import { FC, useEffect, useState } from "react"; // components import { GanttChartHeader, useChart, GanttChartMainContent } from "components/gantt-chart"; // views import { generateMonthChart, getNumberOfDaysBetweenTwoDatesInMonth, getMonthChartItemPositionWidthInMonth, } from "../views"; // helpers import { cn } from "helpers/common.helper"; // types import { ChartDataType, IBlockUpdateData, IGanttBlock, TGanttViews } from "../types"; // data import { currentViewDataWithView } from "../data"; // constants import { SIDEBAR_WIDTH } from "../constants"; type ChartViewRootProps = { border: boolean; title: string; loaderTitle: string; blocks: IGanttBlock[] | null; blockUpdateHandler: (block: any, payload: IBlockUpdateData) => void; blockToRender: (data: any) => React.ReactNode; sidebarToRender: (props: any) => React.ReactNode; enableBlockLeftResize: boolean; enableBlockRightResize: boolean; enableBlockMove: boolean; enableReorder: boolean; enableAddBlock: boolean; bottomSpacing: boolean; showAllBlocks: boolean; }; export const ChartViewRoot: FC = (props) => { const { border, title, blocks = null, loaderTitle, blockUpdateHandler, sidebarToRender, blockToRender, enableBlockLeftResize, enableBlockRightResize, enableBlockMove, enableReorder, enableAddBlock, bottomSpacing, showAllBlocks, } = props; // states const [itemsContainerWidth, setItemsContainerWidth] = useState(0); const [fullScreenMode, setFullScreenMode] = useState(false); const [chartBlocks, setChartBlocks] = useState(null); // hooks const { currentView, currentViewData, renderView, dispatch } = useChart(); // rendering the block structure const renderBlockStructure = (view: any, blocks: IGanttBlock[] | null) => blocks ? any) => ({ ...block, position: getMonthChartItemPositionWidthInMonth(view, block), })) : []; useEffect(() => { if (!currentViewData || !blocks) return; setChartBlocks(() => renderBlockStructure(currentViewData, blocks)); }, [currentViewData, blocks]); const updateCurrentViewRenderPayload = (side: null | "left" | "right", view: TGanttViews) => { const selectedCurrentView: TGanttViews = view; const selectedCurrentViewData: ChartDataType | undefined = selectedCurrentView && selectedCurrentView === currentViewData?.key ? currentViewData : currentViewDataWithView(view); if (selectedCurrentViewData === undefined) return; let currentRender: any; if (selectedCurrentView === "month") currentRender = generateMonthChart(selectedCurrentViewData, side); // updating the prevData, currentData and nextData if (currentRender.payload.length > 0) { if (side === "left") { dispatch({ type: "PARTIAL_UPDATE", payload: { currentView: selectedCurrentView, currentViewData: currentRender.state, renderView: [...currentRender.payload, ...renderView], }, }); updatingCurrentLeftScrollPosition(currentRender.scrollWidth); setItemsContainerWidth(itemsContainerWidth + currentRender.scrollWidth); } else if (side === "right") { dispatch({ type: "PARTIAL_UPDATE", payload: { currentView: view, currentViewData: currentRender.state, renderView: [...renderView, ...currentRender.payload], }, }); setItemsContainerWidth(itemsContainerWidth + currentRender.scrollWidth); } else { dispatch({ type: "PARTIAL_UPDATE", payload: { currentView: view, currentViewData: currentRender.state, renderView: [...currentRender.payload], }, }); setItemsContainerWidth(currentRender.scrollWidth); setTimeout(() => { handleScrollToCurrentSelectedDate(currentRender.state,; }, 50); } } }; const handleToday = () => updateCurrentViewRenderPayload(null, currentView); // handling the scroll positioning from left and right useEffect(() => { handleToday(); // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, []); const updatingCurrentLeftScrollPosition = (width: number) => { const scrollContainer = document.querySelector("#gantt-container") as HTMLDivElement; if (!scrollContainer) return; scrollContainer.scrollLeft = width + scrollContainer?.scrollLeft; setItemsContainerWidth(width + scrollContainer?.scrollLeft); }; const handleScrollToCurrentSelectedDate = (currentState: ChartDataType, date: Date) => { const scrollContainer = document.querySelector("#gantt-container") as HTMLDivElement; if (!scrollContainer) return; const clientVisibleWidth: number = scrollContainer?.clientWidth; let scrollWidth: number = 0; let daysDifference: number = 0; // if (currentView === "hours") // daysDifference = getNumberOfDaysBetweenTwoDatesInMonth(, date); // if (currentView === "day") // daysDifference = getNumberOfDaysBetweenTwoDatesInMonth(, date); // if (currentView === "week") // daysDifference = getNumberOfDaysBetweenTwoDatesInMonth(, date); // if (currentView === "bi_week") // daysDifference = getNumberOfDaysBetweenTwoDatesInMonth(, date); if (currentView === "month") daysDifference = getNumberOfDaysBetweenTwoDatesInMonth(, date); // if (currentView === "quarter") // daysDifference = getNumberOfDaysBetweenTwoDatesInQuarter(, date); // if (currentView === "year") // daysDifference = getNumberOfDaysBetweenTwoDatesInYear(, date); scrollWidth = daysDifference * - (clientVisibleWidth / 2 - + SIDEBAR_WIDTH / 2; scrollContainer.scrollLeft = scrollWidth; }; return (
setFullScreenMode((prevData) => !prevData)} handleChartView={(key) => updateCurrentViewRenderPayload(null, key)} handleToday={handleToday} loaderTitle={loaderTitle} title={title} />
); };