 * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

const debugError = require('debug')(`puppeteer:error`);
/** @type {?Map<string, boolean>} */
let apiCoverage = null;
class Helper {
   * @param {Function|string} fun
   * @param {!Array<*>} args
   * @return {string}
  static evaluationString(fun, ...args) {
    if (Helper.isString(fun)) {
      console.assert(args.length === 0, 'Cannot evaluate a string with arguments');
      return /** @type {string} */ (fun);
    return `(${fun})(${args.map(serializeArgument).join(',')})`;

     * @param {*} arg
     * @return {string}
    function serializeArgument(arg) {
      if (Object.is(arg, undefined))
        return 'undefined';
      return JSON.stringify(arg);

   * @param {!Object} exceptionDetails
   * @return {string}
  static getExceptionMessage(exceptionDetails) {
    if (exceptionDetails.exception)
      return exceptionDetails.exception.description;
    let message = exceptionDetails.text;
    if (exceptionDetails.stackTrace) {
      for (const callframe of exceptionDetails.stackTrace.callFrames) {
        const location = callframe.url + ':' + callframe.lineNumber + ':' + callframe.columnNumber;
        const functionName = callframe.functionName || '<anonymous>';
        message += `\n    at ${functionName} (${location})`;
    return message;

   * @param {!Object} remoteObject
   * @return {*}
  static valueFromRemoteObject(remoteObject) {
    console.assert(!remoteObject.objectId, 'Cannot extract value when objectId is given');
    if (remoteObject.unserializableValue) {
      switch (remoteObject.unserializableValue) {
        case '-0':
          return -0;
        case 'NaN':
          return NaN;
        case 'Infinity':
          return Infinity;
        case '-Infinity':
          return -Infinity;
          throw new Error('Unsupported unserializable value: ' + remoteObject.unserializableValue);
    return remoteObject.value;

   * @param {!Puppeteer.CDPSession} client
   * @param {!Object} remoteObject
  static async releaseObject(client, remoteObject) {
    if (!remoteObject.objectId)
    await client.send('Runtime.releaseObject', {objectId: remoteObject.objectId}).catch(error => {
      // Exceptions might happen in case of a page been navigated or closed.
      // Swallow these since they are harmless and we don't leak anything in this case.

   * @param {!Object} classType
  static tracePublicAPI(classType) {
    let className = classType.prototype.constructor.name;
    className = className.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() + className.substring(1);
    const debug = require('debug')(`puppeteer:${className}`);
    if (!debug.enabled && !apiCoverage)
    for (const methodName of Reflect.ownKeys(classType.prototype)) {
      const method = Reflect.get(classType.prototype, methodName);
      if (methodName === 'constructor' || typeof methodName !== 'string' || methodName.startsWith('_') || typeof method !== 'function')
      if (apiCoverage)
        apiCoverage.set(`${className}.${methodName}`, false);
      Reflect.set(classType.prototype, methodName, function(...args) {
        const argsText = args.map(stringifyArgument).join(', ');
        const callsite = `${className}.${methodName}(${argsText})`;
        if (debug.enabled)
        if (apiCoverage)
          apiCoverage.set(`${className}.${methodName}`, true);
        return method.call(this, ...args);

    if (classType.Events) {
      if (apiCoverage) {
        for (const event of Object.values(classType.Events))
          apiCoverage.set(`${className}.emit(${JSON.stringify(event)})`, false);
      const method = Reflect.get(classType.prototype, 'emit');
      Reflect.set(classType.prototype, 'emit', function(event, ...args) {
        const argsText = [JSON.stringify(event)].concat(args.map(stringifyArgument)).join(', ');
        if (debug.enabled && this.listenerCount(event))
        if (apiCoverage && this.listenerCount(event))
          apiCoverage.set(`${className}.emit(${JSON.stringify(event)})`, true);
        return method.call(this, event, ...args);

     * @param {!Object} arg
     * @return {string}
    function stringifyArgument(arg) {
      if (Helper.isString(arg) || Helper.isNumber(arg) || !arg)
        return JSON.stringify(arg);
      if (typeof arg === 'function') {
        let text = arg.toString().split('\n').map(line => line.trim()).join('');
        if (text.length > 20)
          text = text.substring(0, 20) + '…';
        return `"${text}"`;
      const state = {};
      const keys = Object.keys(arg);
      for (const key of keys) {
        const value = arg[key];
        if (Helper.isString(value) || Helper.isNumber(value))
          state[key] = JSON.stringify(value);
      const name = arg.constructor.name === 'Object' ? '' : arg.constructor.name;
      return name + JSON.stringify(state);

   * @param {!NodeJS.EventEmitter} emitter
   * @param {string} eventName
   * @param {function(?)} handler
   * @return {{emitter: !NodeJS.EventEmitter, eventName: string, handler: function(?)}}
  static addEventListener(emitter, eventName, handler) {
    emitter.on(eventName, handler);
    return { emitter, eventName, handler };

   * @param {!Array<{emitter: !NodeJS.EventEmitter, eventName: string, handler: function(?)}>} listeners
  static removeEventListeners(listeners) {
    for (const listener of listeners)
      listener.emitter.removeListener(listener.eventName, listener.handler);
    listeners.splice(0, listeners.length);

   * @return {?Map<string, boolean>}
  static publicAPICoverage() {
    return apiCoverage;

  static recordPublicAPICoverage() {
    apiCoverage = new Map();

   * @param {!Object} obj
   * @return {boolean}
  static isString(obj) {
    return typeof obj === 'string' || obj instanceof String;

   * @param {!Object} obj
   * @return {boolean}
  static isNumber(obj) {
    return typeof obj === 'number' || obj instanceof Number;

  static promisify(nodeFunction) {
    function promisified(...args) {
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        function callback(err, ...result) {
          if (err)
            return reject(err);
          if (result.length === 1)
            return resolve(result[0]);
          return resolve(result);
        nodeFunction.call(null, ...args, callback);
    return promisified;

module.exports = {
  helper: Helper,