad(); } setSidebarCollapsed(collapsed: boolean | null = null) { if (collapsed === null) { let _sidebarCollapsed: string | boolean | null = localStorage.getItem("app_sidebar_collapsed"); _sidebarCollapsed = _sidebarCollapsed ? (_sidebarCollapsed === "true" ? true : false) : false; this.sidebarCollapsed = _sidebarCollapsed; } else { this.sidebarCollapsed = collapsed; localStorage.setItem("app_sidebar_collapsed", collapsed.toString()); } } setTheme = async (_theme: { theme: ICurrentUserSettings }) => { try { const currentTheme: string = _theme?.theme?.theme?.toString(); // updating the local storage theme value localStorage.setItem("theme", currentTheme); // updating the mobx theme value this.theme = currentTheme; // applying the theme to platform if the selected theme is custom if (currentTheme === "custom") { const themeSettings = this.rootStore.user.currentUserSettings || null; applyTheme( themeSettings?.theme?.palette !== ",,,," ? themeSettings?.theme?.palette : "#0d101b,#c5c5c5,#3f76ff,#0d101b,#c5c5c5", themeSettings?.theme?.darkPalette ); } else unsetCustomCssVariables(); } catch (error) { console.error("setting user theme error", error); } }; // init load initialLoad() {} } export default ThemeStore;