/** * Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import expect from 'expect'; import {Puppeteer} from 'puppeteer'; import {ElementHandle} from 'puppeteer-core/internal/api/ElementHandle.js'; import { asyncDisposeSymbol, disposeSymbol, } from 'puppeteer-core/internal/util/disposable.js'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import { getTestState, setupTestBrowserHooks, shortWaitForArrayToHaveAtLeastNElements, } from './mocha-utils.js'; import {attachFrame} from './utils.js'; describe('ElementHandle specs', function () { setupTestBrowserHooks(); describe('ElementHandle.boundingBox', function () { it('should work', async () => { const {page, server} = await getTestState(); await page.setViewport({width: 500, height: 500}); await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/grid.html'); using elementHandle = (await page.$('.box:nth-of-type(13)'))!; const box = await elementHandle.boundingBox(); expect(box).toEqual({x: 100, y: 50, width: 50, height: 50}); }); it('should handle nested frames', async () => { const {page, server, isChrome} = await getTestState(); await page.setViewport({width: 500, height: 500}); await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/frames/nested-frames.html'); const nestedFrame = page.frames()[1]!.childFrames()[1]!; using elementHandle = (await nestedFrame.$('div'))!; const box = await elementHandle.boundingBox(); if (isChrome) { expect(box).toEqual({x: 28, y: 182, width: 264, height: 18}); } else { expect(box).toEqual({x: 28, y: 182, width: 254, height: 18}); } }); it('should return null for invisible elements', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.setContent('
'); using element = (await page.$('div'))!; expect(await element.boundingBox()).toBe(null); }); it('should force a layout', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.setViewport({width: 500, height: 500}); await page.setContent( '
' ); using elementHandle = (await page.$('div'))!; await page.evaluate((element: HTMLElement) => { return (element.style.height = '200px'); }, elementHandle); const box = await elementHandle.boundingBox(); expect(box).toEqual({x: 8, y: 8, width: 100, height: 200}); }); it('should work with SVG nodes', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.setContent(` `); using element = (await page.$( '#therect' )) as ElementHandle; const pptrBoundingBox = await element.boundingBox(); const webBoundingBox = await page.evaluate(e => { const rect = e.getBoundingClientRect(); return {x: rect.x, y: rect.y, width: rect.width, height: rect.height}; }, element); expect(pptrBoundingBox).toEqual(webBoundingBox); }); }); describe('ElementHandle.boxModel', function () { it('should work', async () => { const {page, server} = await getTestState(); await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/resetcss.html'); // Step 1: Add Frame and position it absolutely. await attachFrame(page, 'frame1', server.PREFIX + '/resetcss.html'); await page.evaluate(() => { const frame = document.querySelector('#frame1')!; frame.style.position = 'absolute'; frame.style.left = '1px'; frame.style.top = '2px'; }); // Step 2: Add div and position it absolutely inside frame. const frame = page.frames()[1]!; using divHandle = ( await frame.evaluateHandle(() => { const div = document.createElement('div'); document.body.appendChild(div); div.style.boxSizing = 'border-box'; div.style.position = 'absolute'; div.style.borderLeft = '1px solid black'; div.style.paddingLeft = '2px'; div.style.marginLeft = '3px'; div.style.left = '4px'; div.style.top = '5px'; div.style.width = '6px'; div.style.height = '7px'; return div; }) ).asElement()!; // Step 3: query div's boxModel and assert box values. const box = (await divHandle.boxModel())!; expect(box.width).toBe(6); expect(box.height).toBe(7); expect(box.margin[0]).toEqual({ x: 1 + 4, // frame.left + div.left y: 2 + 5, }); expect(box.border[0]).toEqual({ x: 1 + 4 + 3, // frame.left + div.left + div.margin-left y: 2 + 5, }); expect(box.padding[0]).toEqual({ x: 1 + 4 + 3 + 1, // frame.left + div.left + div.marginLeft + div.borderLeft y: 2 + 5, }); expect(box.content[0]).toEqual({ x: 1 + 4 + 3 + 1 + 2, // frame.left + div.left + div.marginLeft + div.borderLeft + div.paddingLeft y: 2 + 5, }); }); it('should return null for invisible elements', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.setContent('
'); using element = (await page.$('div'))!; expect(await element.boxModel()).toBe(null); }); }); describe('ElementHandle.contentFrame', function () { it('should work', async () => { const {page, server} = await getTestState(); await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE); await attachFrame(page, 'frame1', server.EMPTY_PAGE); using elementHandle = (await page.$('#frame1'))!; const frame = await elementHandle.contentFrame(); expect(frame).toBe(page.frames()[1]); }); }); describe('ElementHandle.isVisible and ElementHandle.isHidden', function () { it('should work', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.setContent('
