mirror of https://github.com/makeplane/plane synced 2024-06-14 14:31:34 +00:00
Aaryan Khandelwal b1592adc66
[WEB-371]: Implemented react-day-picker for date selections ()
* dev: initialize new date picker

* style: selected date focus state

* chore: replace custom date filter modal components

* chore: replaced inbox snooze popover datepicker

* chore: replaced the custom date picker

* style: date range picker designed

* chore: date range picker implemented throughout the platform

* chore: updated tab indices

* chore: range-picker in the issue layouts

* chore: passed due date color

* chore: removed range picker from issue dates
2024-02-21 19:55:18 +05:30

196 lines
7.7 KiB

import { differenceInDays, format, formatDistanceToNow, isAfter, isEqual, isValid, parseISO } from "date-fns";
import { isNil } from "lodash";
// Format Date Helpers
* @returns {string | null} formatted date in the format of MMM dd, yyyy
* @description Returns date in the formatted format
* @param {Date | string} date
* @example renderFormattedDate("2024-01-01") // Jan 01, 2024
export const renderFormattedDate = (date: string | Date): string | null => {
if (!date) return null;
// Parse the date to check if it is valid
const parsedDate = new Date(date);
// Check if the parsed date is valid before formatting
if (!isValid(parsedDate)) return null; // Return null for invalid dates
// Format the date in format (MMM dd, yyyy)
const formattedDate = format(parsedDate, "MMM dd, yyyy");
return formattedDate;
* @returns {string} formatted date in the format of MMM dd
* @description Returns date in the formatted format
* @param {string | Date} date
* @example renderShortDateFormat("2024-01-01") // Jan 01
export const renderFormattedDateWithoutYear = (date: string | Date): string => {
if (!date) return "";
// Parse the date to check if it is valid
const parsedDate = new Date(date);
// Check if the parsed date is valid before formatting
if (!isValid(parsedDate)) return ""; // Return empty string for invalid dates
// Format the date in short format (MMM dd)
const formattedDate = format(parsedDate, "MMM dd");
return formattedDate;
* @returns {string | null} formatted date in the format of yyyy-mm-dd to be used in payload
* @description Returns date in the formatted format to be used in payload
* @param {Date | string} date
* @example renderFormattedPayloadDate("Jan 01, 20224") // "2024-01-01"
export const renderFormattedPayloadDate = (date: Date | string): string | null => {
if (!date) return null;
// Parse the date to check if it is valid
const parsedDate = new Date(date);
// Check if the parsed date is valid before formatting
if (!isValid(parsedDate)) return null; // Return null for invalid dates
// Format the date in payload format (yyyy-mm-dd)
const formattedDate = format(parsedDate, "yyyy-MM-dd");
return formattedDate;
// Format Time Helpers
* @returns {string} formatted date in the format of hh:mm a or HH:mm
* @description Returns date in 12 hour format if in12HourFormat is true else 24 hour format
* @param {string | Date} date
* @param {boolean} timeFormat (optional) // default 24 hour
* @example renderFormattedTime("2024-01-01 13:00:00") // 13:00
* @example renderFormattedTime("2024-01-01 13:00:00", "12-hour") // 01:00 PM
export const renderFormattedTime = (date: string | Date, timeFormat: "12-hour" | "24-hour" = "24-hour"): string => {
if (!date || date === "") return "";
// Parse the date to check if it is valid
const parsedDate = new Date(date);
// Check if the parsed date is valid
if (!isValid(parsedDate)) return ""; // Return empty string for invalid dates
// Format the date in 12 hour format if in12HourFormat is true
if (timeFormat === "12-hour") {
const formattedTime = format(parsedDate, "hh:mm a");
return formattedTime;
// Format the date in 24 hour format
const formattedTime = format(parsedDate, "HH:mm");
return formattedTime;
// Date Difference Helpers
* @returns {number} total number of days in range
* @description Returns total number of days in range
* @param {string} startDate
* @param {string} endDate
* @param {boolean} inclusive
* @example checkIfStringIsDate("2021-01-01", "2021-01-08") // 8
