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synced 2024-06-14 14:31:34 +00:00
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import { MutableRefObject, useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react";
import { combine } from "@atlaskit/pragmatic-drag-and-drop/combine";
import {
} from "@atlaskit/pragmatic-drag-and-drop/element/adapter";
import { pointerOutsideOfPreview } from "@atlaskit/pragmatic-drag-and-drop/element/pointer-outside-of-preview";
import { setCustomNativeDragPreview } from "@atlaskit/pragmatic-drag-and-drop/element/set-custom-native-drag-preview";
import { attachInstruction } from "@atlaskit/pragmatic-drag-and-drop-hitbox/tree-item";
import { observer } from "mobx-react";
import { createRoot } from "react-dom/client";
// types
import { IIssueLabel, InstructionType } from "@plane/types";
// ui
import { DropIndicator } from "@plane/ui";
// constants
import { LABEL_ADDED_G, LABEL_REMOVED_G } from "@/constants/event-tracker";
// hooks
import { useEventTracker } from "@/hooks/store";
// components
import { LabelName } from "./label-block/label-name";
import { TargetData, getCanDrop, getInstructionFromPayload } from "./label-utils";
type LabelDragPreviewProps = {
label: IIssueLabel;
isGroup: boolean;
export const LabelDragPreview = (props: LabelDragPreviewProps) => {
const { label, isGroup } = props;
return (
<div className="py-3 pl-2 pr-4 border-[1px] border-custom-border-200 bg-custom-background-100">
<LabelName name={label.name} color={label.color} isGroup={isGroup} />
type Props = {
label: IIssueLabel;
isGroup: boolean;
isChild: boolean;
isLastChild: boolean;
children: (
isDragging: boolean,
isDroppingInLabel: boolean,
dragHandleRef: MutableRefObject<HTMLButtonElement | null>
) => JSX.Element;
onDrop: (
draggingLabelId: string,
droppedParentId: string | null,
droppedLabelId: string | undefined,
dropAtEndOfList: boolean
) => void;
export const LabelDndHOC = observer((props: Props) => {
const { label, isGroup, isChild, isLastChild, children, onDrop } = props;
const [isDragging, setIsDragging] = useState(false);
const [instruction, setInstruction] = useState<InstructionType | undefined>(undefined);
// hooks
const { captureEvent } = useEventTracker();
// refs
const labelRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement | null>(null);
const dragHandleRef = useRef<HTMLButtonElement | null>(null);
const captureLabelDropEvent = (source: TargetData, destination: TargetData) => {
if (source?.parentId != destination.id) {
source?.parentId &&
captureEvent(LABEL_REMOVED_G, {
group_id: source?.parentId,
child_id: source?.id,
captureEvent(LABEL_ADDED_G, {
group_id: destination.id,
child_id: source?.id,
useEffect(() => {
const element = labelRef.current;
const dragHandleElement = dragHandleRef.current;
if (!element) return;
return combine(
dragHandle: dragHandleElement ?? undefined,
getInitialData: () => ({ id: label?.id, parentId: label?.parent, isGroup, isChild }),
onDragStart: () => {
onDrop: () => {
onGenerateDragPreview: ({ nativeSetDragImage }) => {
getOffset: pointerOutsideOfPreview({ x: "0px", y: "0px" }),
render: ({ container }) => {
const root = createRoot(container);
root.render(<LabelDragPreview label={label} isGroup={isGroup} />);
return () => root.unmount();
canDrop: ({ source }) => getCanDrop(source, label, isChild),
getData: ({ input, element }) => {
const data = { id: label?.id, parentId: label?.parent, isGroup, isChild };
const blockedStates: InstructionType[] = [];
// if is currently a child then block make-child instruction
if (isChild) blockedStates.push("make-child");
// if is currently is not a last child then block reorder-below instruction
if (!isLastChild) blockedStates.push("reorder-below");
return attachInstruction(data, {
currentLevel: isChild ? 1 : 0,
indentPerLevel: 0,
mode: isLastChild ? "last-in-group" : "standard",
block: blockedStates,
onDrag: ({ self, source, location }) => {
const instruction = getInstructionFromPayload(self, source, location);
onDragLeave: () => {
onDrop: ({ source, location }) => {
const dropTargets = location?.current?.dropTargets ?? [];
if (isChild || !dropTargets || dropTargets.length <= 0) return;
// if the label is dropped on both a child and it's parent at the same time then get only the child's drop target
const dropTarget =
dropTargets.length > 1 ? dropTargets.find((target) => target?.data?.isChild) : dropTargets[0];
let parentId: string | null = null,
dropAtEndOfList = false;
const dropTargetData = dropTarget?.data as TargetData;
if (!dropTarget || !dropTargetData) return;
// get possible instructions for the dropTarget
const instruction = getInstructionFromPayload(dropTarget, source, location);
// if instruction is make child the set parentId as current dropTarget Id or else set it as dropTarget's parentId
parentId = instruction === "make-child" ? dropTargetData.id : dropTargetData.parentId;
// if instruction is any other than make-child, i.e., reorder-above and reorder-below then set the droppedId as dropTarget's id
const droppedLabelId = instruction !== "make-child" ? dropTargetData.id : undefined;
// if instruction is to reorder-below that is enabled only for end of the last items in the list then dropAtEndOfList as true
if (instruction === "reorder-below") dropAtEndOfList = true;
const sourceData = source.data as TargetData;
if (sourceData.id) onDrop(sourceData.id as string, parentId, droppedLabelId, dropAtEndOfList);
captureLabelDropEvent(sourceData, dropTargetData);
}, [labelRef?.current, dragHandleRef?.current, label, isChild, isGroup, isLastChild, onDrop]);
const isMakeChild = instruction == "make-child";
return (
<div ref={labelRef}>
<DropIndicator classNames="my-1" isVisible={instruction === "reorder-above"} />
{children(isDragging, isMakeChild, dragHandleRef)}
{isLastChild && <DropIndicator classNames="my-1" isVisible={instruction === "reorder-below"} />}