By adding support for an environment variable `PUPPETEER_DOWNLOAD_PATH` it is possible to support downloading the browser binaries into a folder outside the `node_modules` folder. This makes it possible to preserve previously downloaded binaries in order to skip downloading them again.
This commit also removes our own custom type for defining the vision
deficiencies and uses the protocol's type. Now we generate docs for
those we get the docs generated for free for these. This is better than
us duplicating values for types in doc comments and having them become
outdated. If we use the protocol types directly then we ensure we're up
to date and in-sync.
Long term the docs will also link to the devtools-protocol viewer.
This corresponds to Chromium 85.0.4182.0.
This roll includes:
- Enable SameSiteByDefaultCookies and CookiesWithoutSameSiteMustBeSecure
- [FlexNG] Enable FlexNG by default
The Node debug library uses the `DEBUG` environment variable to
configure what gets logged. Our browser version just logs everything;
this commit changes it to look for `window.__PUPPETEER_DEBUG` and matches the behaviour accordingly:
* If the value is not set, nothing is logged.
* If the value is set to `*` everything is logged.
* If the value is set to a string `foo`, messages with that prefix are
* If the value is set to a string ending in `*`, e.g. `foo*`, messages
with prefixes that start with `foo` are logged.
Also took the opportunity to pull out the PDF types into their own file
to clear up `Page.ts` slightly and give the PDF code a more natural
place to live.
* chore: vendor Mitt into src/common/third-party
As discussed in #6203 we need to vendor our common dependencies in so
that when we ship an ESM build all imports point to file paths and do
not rely on Node resolution (e.g. a browser does not understand `import
mitt from 'mitt'`).
* chore: enforce file extensions on imports
To make our output agnostic it should include file extensions in the
output, as per the ESM spec. It's a bit odd for Node packages but makes
it easier to publish a browser build.
* feat(chromium): roll Chromium to r768783
* fix: update unit test for crrev:2135046
* chore: update devtools-protocol revision
Co-authored-by: Changhao Han <>
* chore: Use devtools-protocol package
Rather than maintain our own protocol we can instead use the devtools-protocol package and pin it to the version of Chromium that Puppeteer is shipping with.
The only changes are naming changes between the bespoke protocol that Puppeteer created and the devtools-protocol one.
Now the async hooks helper is gone api.ts was only used by the coverage
tools and by doclint.
DocLint is nearing the end of its lifespan with the TSDoc work, so I
focused on how best to define a list of modules for the coverage
tooling. They define an object of classes, and the path to that module.
They need the full path because we also check if the module exports any
events that need to be emitted - the coverage tool asserts that the
emitting of those events is also tested.
It's not _great_ that DocLint relies on a constant defined in the
coverage utils, but it should only be this way for a short period of
time and no one is actively working on DocLint (bar the effort to remove
it) so I don't think this is worth worrying about.
This change also broke the DocLint tests; based on the fact that DocLint is on its way out it doesn't feel worth fixing the tests, so this commit also removes them.
* chore: remove `installAsyncStackHooks` helper
This code was written when browsers/Node didn't support errors in async
functions very well. They now do a much better job of this, so we can
lose the additonal complexity from our codebase and leave it to the host
environment :)
* lazy launcher is private
* remove async stack test
This file is now deprecated and only used by the coverage tool and
DocLint - these tools will be updated to not rely on it in the future.
We now have events defined per class - e.g. all the events that `Page`
can emit are defined in the `PageEmittedEvents` enum, and similar. We
have to keep `Events.ts` around for the aforementioned tools, but don't
want its usage creeping back into our source code.
On a getter function you don't use `@returns` (as that's just for
methods). Instead we can just add to the general remarks to explain what
the property is providing.
This is part of the effort to remove `Events.ts` in favour of defining
events next to the class that emits them. In this case these events are
internal, so there's no docs changes, but it's still worth doing such
that we can remove the Events.ts file in the long term once all the
different events are migrated.
I noticed that DOMWorld was spitting a lot of warnings out when we
generated the docs. It was mostly easy tidy-ups and removing old JSDoc
comments and now the warnings are gone :)
* chore(docs): migrate & document all Page events
Rather than a generic `Events.ts` file we can instead document events as
an enum within each individual class. It's easier to document and work
with, and it's clearer where events originate from.
Previously Node.js was detected by the lack of `global.document` which doesn’t work in case JSDOM is being used in Node.js. Instead, we now detect `process.versions.node`, like here: 426943ae93 (diff-168726dbe96b3ce427e7fedce31bb0bc).
* chore(docs): reduce warnings when generating docs
This is a bunch of small miscellaneous fixes that reduce the amount of
warnings logged when generating our new docs. The long term goal is to
get this list down to 0 warnings, but I'll do it in multiple PRs.