'); using element = (await page.waitForSelector('div'))!; await expect(element.isVisible()).resolves.toBeFalsy(); await expect(element.isHidden()).resolves.toBeTruthy(); await element.evaluate(e => { e.style.removeProperty('display'); }); await expect(element.isVisible()).resolves.toBeTruthy(); await expect(element.isHidden()).resolves.toBeFalsy(); }); }); describe('ElementHandle.click', function () { it('should work', async () => { const {page, server} = await getTestState(); await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/button.html'); using button = (await page.$('button'))!; await button.click(); expect( await page.evaluate(() => { return (globalThis as any).result; }) ).toBe('Clicked'); }); it('should return Point data', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); const clicks: Array<[x: number, y: number]> = []; await page.exposeFunction('reportClick', (x: number, y: number): void => { clicks.push([x, y]); }); await page.evaluate(() => { document.body.style.padding = '0'; document.body.style.margin = '0'; document.body.innerHTML = `
`; document.body.addEventListener('click', e => { (window as any).reportClick(e.clientX, e.clientY); }); }); using divHandle = (await page.$('div'))!; await divHandle.click(); await divHandle.click({ offset: { x: 10, y: 15, }, }); await shortWaitForArrayToHaveAtLeastNElements(clicks, 2); expect(clicks).toEqual([ [45 + 60, 45 + 30], // margin + middle point offset [30 + 10, 30 + 15], // margin + offset ]); }); it('should work for Shadow DOM v1', async () => { const {page, server} = await getTestState(); await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/shadow.html'); using buttonHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => { // @ts-expect-error button is expected to be in the page's scope. return button as HTMLButtonElement; }); await buttonHandle.click(); expect( await page.evaluate(() => { // @ts-expect-error clicked is expected to be in the page's scope. return clicked; }) ).toBe(true); }); it('should not work for TextNodes', async () => { const {page, server} = await getTestState(); await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/button.html'); using buttonTextNode = await page.evaluateHandle(() => { return document.querySelector('button')!.firstChild as HTMLElement; }); let error!: Error; await buttonTextNode.click().catch(error_ => { return (error = error_); }); expect(error.message).atLeastOneToContain([ 'Node is not of type HTMLElement', 'no such node', ]); }); it('should throw for detached nodes', async () => { const {page, server} = await getTestState(); await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/button.html'); using button = (await page.$('button'))!; await page.evaluate((button: HTMLElement) => { return button.remove(); }, button); let error!: Error; await button.click().catch(error_ => { return (error = error_); }); expect(error.message).atLeastOneToContain([ 'Node is detached from document', 'no such node', ]); }); it('should throw for hidden nodes', async () => { const {page, server} = await getTestState(); await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/button.html'); using button = (await page.$('button'))!; await page.evaluate((button: HTMLElement) => { return (button.style.display = 'none'); }, button); const error = await button.click().catch(error_ => { return error_; }); expect(error.message).atLeastOneToContain([ 'Node is either not clickable or not an Element', 'no such element', ]); }); it('should throw for recursively hidden nodes', async () => { const {page, server} = await getTestState(); await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/button.html'); using button = (await page.$('button'))!; await page.evaluate((button: HTMLElement) => { return (button.parentElement!.style.display = 'none'); }, button); const error = await button.click().catch(error_ => { return error_; }); expect(error.message).atLeastOneToContain([ 'Node is either not clickable or not an Element', 'no such element', ]); }); it('should throw for
elements', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.setContent('hello
goodbye'); using br = (await page.$('br'))!; const error = await br.click().catch(error_ => { return error_; }); expect(error.message).atLeastOneToContain([ 'Node is either not clickable or not an Element', 'no such node', ]); }); }); describe('ElementHandle.clickablePoint', function () { it('should work', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.evaluate(() => { document.body.style.padding = '0'; document.body.style.margin = '0'; document.body.innerHTML = `
