# Puppeteer API ##### Table of Contents - [class: Browser](#class-browser) * [new Browser([options])](#new-browseroptions) * [browser.close()](#browserclose) * [browser.closePage()](#browserclosepage) * [browser.newPage()](#browsernewpage) * [browser.version()](#browserversion) - [class: Page](#class-page) * [page.addScriptTag(url)](#pageaddscripttagurl) * [page.close()](#pageclose) * [page.evaluate(fun, args)](#pageevaluatefun-args) * [page.evaluateOnInitialized(fun, args)](#pageevaluateoninitializedfun-args) * [page.httpHeaders()](#pagehttpheaders) * [page.frames()](#pageframes) * [page.injectFile(filePath)](#pageinjectfilefilepath) * [page.mainFrame()](#pagemainframe) * [page.navigate(url)](#pagenavigateurl) * [page.plainText()](#pageplaintext) * [page.printToPDF(filePath[, options])](#pageprinttopdffilepath-options) * [page.screenshot([options])](#pagescreenshotoptions) * [page.setContent(html)](#pagesetcontenthtml) * [page.setHTTPHeaders(headers)](#pagesethttpheadersheaders) * [page.setInPageCallback(name, callback)](#pagesetinpagecallbackname-callback) * [page.setRequestInterceptor()](#pagesetrequestinterceptor) * [page.setUserAgent(userAgent)](#pagesetuseragentuseragent) * [page.setViewportSize(size)](#pagesetviewportsizesize) * [page.title()](#pagetitle) * [page.url()](#pageurl) * [page.userAgent()](#pageuseragent) * [page.viewportSize()](#pageviewportsize) - [class: Dialog](#class-dialog) * [dialog.accept()](#dialogaccept) * [dialog.dismiss()](#dialogdismiss) * [dialog.message()](#dialogmessage) - [class: Frame](#class-frame) * [frame.childFrames()](#framechildframes) * [frame.evaluate(fun, args)](#frameevaluatefun-args) * [frame.isDetached()](#frameisdetached) * [frame.isMainFrame()](#frameismainframe) * [frame.name()](#framename) * [frame.parentFrame()](#frameparentframe) * [frame.securityOrigin()](#framesecurityorigin) * [frame.url()](#frameurl) - [class: Request](#class-request) * [new Request()](#new-request) * [request.abort()](#requestabort) * [request.continue()](#requestcontinue) * [request.handled()](#requesthandled) * [request.headers()](#requestheaders) * [request.method()](#requestmethod) * [request.method()](#requestmethod-1) * [request.postData()](#requestpostdata) * [request.setHeader()](#requestsetheader) * [request.setMethod()](#requestsetmethod) * [request.setPostData()](#requestsetpostdata) * [request.setUrl()](#requestseturl) * [request.url()](#requesturl) ### class: Browser Browser manages a browser instance, creating it with a predefined settings, opening and closing pages. Instantiating Browser class does not necessarily result in launching browser; the instance will be launched when the need will arise. #### new Browser([options]) - `options` <[Object]> Set of configurable options to set on the browser. Can have the following fields: - `headless` <[boolean]> Wether to run chromium in headless mode. Defaults to `true`. - `remoteDebuggingPort` <[number]> Specify a remote debugging port to open on chromium instance. Defaults to `9229`. - `executablePath` <[string]> Path to a chromium executable to run instead of bundled chromium. - `args` <[Array]<[string]>> Additional arguments to pass to the chromium instance. List of chromium flags could be found [here](http://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/). #### browser.close() Closes chromium application with all the pages (if any were opened). The browser object itself is considered to be disposed and could not be used anymore. #### browser.closePage() - returns: <[Promise]> #### browser.newPage() - returns: <[Promise]<[Page]>> Create a new page in browser and returns a promise which gets resolved with a Page object. #### browser.version() - returns: <[Promise]<[string]>> ### class: Page Page provides interface to interact with a tab in a browser. Pages are created by browser: ```javascript var browser = new Browser(); browser.newPage().then(page => { ... }); ``` Pages could be closed by `page.close()` method. #### page.addScriptTag(url) - `url` <[string]> Url of a script to be added - returns: <[Promise]> Promise which resolves as the script gets added and loads. #### page.close() - returns: <[Promise]> Returns promise which resolves when page gets closed. #### page.evaluate(fun, args) - `fun` <[function]> Function to be evaluated in browser context - `args` <[Array]<[string]>> Arguments to pass to `fun` - returns: <[Promise]<[Object]>> Promise which resolves to function return value #### page.evaluateOnInitialized(fun, args) - `fun` <[function]> Function to be evaluated in browser context - `args` <[Array]<[string]>> Arguments to pass to `fun` - returns: <[Promise]<[Object]>> Promise which resolves to function #### page.httpHeaders() - returns: <[Object]> Key-value set of additional http headers, which will be sent with every request. #### page.frames() #### page.injectFile(filePath) - `url` <[string]> Path to the javascript file to be injected into page. - returns: <[Promise]> Promise which resolves when file gets