/** * Copyright 2023 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import assert from 'assert'; import fs from 'fs'; import os from 'os'; import path from 'path'; import { CDP_WEBSOCKET_ENDPOINT_REGEX, computeExecutablePath, launch, fetch, Browser, BrowserPlatform, } from '../../lib/cjs/main.js'; import {testChromeBuildId, testFirefoxBuildId} from './versions.js'; describe('launcher', () => { it('should compute executable path for Chrome', () => { assert.strictEqual( computeExecutablePath({ browser: Browser.CHROME, platform: BrowserPlatform.LINUX, buildId: '123', cacheDir: 'cache', }), path.join('cache', 'chrome', 'linux-123', 'chrome-linux', 'chrome') ); }); it('should compute executable path for Chromium', () => { assert.strictEqual( computeExecutablePath({ browser: Browser.CHROMIUM, platform: BrowserPlatform.LINUX, buildId: '123', cacheDir: 'cache', }), path.join('cache', 'chromium', 'linux-123', 'chrome-linux', 'chrome') ); }); it('should compute executable path for Firefox', () => { assert.strictEqual( computeExecutablePath({ browser: Browser.FIREFOX, platform: BrowserPlatform.LINUX, buildId: '123', cacheDir: 'cache', }), path.join('cache', 'firefox', 'linux-123', 'firefox', 'firefox') ); }); describe('Chrome', function () { this.timeout(60000); let tmpDir = '/tmp/puppeteer-browsers-test'; beforeEach(async () => { tmpDir = fs.mkdtempSync( path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'puppeteer-browsers-test') ); await fetch({ cacheDir: tmpDir, browser: Browser.CHROME, buildId: testChromeBuildId, }); }); afterEach(() => { fs.rmSync(tmpDir, {recursive: true}); }); it('should launch a Chrome browser', async () => { const executablePath = computeExecutablePath({ cacheDir: tmpDir, browser: Browser.CHROME, buildId: testChromeBuildId, }); const process = launch({ executablePath, args: [ '--headless=new', '--use-mock-keychain', '--disable-features=DialMediaRouteProvider', `--user-data-dir=${path.join(tmpDir, 'profile')}`, ], }); await process.close(); }); it('should allow parsing stderr output of the browser process', async () => { const executablePath = computeExecutablePath({ cacheDir: tmpDir, browser: Browser.CHROME, buildId: testChromeBuildId, }); const process = launch({ executablePath, args: [ '--headless=new', '--use-mock-keychain', '--disable-features=DialMediaRouteProvider', '--remote-debugging-port=9222', `--user-data-dir=${path.join(tmpDir, 'profile')}`, ], }); const url = await process.waitForLineOutput(CDP_WEBSOCKET_ENDPOINT_REGEX); await process.close(); assert.ok(url.startsWith('ws://')); }); }); describe('Firefox', function () { this.timeout(60000); let tmpDir = '/tmp/puppeteer-browsers-test'; beforeEach(async () => { tmpDir = fs.mkdtempSync( path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'puppeteer-browsers-test') ); await fetch({ cacheDir: tmpDir, browser: Browser.FIREFOX, buildId: testFirefoxBuildId, }); }); afterEach(() => { fs.rmSync(tmpDir, {recursive: true}); }); it('should launch a Firefox browser', async () => { const executablePath = computeExecutablePath({ cacheDir: tmpDir, browser: Browser.FIREFOX, buildId: testFirefoxBuildId, }); const process = launch({ executablePath, args: [`--user-data-dir=${path.join(tmpDir, 'profile')}`], }); await process.close(); }); }); });