`; }); await page.evaluate(async () => { return await new Promise(resolve => { return window.requestAnimationFrame(resolve); }); }); using divHandle = (await page.$('div'))!; expect(await divHandle.clickablePoint()).toEqual({ x: 45 + 60, // margin + middle point offset y: 45 + 30, // margin + middle point offset }); expect( await divHandle.clickablePoint({ x: 10, y: 15, }) ).toEqual({ x: 30 + 10, // margin + offset y: 30 + 15, // margin + offset }); }); it('should not work if the click box is not visible', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.setContent( '' ); using handle = await page.locator('button').waitHandle(); await expect(handle.clickablePoint()).rejects.toBeInstanceOf(Error); await page.setContent( '' ); using handle2 = await page.locator('button').waitHandle(); await expect(handle2.clickablePoint()).rejects.toBeInstanceOf(Error); await page.setContent( '' ); using handle3 = await page.locator('button').waitHandle(); await expect(handle3.clickablePoint()).rejects.toBeInstanceOf(Error); await page.setContent( '' ); using handle4 = await page.locator('button').waitHandle(); await expect(handle4.clickablePoint()).rejects.toBeInstanceOf(Error); }); it('should not work if the click box is not visible due to the iframe', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.setContent( `` ); const frame = await page.waitForFrame(frame => { return frame.name() === 'frame'; }); using handle = await frame.locator('button').waitHandle(); await expect(handle.clickablePoint()).rejects.toBeInstanceOf(Error); await page.setContent( `` ); const frame2 = await page.waitForFrame(frame => { return frame.name() === 'frame2'; }); using handle2 = await frame2.locator('button').waitHandle(); await expect(handle2.clickablePoint()).rejects.toBeInstanceOf(Error); }); it('should work for iframes', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.evaluate(() => { document.body.style.padding = '10px'; document.body.style.margin = '10px'; document.body.innerHTML = ` `; }); await page.evaluate(async () => { return await new Promise(resolve => { return window.requestAnimationFrame(resolve); }); }); const frame = page.frames()[1]!; using divHandle = (await frame.$('div'))!; expect(await divHandle.clickablePoint()).toEqual({ x: 20 + 45 + 60, // iframe pos + margin + middle point offset y: 20 + 45 + 30, // iframe pos + margin + middle point offset }); expect( await divHandle.clickablePoint({ x: 10, y: 15, }) ).toEqual({ x: 20 + 30 + 10, // iframe pos + margin + offset y: 20 + 30 + 15, // iframe pos + margin + offset }); }); }); describe('Element.waitForSelector', () => { it('should wait correctly with waitForSelector on an element', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); const waitFor = page.waitForSelector('.foo').catch(err => { return err; }) as Promise>; // Set the page content after the waitFor has been started. await page.setContent( '
' ); using element = (await waitFor)!; if (element instanceof Error) { throw element; } expect(element).toBeDefined(); const innerWaitFor = element.waitForSelector('.bar').catch(err => { return err; }) as Promise>; await element.evaluate(el => { el.innerHTML = '
'; }); using element2 = (await innerWaitFor)!; if (element2 instanceof Error) { throw element2; } expect(element2).toBeDefined(); expect( await element2.evaluate(el => { return (el as HTMLElement).innerText; }) ).toStrictEqual('bar1'); }); }); describe('Element.waitForXPath', () => { it('should wait correctly with waitForXPath on an element', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); // Set the page content after the waitFor has been started. await page.setContent( `
` ); using el1 = (await page.waitForSelector( '#el1' )) as ElementHandle; for (const path of ['//div', './/div']) { using e = (await el1.waitForXPath( path )) as ElementHandle; expect( await e.evaluate(el => { return el.id; }) ).toStrictEqual('el2'); } }); }); describe('ElementHandle.hover', function () { it('should work', async () => { const {page, server} = await getTestState(); await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/scrollable.html'); using button = (await page.$('#button-6'))!; await button.hover(); expect( await page.evaluate(() => { return document.querySelector('button:hover')!.id; }) ).toBe('button-6'); }); }); describe('ElementHandle.isIntersectingViewport', function () { it('should work', async () => { const {page, server} = await getTestState(); async function getVisibilityForButton(selector: string) { using button = (await page.$(selector))!; return await button.isIntersectingViewport(); } await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/offscreenbuttons.html'); const buttonsPromises = []; // Firefox seems slow when using `isIntersectingViewport` // so we do all the tasks asynchronously for (let i = 0; i < 11; ++i) { buttonsPromises.push(getVisibilityForButton('#btn' + i)); } const buttonVisibility = await Promise.all(buttonsPromises); for (let i = 0; i < 11; ++i) { // All but last button are visible. const visible = i < 10; expect(buttonVisibility[i]).toBe(visible); } }); it('should work with threshold', async () => { const {page, server} = await getTestState(); await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/offscreenbuttons.html'); // a button almost cannot be seen // sometimes we expect to return false by isIntersectingViewport1 using button = (await page.