This patch adds `reportAnonymousScripts` option to the `coverage.startJSCoverage` method. With this option, anonymous scripts are reported as well.
EmualationManager used to be injecting touch hooks to properly
support touch emulation.
However, these are no longer necessary, since
is long fixed.
Originally, we use `Element.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded` to make sure
button is on screen before trying to click it.
However, `Element.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded` doesn't work in certain
scenarios, e.g. when element is partially visible and horizontal
scrolling is required to make it fully visible.
This patch polyfills `element.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded` using
IntersectionObserver and `Element.scrollIntoView`.
This patch:
- stops appending `undefined` to our protocol messages unnecessarily.
- rewrites `Cannot find execution context id` to `Execution context was destroyed, most likely because of a navigation.` when it occurs from a Puppeteer ExecutionContext. The error message is left alone if it occurs via a CDPSession.
This patch eliminates a common race condition with WaitTask, that
happens when predicate function gets resolved right before the execution
context gets destroyed.
This situation results in a "Cannot find context with specified id undefined"
Credits go to @jakub300 for his wonderful [investigation](
`Data.prototype.toString` may return non-ASCII characters, which aren't accepted by `setHeader`.
E.g., on Russian locale, it might look like this:
> new Date().toString()
'Thu Jun 14 2018 13:11:50 GMT+0300 (Финляндия (лето))'
This patch:
- adds `worker.evaluate` and `worker.evaluateHandle` methods as a shortcut to their execution context equivalents.
- makes the error messages a bit nicer when interacting with a closed worker (as opposed to a closed page).
- moves the worker tests into their own spec file.
This patch disables OOPIF by default.
**NOTE**: this is a temporary bandaid for the time we're crafting
the full-fledged support for site isolation over DevTools protocol.
References #2548.
It's impossible to launch chromium without initial page.
This patch makes sure that `puppeteer.launch()` always returns a browser
with at least one page user can connect to.
Since Node 10, `console.assert` no longer throws an AssertionError.
(This is generally good since it aligns Node.js with Browsers.)
This patch migrates all usages of `console.assert` in our codebase.
- All the `lib/` and testing code is migrated onto a handmade `assert`
function. This is to make Puppeteer transpilation / bundling easier.
- All the tooling is switched to use Node's `assert` module.
Some of the worker tests were failing on the bots. After investigating, I found one race in the test, and one race upstream in Chromium which I filed upstream as But I added a small hack here as a temporary workaround.
References #2632
This patch allows logging the output of the Chromium process to be enabled in tests by passing in the environment variable `DUMPIO=true`.
Additionally, the `stderr` of the Chromium process will always be logged in the the "Output" section of failing page tests.
Scrollbars look different on different platforms, so must be made invisible in tests. As a drive-by, xdescribe was broken with the new test runner.
References #2524
This adds `page.workers()`, and two events `workercreated` and `workerdestroyed`. It also forwards logs from a worker into the page `console` event.
Only dedicated workers are supported for now, ServiceWorkers will probably work differently because they aren't necessarily associated with a single page.
This patch introduces Browser Contexts and methods to manage them:
- `browser.createIncognitoBrowserContext()` - to create new incognito
- `browser.browserContext()` - to get all existing contexts
- `browserContext.dispose()` - to dispose incognito context.
Today, `page.close()` method doesn't run page's beforeunload listeners.
This way users can be sure that `page.close()` actually closes the
This patch adds an optional `runBeforeUnload` option to the
`page.close()` method that would run beforeunload listeners. Note:
running beforeunload handlers might cancel page closing.
This patch teaches Page.waitForNavigation to correctly handle navigation
to pages that have frames that might never load.
These frames include:
- frames which main resource loading was aborted due to mixed-content
- frames that artificially called `window.stop()` to interrupt loading
This patch fixes puppeteer navigation primitives to work with
same-document navigation.
Same-document navigation happens when document's URL is changed,
but document instance is not re-created. Some common scenarios
for same-document navigation are:
- History API
- anchor navigation
With this patch:
- pptr starts dispatching `framenavigated` event when frame's URL gets
changed due to same-document navigation
- `page.waitForNavigation` now works with same-document navigation
- `page.goBack()` and `page.goForward()` are handled correctly.
Today, we have tests split into multiple files, with files pulling
tests from some other files.
This patch starts explicitly gathering all tests from the same
`test.js` file.
Drive-By: move one test from `browser.spec.js` into `puppeteer.spec.js`
since it starts browser itself.
This roll includes:
- - DevTools: make pptr tests pass with DCHECKs.
The patch fixes a browser crash that happens during browser close.
As a result, cookies were not saved properly (and thus the flaky test we
This roll includes:
- - v8 roll that includes [fixed
Runtime.callFunctionOn](1637818671) method
The upstream fix makes it possible to run frame.waitFor* functions on
pages with strict CSP.
References #1229.
This patch introduces a new `pipe` option to the launcher to connect over a pipe.
In certain environments, exposing web socket for remote debugging is a security risk.
Pipe connection eliminates this risk.
This patch adds support for `timeout: 0` to disable timeout for the following functions:
- `page.waitForFunction`
- `page.waitForXPath`
- `page.waitForSelector`
and their `frame` counterparts.