* satisfy doclint
This pulls in the types (based on the DefinitelyTyped repo) for
`page.$eval` (and the `$eval` method on other classes). The `$eval`
method is quite hard to type due to the way we wrap and unwrap
ElementHandles that are passed to / returned from the `pageFunction`
that users provide.
Longer term we can improve the types by providing type overloads as
DefinitelyTyped does but I've deferred that for now (see the `TODO` in
the code for more details).
This change started as a small change to pull types from DefinitelyTyped over to
Puppeteer for the `evaluateHandle` function but instead ended up also fixing
what looks to be a long standing issue with our existing documentation.
`evaluateHandle` can in fact return an `ElementHandle` rather than a `JSHandle`.
Note that `ElementHandle` extends `JSHandle` so whilst the docs are technically
correct (all ElementHandles are JSHandles) it's confusing because JSHandles
don't have methods like `click` on them, but ElementHandles do.
if you return something that is an HTML element:
const button = page.evaluateHandle(() => document.querySelector('button'));
// this is an ElementHandle, not a JSHandle
Therefore I've updated the original docs and added a large explanation to the
TSDoc for `page.evaluateHandle`.
In TypeScript land we'll assume the function will return a `JSHandle` but you
can tell TS otherwise via the generic argument, which can only be `JSHandle`
(the default) or `ElementHandle`:
const button = page.evaluateHandle<ElementHandle>(() => document.querySelector('button'));
* chore: Don't store revisions in `package.json`
It's quite messy to have to require the `package.json` file in multiple
places purely to find out what revision of a given browser we want to
use. We can also achieve better type safety by placing it in an actual
source file.
This commit makes that change and also tidies up our reliance on
`package.json` within the source code generally; we now only use it to
find the location of the Puppeteer root such that we know where to
install downloaded browsers to.
To avoid using `package.json` to parse the name of the module, we also
now explicitly have an entry point for the Puppeteer module and the
Puppeter Core module. This will make it easier in the future to ship
less code as part of core (e.g. core never needs to download a browser,
so why ship that code?). Core can also then not have any revisions based
info contained in it.
The test install script has also been updated to ensure that
puppeteer-core can be installed correctly too.
Finally, the `install` script has been moved to TypeScript for nicer
typechecking and safety. The functionality of it has not changed.
* chore(agnostic): ship CJS and ESM builds
For our work to enable Puppeteer in other environments (e.g. a browser)
we need to ship an ESM build. This commit changes our config to ship to
`lib/cjs` and `lib/esm` accordingly. The majority of our code stays the
same, with one small fix for the CJS build to ensure that we ship a
version that lets you `require('puppeteer')` rather than have to
`require('puppeteer').default`. We do this with the `cjs-entry.js` which
is what the `main` field in our `package.json` points to.
We also swap to `read-pkg-up` to find the `package.json` file. This is
because the folder structure of `lib/` does not match `src/` now we ship
to `cjs` and `esm`, so you cannot rely on exact paths. This module works
up from the file to find the nearest `package.json` so it will always
find Puppeteer's `package.json`.
Note that we *do not* point any users to the ESM build. We happen to
ship those files so people who know about them can get at them but it's
not expected (nor will we actively support) that people will rely on
them. The CommonJS build is considered our main build.
We may make breaking changes to the structure of the ESM build which we
will do without requiring new major versions. For example the ESM build
currently ships all files that the CJS build does, but given we are
working on the ESM build being able to run in the browser this may
change over time.
Long term once the Node versions catch up we can ditch CJS and ship
exclusively ESM but we are not there yet.
* feat(types): improve typing of `.evaluate()`
This is the start of the work to take the types from the
`@types/puppeteer` repository and port them into our repo so we can ship
our built-in types out the box.
This change types the `evaluate` function properly. It takes a generic
type which is the type of the function you're passing, and the arguments
and the return that you get back from the `evaluate` call are typed
DOMWorld only needs to use Node's `fs` module if you're adding a
filepath as a script/style tag. We can detect this case and run the
`require` inline such that in a browser this code won't execute.
* Adds tsdoc to Mouse class
* Updates puppeteer class tsdoc
* docs(new): add TSDoc comments to BrowserFetcher (#6078)
* Adds tsdoc for Touchscreen (#6087)
Co-authored-by: martinsplitt <>
* Adds tsdoc to Mouse class
* Fixes tsdoc comment for Mouse class
Co-authored-by: martinsplitt <>
This CL migrates all the tests to TypeScript. The main benefits of this is that we start consuming our TypeScript definitions and therefore find errors in them. The act of migrating found some bugs in our definitions and now we can be sure to avoid them going forwards.
You'll notice the addition of some `TODO`s in the code; I didn't want this CL to get any bigger than it already is but I intend to follow those up once this lands. It's mostly figuring out how to extend the `expect` types with our `toBeGolden` helpers and some other slight confusions with types that the tests exposed.