$('#btn11'))!; expect( await button.isIntersectingViewport({ threshold: 0.001, }) ).toBe(false); }); it('should work with threshold of 1', async () => { const {page, server} = await getTestState(); await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/offscreenbuttons.html'); // a button almost cannot be seen // sometimes we expect to return false by isIntersectingViewport1 using button = (await page.$('#btn0'))!; expect( await button.isIntersectingViewport({ threshold: 1, }) ).toBe(true); }); it('should work with svg elements', async () => { const {page, server} = await getTestState(); await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/inline-svg.html'); const [visibleCircle, visibleSvg] = await Promise.all([ page.$('circle'), page.$('svg'), ]); // Firefox seems slow when using `isIntersectingViewport` // so we do all the tasks asynchronously const [ circleThresholdOne, circleThresholdZero, svgThresholdOne, svgThresholdZero, ] = await Promise.all([ visibleCircle!.isIntersectingViewport({ threshold: 1, }), visibleCircle!.isIntersectingViewport({ threshold: 0, }), visibleSvg!.isIntersectingViewport({ threshold: 1, }), visibleSvg!.isIntersectingViewport({ threshold: 0, }), ]); expect(circleThresholdOne).toBe(true); expect(circleThresholdZero).toBe(true); expect(svgThresholdOne).toBe(true); expect(svgThresholdZero).toBe(true); const [invisibleCircle, invisibleSvg] = await Promise.all([ page.$('div circle'), page.$('div svg'), ]); // Firefox seems slow when using `isIntersectingViewport` // so we do all the tasks asynchronously const [ invisibleCircleThresholdOne, invisibleCircleThresholdZero, invisibleSvgThresholdOne, invisibleSvgThresholdZero, ] = await Promise.all([ invisibleCircle!.isIntersectingViewport({ threshold: 1, }), invisibleCircle!.isIntersectingViewport({ threshold: 0, }), invisibleSvg!.isIntersectingViewport({ threshold: 1, }), invisibleSvg!.isIntersectingViewport({ threshold: 0, }), ]); expect(invisibleCircleThresholdOne).toBe(false); expect(invisibleCircleThresholdZero).toBe(false); expect(invisibleSvgThresholdOne).toBe(false); expect(invisibleSvgThresholdZero).toBe(false); }); }); describe('Custom queries', function () { afterEach(() => { Puppeteer.clearCustomQueryHandlers(); }); it('should register and unregister', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.setContent('
'); // Register. Puppeteer.registerCustomQueryHandler('getById', { queryOne: (_element, selector) => { return document.querySelector(`[id="${selector}"]`); }, }); using element = (await page.$( 'getById/foo' )) as ElementHandle; expect( await page.evaluate(element => { return element.id; }, element) ).toBe('foo'); const handlerNamesAfterRegistering = Puppeteer.customQueryHandlerNames(); expect(handlerNamesAfterRegistering.includes('getById')).toBeTruthy(); // Unregister. Puppeteer.unregisterCustomQueryHandler('getById'); try { await page.$('getById/foo'); throw new Error('Custom query handler name not set - throw expected'); } catch (error) { expect(error).not.toStrictEqual( new Error('Custom query handler name not set - throw expected') ); } const handlerNamesAfterUnregistering = Puppeteer.customQueryHandlerNames(); expect(handlerNamesAfterUnregistering.includes('getById')).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should throw with invalid query names', async () => { try { Puppeteer.registerCustomQueryHandler('1/2/3', { queryOne: () => { return document.querySelector('foo'); }, }); throw new Error( 'Custom query handler name was invalid - throw expected' ); } catch (error) { expect(error).toStrictEqual( new Error('Custom query handler names may only contain [a-zA-Z]') ); } }); it('should work for multiple elements', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.setContent( '
' ); Puppeteer.registerCustomQueryHandler('getByClass', { queryAll: (_element, selector) => { return [...document.querySelectorAll(`.${selector}`)]; }, }); const elements = (await page.$$('getByClass/foo')) as Array< ElementHandle >; const classNames = await Promise.all( elements.map(async element => { return await page.evaluate(element => { return element.className; }, element); }) ); expect(classNames).toStrictEqual(['foo', 'foo baz']); }); it('should eval correctly', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.setContent( '
' ); Puppeteer.registerCustomQueryHandler('getByClass', { queryAll: (_element, selector) => { return [...document.querySelectorAll(`.${selector}`)]; }, }); const elements = await page.$$eval('getByClass/foo', divs => { return divs.length; }); expect(elements).toBe(2); }); it('should wait correctly with waitForSelector', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); Puppeteer.registerCustomQueryHandler('getByClass', { queryOne: (element, selector) => { return (element as Element).querySelector(`.${selector}`); }, }); const waitFor = page.waitForSelector('getByClass/foo').catch(err => { return err; }); // Set the page content after the waitFor has been started. await page.setContent( '
