/** * Copyright 2022 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import crypto from 'crypto'; import {mkdtemp, rm, writeFile} from 'fs/promises'; import {tmpdir} from 'os'; import {join} from 'path'; import { PUPPETEER_CORE_PACKAGE_PATH, PUPPETEER_PACKAGE_PATH, PUPPETEER_BROWSERS_PACKAGE_PATH, } from './constants.js'; import {execFile} from './util.js'; const PKG_MANAGER = process.env['PKG_MANAGER'] || 'npm'; let ADD_PKG_SUBCOMMAND = 'install'; if (PKG_MANAGER !== 'npm') { ADD_PKG_SUBCOMMAND = 'add'; } export interface ItEvaluatesOptions { commonjs?: boolean; } export interface ItEvaluatesFn { ( title: string, options: ItEvaluatesOptions, getScriptContent: (cwd: string) => Promise ): void; (title: string, getScriptContent: (cwd: string) => Promise): void; } export interface SandboxOptions { dependencies?: string[]; devDependencies?: string[]; /** * This should be idempotent. */ env?: ((cwd: string) => NodeJS.ProcessEnv) | NodeJS.ProcessEnv; before?: (cwd: string) => Promise; } declare module 'mocha' { export interface Context { /** * The path to the root of the sandbox folder. */ sandbox: string; env: NodeJS.ProcessEnv | undefined; runScript: (content: string, type: 'cjs' | 'mjs') => Promise; } } /** * Configures mocha before/after hooks to create a temp folder and install * specified dependencies. */ export const configureSandbox = (options: SandboxOptions): void => { before(async function (): Promise { console.time('before'); const sandbox = await mkdtemp(join(tmpdir(), 'puppeteer-')); const dependencies = (options.dependencies ?? []).map(module => { switch (module) { case 'puppeteer': return PUPPETEER_PACKAGE_PATH; case 'puppeteer-core': return PUPPETEER_CORE_PACKAGE_PATH; case '@puppeteer/browsers': return PUPPETEER_BROWSERS_PACKAGE_PATH; default: return module; } }); const devDependencies = options.devDependencies ?? []; let getEnv: (cwd: string) => NodeJS.ProcessEnv | undefined; if (typeof options.env === 'function') { getEnv = options.env; } else { const env = options.env; getEnv = () => { return env; }; } const env = {...process.env, ...getEnv(sandbox)}; await options.before?.(sandbox); if (dependencies.length > 0) { await execFile(PKG_MANAGER, [ADD_PKG_SUBCOMMAND, ...dependencies], { cwd: sandbox, env, shell: true, }); } if (devDependencies.length > 0) { await execFile( PKG_MANAGER, [ADD_PKG_SUBCOMMAND, '-D', ...devDependencies], { cwd: sandbox, env, shell: true, } ); } this.sandbox = sandbox; this.env = env; this.runScript = async (content: string, type: 'cjs' | 'mjs') => { const script = join(sandbox, `script-${crypto.randomUUID()}.${type}`); await writeFile(script, content); await execFile('node', [script], {cwd: sandbox, env}); }; console.timeEnd('before'); }); after(async function () { console.time('after'); if (!process.env['KEEP_SANDBOX']) { await rm(this.sandbox, {recursive: true, force: true, maxRetries: 5}); } else { console.log('sandbox saved in', this.sandbox); } console.timeEnd('after'); }); };