
136 lines
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Raw Normal View History

* Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const Message = require('../Message');
const PUPPETEER_VERSION = require('../../../package.json').version;
module.exports = function(sources) {
let messages = [];
let commands = [];
for (let source of sources) {
const text = source.text();
const commandStartRegex = /<!--\s*gen:([a-z]+)(?:\s*\(\s*([^)]*)\s*\))?\s*-->/ig;
const commandEndRegex = /<!--\s*gen:stop\s*-->/ig;
let start;
while (start = commandStartRegex.exec(text)) { // eslint-disable-line no-cond-assign
commandEndRegex.lastIndex = commandStartRegex.lastIndex;
const end = commandEndRegex.exec(text);
if (!end) {
messages.push(Message.error(`Failed to find 'gen:stop' for comamnd ${start[0]}`));
const name = start[1];
const arg = start[2];
const from = commandStartRegex.lastIndex;
const to = end.index;
commandStartRegex.lastIndex = commandEndRegex.lastIndex;
commands.push({name, arg, from, to, source});
commands = validateCommands(commands, messages);
// Extract copied text.
let copyIds = new Map();
for (let command of commands) {
if (command.name !== 'copy')
const copyText = command.source.text().substring(command.from, command.to);
copyIds.set(command.arg, copyText);
let changedSources = new Set();
// Iterate commands in reverse order so that edits don't conflict.
commands.sort((a, b) => b.from - a.from);
for (let command of commands) {
let newText = command.source.text();
if (command.name === 'version') {
newText = replaceInText(newText, command.from, command.to, PUPPETEER_VERSION);
} else if (command.name === 'paste') {
let copyText = copyIds.get(command.arg);
copyText = `\n<!-- Text below is automatically copied from "gen:copy(${command.arg})" -->` + copyText;
newText = replaceInText(newText, command.from, command.to, copyText);
if (command.source.setText(newText))
for (source of changedSources)
messages.push(Message.warning(`GEN: updated ${source.projectPath()}`));
return messages;
* @param {!Array<!Object>} commands
* @param {!Array<!Message>} outMessages
* @return {!Array<!Object>}
function validateCommands(commands, outMessages) {
// Filter sane commands
let goodCommands = commands.filter(command => {
if (command.name === 'version')
return check(command, !command.arg, `"gen:version" should not have argument`);
if (command.name === 'copy')
return check(command, command.arg, `"gen:copy" should have argument - copyId`);
if (command.name === 'paste')
return check(command, command.arg, `"gen:paste" should have argument - name of the register to paste from`);
check(command, false, `Unknown command: "gen:${command.name}"`);
// Make sure copy commands don't clash ids.
let copyIds = new Map();
goodCommands = goodCommands.filter(command => {
if (command.name !== 'copy')
return true;
const duplicateCopy = copyIds.get(command.arg);
const duplicatePath = duplicateCopy ? duplicateCopy.source.projectPath() : '';
if (check(command, !duplicateCopy, `"gen:copy" tries to re-define copy id "${command.arg}" - previously defined in ${duplicatePath}`)) {
copyIds.set(command.arg, command);
return true;
return false;
// Make sure paste commands refer to proper ids, and every copyId is used at least
// once.
let unusedCopyIds = new Set(copyIds.keys());
goodCommands = goodCommands.filter(command => {
if (command.name !== 'paste')
return true;
if (check(command, copyIds.has(command.arg), `"gen:paste" refers to unknown copy id "${command.arg}"`))
return true;
return false;
for (let copyId of unusedCopyIds) {
let command = copyIds.get(copyId);
check(command, false, `"gen:copy" defines unused copy id "${copyId}"`);
return goodCommands;
function check(command, condition, message) {
if (condition)
return true;
outMessages.push(Message.error(`${command.source.projectPath()}: ${message}`));
return false;
function replaceInText(text, from, to, newText) {
return text.substring(0, from) + newText + text.substring(to);