Saheb Giri afb92ea850
feat: add global search through cmd k (#560)
* feat: cmdk integration

* feat: create view, cycle, project, module and workspace from command k

* feat: user can logout directly from command menu

* feat: user can visit sub page like various settings

* feat: change state of issue from command menu

* chore: add current issue state and minor UX improvements

* refactor: moved change issue state to new file

* feat: change issue priority from command k

* feat: delete issue from command k

* feat: copy issue url to clipboard

* fix: change placeholder when settings page is selected

* chore: remove logout option from cmd k

* feat: add help options to cmd k

* feat: assign issue to member from cmd k

* feat: now assign issue to yourself from cmd k

* chore: implement new cmd k design with icons

* feat: implemented global search feature in the cmd k

* feat: add keyboard acessibility to cmd k list items

* chore: remove console logs

* fix: pages icon in cmd list


Co-authored-by: Aaryan Khandelwal <>
2023-03-28 14:49:27 +05:30

63 lines
1.7 KiB

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