Co-authored-by: Mathias Bynens <>
It was causing some infra issues when trying to migrate tests to
TypeScript (that's WIP in another branch that I'll have up soon). It's
unusual to have the entire src in TS except for the main file, which
then reaches into the compiled `lib` directory for the files it needs.
Much better is to move the entry point into TypeScript itself and update
the `main` entry in our `package.json` to point to the compiled output.
This also has the advantange of hooking up all the TS type defs that we
are shipping and will make that process easier too, along with making it
easier to port our tests to TypeScript.
These files will be used by both the web and node versions of Puppeteer.
Another name for this might be "core" but I don't want to cause
confusion with the puppeteer-core package that we publish at the moment.
This is another step towards making Puppeteer agnostic of environment
and being able to run in Node or a browser.
The files in the `node` directory are ones that would only be needed in
the Node build - e.g. the code that downloads and launches a local
browser instance.
The long term vision here is to have three folders:
* node - Node only code
* web - Web only code
* common - code that is shared
But rather than do that in one PR I'm going to split it up to make it
easier to review and deal with.
The TypeScript definition erroneously made `options` required. We can
fix it by providing a default value, which means users calling the
function will be able to leave it blank without TS complaining.
Issues like this are a +1 to porting our tests to TypeScript in order to
catch these on our own test suite, so that's something we should look into.
* chore: create new Debug module
This debug module can be used in either Node or the browser. We'll use
the `debug` module in Node land, but fallback to a simple `console.log`
solution when in the browser in an attempt to keep our browser bundle
size down.
* Use our debug wrapper rather than Node's `debug`.
A lot of the helpers in `helpers.ts` are heavily bound to NodeJS and at
the moment we're trying to make the `Connection` class be able to run in
multiple environments. Its only remaining Node dependency was its
reliance on `helpers.ts`, which it only needed for `assert`.
This is a useful change also because `helpers.ts` is quite large and
full of functions that do different things; I think we can name them
better and move them into modules with a specific purpose rather than a
generic `"helpers"` dumping ground.
Once this change lands `Connection` should be usable in the browser.
Fix child process killing when the parent process SIGINTs.
If you `ctrl + c` the Puppeteer parent process, we would sometimes not properly handle killing of the child processes. This would then leave child processes behind, with running Chromium instances. This in turn could block Puppeteer from launching again and results in
cryptic errors.
Instead of using the generic `process.kill` with the process id (which for some reason is negative the pid, which I don't get), we can kill the child process directly by calling `proc.kill`.
This PR splits the logging for send and receive messages in to separate debug channels.
This way it is easier to filter and takes advantage of debug's automated coloring to make
it easier to visually parse on the command line
* chore: remove "Extracting..." log message
* test: support extra Launcher options and skips
The extra Launcher options and skipping conditions enable
unit tests to be run more easily by third-parties, e.g.
browser vendors that are interested in Puppeteer support.
Extra Launcher options were previously removed as part of
switching away from the custom test harness.
* test: enable more tests for Firefox
* chore: move `index.js` into `src`
This is the first part of a series of pull requests that will slowly
make it possible to initialise Puppeteer for either a Node environment
or a web one. By creating the `initialisePuppeteer` function we can
inject dependencies in for the given version of Puppeteer (e.g. inject a
different debug library for Node vs the web).
This PR moves the initialisation into `src` and calls into it from the
root `index.js`.
This PR starts exploring the Page class and how to best document it. It explores how best to document events in the system, and I think pulling them out into an `enum` is the best solution here. It lets us end up with a page of docs that explicitly lists all the events the page class can ever emit.
Just one was used externally and I wrapped that up in a method. I think
it's a useful method to provide (I can imagine wanting to know if JS is
enabled on a page) so I think there's no harm here (I'd rather that then
have JSHandle reach into a private variable).
Replacing the Node EventEmitter with Mitt caused more problems than
anticipated for end users due to the API differences and the amount of
people who relied on the EventEmitter API. In hindsight this clearly
should have been explored more and then released as a breaking v4.
This commit rolls us back to the built in Node EventEmitter library
which we can release to get everyone back on stable builds. We can then
consider our approach to migrating to Mitt and when we do do that we can
release it as a breaking change and properly document the migration
strategy and approach.
* chore: migrate to Mitt as the EventEmitter
This commit moves us to using Mitt [1] for the event emitter in
Puppeteer. This removes our dependency to Node's EventEmitter which is
part of a larger stream of work to enable a Puppeteer-web version that
doesn't depend on Node.
There are no large breaking changes as we support the main methods that
EventEmitter had, but it also provides some methods that Puppeteer
didn't use. Technically end users could depend on this but it's
It conflicts with an inbuilt TypeScript `Request` type so can cause
confusion when in TS land. Note: `Response.ts` and `Worker.ts` also
suffer from this; PRs to rename them are incoming.
* Don't use expect within Promises (#5466)
If a call to expect fails within a Promise it will not
be resolved, and causing the test to crash.
The patch aligns the code similar to what is used by all
the other tests.