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synced 2024-06-14 14:31:34 +00:00
* chore: update module status icons and colors * refactor: import statements * fix: add default alue to module status
36 lines
2.0 KiB
36 lines
2.0 KiB
import React from "react";
type Props = {
width?: string;
height?: string;
className?: string;
color?: string;
export const ModuleCancelledIcon: React.FC<Props> = ({
width = "20",
height = "20",
}) => (
viewBox="0 0 16 16"
<g clip-path="url(#clip0_4052_100277)">
d="M8 8.84L10.58 11.42C10.7 11.54 10.84 11.6 11 11.6C11.16 11.6 11.3 11.54 11.42 11.42C11.54 11.3 11.6 11.16 11.6 11C11.6 10.84 11.54 10.7 11.42 10.58L8.84 8L11.42 5.42C11.54 5.3 11.6 5.16 11.6 5C11.6 4.84 11.54 4.7 11.42 4.58C11.3 4.46 11.16 4.4 11 4.4C10.84 4.4 10.7 4.46 10.58 4.58L8 7.16L5.42 4.58C5.3 4.46 5.16 4.4 5 4.4C4.84 4.4 4.7 4.46 4.58 4.58C4.46 4.7 4.4 4.84 4.4 5C4.4 5.16 4.46 5.3 4.58 5.42L7.16 8L4.58 10.58C4.46 10.7 4.4 10.84 4.4 11C4.4 11.16 4.46 11.3 4.58 11.42C4.7 11.54 4.84 11.6 5 11.6C5.16 11.6 5.3 11.54 5.42 11.42L8 8.84ZM8 16C6.90667 16 5.87333 15.79 4.9 15.37C3.92667 14.95 3.07667 14.3767 2.35 13.65C1.62333 12.9233 1.05 12.0733 0.63 11.1C0.21 10.1267 0 9.09333 0 8C0 6.89333 0.21 5.85333 0.63 4.88C1.05 3.90667 1.62333 3.06 2.35 2.34C3.07667 1.62 3.92667 1.05 4.9 0.63C5.87333 0.21 6.90667 0 8 0C9.10667 0 10.1467 0.21 11.12 0.63C12.0933 1.05 12.94 1.62 13.66 2.34C14.38 3.06 14.95 3.90667 15.37 4.88C15.79 5.85333 16 6.89333 16 8C16 9.09333 15.79 10.1267 15.37 11.1C14.95 12.0733 14.38 12.9233 13.66 13.65C12.94 14.3767 12.0933 14.95 11.12 15.37C10.1467 15.79 9.10667 16 8 16ZM8 14.8C9.89333 14.8 11.5 14.1367 12.82 12.81C14.14 11.4833 14.8 9.88 14.8 8C14.8 6.10667 14.14 4.5 12.82 3.18C11.5 1.86 9.89333 1.2 8 1.2C6.12 1.2 4.51667 1.86 3.19 3.18C1.86333 4.5 1.2 6.10667 1.2 8C1.2 9.88 1.86333 11.4833 3.19 12.81C4.51667 14.1367 6.12 14.8 8 14.8Z"
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<rect width="16" height="16" fill="white" />