successfully evaluated in page. #### page.mainFrame() #### page.navigate(url) - `url` <[string]> URL to navigate page to - returns: <[Promise]<[boolean]>> Promise which resolves when the page is navigated. The promise resolves to: - `true` if the navigation succeeds and page's `load` event is fired. - `false` if the navigation fails due to bad URL or SSL errors. #### page.plainText() - returns: <[Promise]<[string]>> Returns page's inner text. #### page.printToPDF(filePath[, options]) - `filePath` <[string]> The file path to save the image to. The screenshot type will be inferred from file extension - `options` <[Object]> Options object which might have the following properties: - `scale` <[number]> - `displayHeaderFooter` <[boolean]> - `printBackground` <[boolean]> - `landscape` <[boolean]> - `pageRanges` <[string]> - `format` <[string]> - `width` <[number]> - `height` <[number]> - returns: <[Promise]> Promise which resolves when the PDF is saved. #### page.screenshot([options]) - `options` <[Object]> Options object which might have the following properties: - `path` <[string]> The file path to save the image to. The screenshot type will be inferred from file extension. - `type` <[string]> Specify screenshot type, could be either `jpeg` or `png`. - `quality` <[number]> The quality of the image, between 0-100. Not applicable to `.jpg` images. - `fullPage` <[boolean]> When true, takes a screenshot of the full scrollable page. - `clip` <[Object]> An object which specifies clipping region of the page. Should have the following fields: - `x` <[number]> x-coordinate of top-left corner of clip area - `y` <[number]> y-coordinate of top-left corner of clip area - `width` <[number]> width of clipping area - `height` <[number]> height of clipping area - returns: <[Promise]<[Buffer]>> Promise which resolves to buffer with captured screenshot #### page.setContent(html) - `html` <[string]> HTML markup to assign to the page. - returns: <[Promise]> Promise which resolves when the content is successfully assigned. #### page.setHTTPHeaders(headers) - `headers` <[Object]> Key-value set of additional http headers to be sent with every request. - returns: <[Promise]> Promise which resolves when additional headers are installed #### page.setInPageCallback(name, callback) - `url` <[string]> Name of the callback to be assigned on window object - `callback` <[function]> Callback function which will be called in node.js - returns: <[Promise]> Promise which resolves when callback is successfully initialized #### page.setRequestInterceptor() #### page.setUserAgent(userAgent) - `userAgent` <[string]> Specific user agent to use in this page - returns: <[Promise]> Promise which resolves when the user agent is set. #### page.setViewportSize(size) - `size` <[Object]> An object with two fields: - `width` <[number]> Specify page's width in pixels. - `height` <[number]> Specify page's height in pixels. - returns: <[Promise]> Promise which resolves when the dimensions are updated. #### page.title() - returns: <[Promise]<[string]>> Returns page's title. #### page.url() - returns: <[Promise]<[string]>> Promise which resolves with the current page url. #### page.userAgent() - returns: <[string]> Returns user agent. #### page.viewportSize() - returns: <[Object]> An object with two fields: - `width` <[number]> Page's width in pixels. - `height` <[number]> Page's height in pixels. ### class: Dialog #### dialog.accept() #### dialog.dismiss() #### dialog.message() ### class: Frame #### frame.childFrames() #### frame.evaluate(fun, args) - `fun` <[function]> Function to be evaluated in browser context - `args` <[Array]<[string]>> Arguments to pass to `fun` - returns: <[Promise]<[Object]>> Promise which resolves to function return value #### frame.isDetached() #### frame.isMainFrame() #### frame.name() #### frame.parentFrame() #### frame.securityOrigin() #### frame.url() ### class: Request #### new Request() #### request.abort() #### request.continue() #### request.handled() #### request.headers() #### request.method() #### request.method() #### request.postData() #### request.setHeader() #### request.setMethod() #### request.setPostData() #### request.setUrl() #### request.url() [Array]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array "Array" [boolean]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Data_structures#Boolean_type "Boolean" [Buffer]: https://nodejs.org/api/buffer.html#buffer_class_buffer "Buffer" [function]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Function "Function" [number]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Data_structures#Number_type "Number" [Object]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object "Object" [Page]: https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer/blob/master/docs/api.md#class-page "Page" [Promise]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise "Promise" [string]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Data_structures#String_type "String"