export const findTotalDaysInRange = (
startDate: Date | string | undefined | null,
endDate: Date | string | undefined | null,
inclusive: boolean = true
): number | undefined => {
if (!startDate || !endDate) return undefined;
// Parse the dates to check if they are valid
const parsedStartDate = new Date(startDate);
const parsedEndDate = new Date(endDate);
// Check if the parsed dates are valid before calculating the difference
if (!isValid(parsedStartDate) || !isValid(parsedEndDate)) return 0; // Return 0 for invalid dates
// Calculate the difference in days
const diffInDays = differenceInDays(parsedEndDate, parsedStartDate);
// Return the difference in days based on inclusive flag
return inclusive ? diffInDays + 1 : diffInDays;
* @returns {number} number of days left from today
* @description Returns number of days left from today
* @param {string | Date} date
* @param {boolean} inclusive (optional) // default true
* @example findHowManyDaysLeft("2024-01-01") // 3
export const findHowManyDaysLeft = (
date: Date | string | undefined | null,
inclusive: boolean = true
): number | undefined => {
if (!date) return undefined;
// Pass the date to findTotalDaysInRange function to find the total number of days in range from today
return findTotalDaysInRange(new Date(), date, inclusive);
// Time Difference Helpers
* @returns {string} formatted date in the form of amount of time passed since the event happened
* @description Returns time passed since the event happened
* @param {string | Date} time
* @example calculateTimeAgo("2023-01-01") // 1 year ago
export const calculateTimeAgo = (time: string | number | Date | null): string => {
if (!time) return "";
// Parse the time to check if it is valid
const parsedTime = typeof time === "string" || typeof time === "number" ? parseISO(String(time)) : time;
if (!parsedTime) return ""; // Return empty string for invalid dates
// Format the time in the form of amount of time passed since the event happened
const distance = formatDistanceToNow(parsedTime, { addSuffix: true });
return distance;
// Date Validation Helpers
* @returns {string} boolean value depending on whether the date is greater than today
* @description Returns boolean value depending on whether the date is greater than today
* @param {string} dateStr
* @example isDateGreaterThanToday("2024-01-01") // true
export const isDateGreaterThanToday = (dateStr: string): boolean => {
// Return false if dateStr is not present
if (!dateStr) return false;
// Parse the date to check if it is valid
const date = parseISO(dateStr);
const today = new Date();
// Check if the parsed date is valid
if (!isValid(date)) return false; // Return false for invalid dates
// Return true if the date is greater than today
return isAfter(date, today);
// Week Related Helpers
* @returns {number} week number of date
* @description Returns week number of date
* @param {Date} date
* @example getWeekNumber(new Date("2023-09-01")) // 35
export const getWeekNumberOfDate = (date: Date): number => {
const currentDate = new Date(date);
// Adjust the starting day to Sunday (0) instead of Monday (1)
const startDate = new Date(currentDate.getFullYear(), 0, 1);
// Calculate the number of days between currentDate and startDate
const days = Math.floor((currentDate.getTime() - startDate.getTime()) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
// Adjust the calculation for weekNumber
const weekNumber = Math.ceil((days + 1) / 7);
return weekNumber;
* @returns {boolean} boolean value depending on whether the dates are equal
* @description Returns boolean value depending on whether the dates are equal
* @param date1
* @param date2
* @example checkIfDatesAreEqual("2024-01-01", "2024-01-01") // true
* @example checkIfDatesAreEqual("2024-01-01", "2024-01-02") // false
export const checkIfDatesAreEqual = (
date1: Date | string | null | undefined,
date2: Date | string | null | undefined
): boolean => {
if (isNil(date1) && isNil(date2)) return true;
if (isNil(date1) || isNil(date2)) return false;
const parsedDate1 = new Date(date1);
const parsedDate2 = new Date(date2);
return isEqual(parsedDate1, parsedDate2);