import { makeObservable, observable, computed, action, runInAction } from "mobx"; import groupBy from "lodash/groupBy"; import keyBy from "lodash/keyBy"; import omit from "lodash/omit"; // store import { RootStore } from "./"; // types import { IState } from "types"; // services import { ProjectStateService } from "services/project"; export interface IStateStore { states: Record; projectStates: IState[] | undefined; groupedProjectStates: Record | undefined; } export class StateStore implements IStateStore { states: Record = {}; router; stateService; constructor(_rootStore: RootStore) { makeObservable(this, { // observables states: observable.ref, // computed projectStates: computed, groupedProjectStates: computed, // actions getProjectStates: action, fetchProjectStates: action, createState: action, updateState: action, deleteState: action, }); this.stateService = new ProjectStateService(); this.router =; } /** * Returns the states belongs to a specific project */ get projectStates() { if (!this.router.query?.projectId) return; return Object.values(this.states).filter((state) => state.project === this.router.query.projectId); } /** * Returns the states belongs to a specific project grouped by group */ get groupedProjectStates() { if (!this.router.query?.projectId) return; return groupBy(this.projectStates, "group") as Record; } /** * Returns the states belongs to a project by projectId * @param projectId * @returns IState[] */ getProjectStates(projectId: string) { return Object.values(this.states).filter((state) => state.project === projectId); } /** * fetches the states of a project * @param workspaceSlug * @param projectId * @returns */ fetchProjectStates = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string) => { const states = await this.stateService.getStates(workspaceSlug, projectId); runInAction(() => { this.states = { ...this.states, ...keyBy(states, "id"), }; }); return states; }; /** * creates a new state in a project and adds it to the store * @param workspaceSlug * @param projectId * @param data * @returns */ createState = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, data: Partial) => { const response = await this.stateService.createState(workspaceSlug, projectId, data); runInAction(() => { this.states = { ...this.states, [response?.id]: response, }; }); return response; }; /** * Updates the state details in the store, in case of failure reverts back to original state * @param workspaceSlug * @param projectId * @param stateId * @param data * @returns */ updateState = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, stateId: string, data: Partial) => { const originalState = this.states[stateId]; try { runInAction(() => { this.states = { ...this.states, [stateId]: { ...this.states?.[stateId], }, }; }); const response = await this.stateService.patchState(workspaceSlug, projectId, stateId, data); return response; } catch (error) { runInAction(() => { this.states = { ...this.states, [stateId]: originalState, }; }); throw error; } }; /** * deletes the state from the store, incase of failure reverts back to original state * @param workspaceSlug * @param projectId * @param stateId */ deleteState = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, stateId: string) => { const originalStates = this.states; try { runInAction(() => { this.states = omit(this.states, stateId); }); await this.stateService.deleteState(workspaceSlug, projectId, stateId); } catch (error) { runInAction(() => { this.states = originalStates; }); throw error; } }; /** * marks a state as default in a project * @param workspaceSlug * @param projectId * @param stateId */ markStateAsDefault = async (workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, stateId: string) => { const originalStates = this.states; try { runInAction(() => { this.states = { ...this.states, [stateId]: { ...this.states[stateId], default: true }, }; }); await this.stateService.markDefault(workspaceSlug, projectId, stateId); } catch (error) { runInAction(() => { this.states = originalStates; }); throw error; } }; /** * updates the sort order of a state and updates the state information using API, in case of failure reverts back to original state * @param workspaceSlug * @param projectId * @param stateId * @param direction * @param groupIndex */ moveStatePosition = async ( workspaceSlug: string, projectId: string, stateId: string, direction: "up" | "down", groupIndex: number ) => { const SEQUENCE_GAP = 15000; const originalStates = this.states; try { let newSequence = SEQUENCE_GAP; const states = this.projectStates || []; const selectedState = states?.find((state) => === stateId); const groupStates = states?.filter((state) => === selectedState?.group); const groupLength = groupStates.length; if (direction === "up") { if (groupIndex === 1) newSequence = groupStates[0].sequence - SEQUENCE_GAP; else newSequence = (groupStates[groupIndex - 2].sequence + groupStates[groupIndex - 1].sequence) / 2; } else { if (groupIndex === groupLength - 2) newSequence = groupStates[groupLength - 1].sequence + SEQUENCE_GAP; else newSequence = (groupStates[groupIndex + 2].sequence + groupStates[groupIndex + 1].sequence) / 2; } // updating using api runInAction(() => { this.states = { ...this.states, [stateId]: { ...this.states[stateId], sequence: newSequence }, }; }); await this.stateService.patchState(workspaceSlug, projectId, stateId, { sequence: newSequence }); } catch (err) { // reverting back to old state group if api fails runInAction(() => { this.states = originalStates; }); } }; }