| [polling?](./puppeteer.framewaitforfunctionoptions.polling.md) | | 'raf' \| 'mutation' \| number | <p><i>(Optional)</i> An interval at which the <code>pageFunction</code> is executed, defaults to <code>raf</code>. If <code>polling</code> is a number, then it is treated as an interval in milliseconds at which the function would be executed. If <code>polling</code> is a string, then it can be one of the following values:</p><p>- <code>raf</code> - to constantly execute <code>pageFunction</code> in <code>requestAnimationFrame</code> callback. This is the tightest polling mode which is suitable to observe styling changes.</p><p>- <code>mutation</code> - to execute <code>pageFunction</code> on every DOM mutation.</p> | |
| [timeout?](./puppeteer.framewaitforfunctionoptions.timeout.md) | | number | <i>(Optional)</i> Maximum time to wait in milliseconds. Defaults to <code>30000</code> (30 seconds). Pass <code>0</code> to disable the timeout. Puppeteer's default timeout can be changed using [Page.setDefaultTimeout()](./puppeteer.page.setdefaulttimeout.md). | |