' ); const element = await waitFor; if (element instanceof Error) { throw element; } expect(element).toBeDefined(); }); it('should wait correctly with waitForSelector on an element', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); Puppeteer.registerCustomQueryHandler('getByClass', { queryOne: (element, selector) => { return (element as Element).querySelector(`.${selector}`); }, }); const waitFor = page.waitForSelector('getByClass/foo').catch(err => { return err; }) as Promise>; // Set the page content after the waitFor has been started. await page.setContent( '
' ); using element = (await waitFor)!; if (element instanceof Error) { throw element; } expect(element).toBeDefined(); const innerWaitFor = element .waitForSelector('getByClass/bar') .catch(err => { return err; }) as Promise>; await element.evaluate(el => { el.innerHTML = '
'; }); using element2 = (await innerWaitFor)!; if (element2 instanceof Error) { throw element2; } expect(element2).toBeDefined(); expect( await element2.evaluate(el => { return el.innerText; }) ).toStrictEqual('bar1'); }); it('should wait correctly with waitFor', async () => { /* page.waitFor is deprecated so we silence the warning to avoid test noise */ sinon.stub(console, 'warn').callsFake(() => {}); const {page} = await getTestState(); Puppeteer.registerCustomQueryHandler('getByClass', { queryOne: (element, selector) => { return (element as Element).querySelector(`.${selector}`); }, }); const waitFor = page.waitForSelector('getByClass/foo').catch(err => { return err; }); // Set the page content after the waitFor has been started. await page.setContent( '
' ); const element = await waitFor; if (element instanceof Error) { throw element; } expect(element).toBeDefined(); }); it('should work when both queryOne and queryAll are registered', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.setContent( '
' ); Puppeteer.registerCustomQueryHandler('getByClass', { queryOne: (element, selector) => { return (element as Element).querySelector(`.${selector}`); }, queryAll: (element, selector) => { return [...(element as Element).querySelectorAll(`.${selector}`)]; }, }); using element = (await page.$('getByClass/foo'))!; expect(element).toBeDefined(); const elements = await page.$$('getByClass/foo'); expect(elements).toHaveLength(3); }); it('should eval when both queryOne and queryAll are registered', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.setContent( '
' ); Puppeteer.registerCustomQueryHandler('getByClass', { queryOne: (element, selector) => { return (element as Element).querySelector(`.${selector}`); }, queryAll: (element, selector) => { return [...(element as Element).querySelectorAll(`.${selector}`)]; }, }); const txtContent = await page.$eval('getByClass/foo', div => { return div.textContent; }); expect(txtContent).toBe('text'); const txtContents = await page.$$eval('getByClass/foo', divs => { return divs .map(d => { return d.textContent; }) .join(''); }); expect(txtContents).toBe('textcontent'); }); it('should work with function shorthands', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.setContent('
'); Puppeteer.registerCustomQueryHandler('getById', { // This is a function shorthand queryOne(_element, selector) { return document.querySelector(`[id="${selector}"]`); }, }); using element = (await page.$( 'getById/foo' )) as ElementHandle; expect( await page.evaluate(element => { return element.id; }, element) ).toBe('foo'); }); }); describe('ElementHandle.toElement', () => { it('should work', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); await page.setContent('
'); using element = await page.$('.foo'); using div = await element?.toElement('div'); expect(div).toBeDefined(); }); }); describe('ElementHandle[Symbol.dispose]', () => { it('should work', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); using handle = await page.evaluateHandle('document'); const spy = sinon.spy(handle, disposeSymbol); { using _ = handle; } expect(handle).toBeInstanceOf(ElementHandle); expect(spy.calledOnce).toBeTruthy(); expect(handle.disposed).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe('ElementHandle[Symbol.asyncDispose]', () => { it('should work', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); using handle = await page.evaluateHandle('document'); const spy = sinon.spy(handle, asyncDisposeSymbol); { await using _ = handle; } expect(handle).toBeInstanceOf(ElementHandle); expect(spy.calledOnce).toBeTruthy(); expect(handle.disposed).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe('ElementHandle.move', () => { it('should work', async () => { const {page} = await getTestState(); using handle = await page.evaluateHandle('document'); const spy = sinon.spy(handle, disposeSymbol); { using _ = handle; handle.move(); } expect(handle).toBeInstanceOf(ElementHandle); expect(spy.calledOnce).toBeTruthy(); expect(handle.disposed).toBeFalsy(); }); }); });