/** * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import path from 'path'; import expect from 'expect'; import { getTestState, setupTestBrowserHooks, setupTestPageAndContextHooks, } from './mocha-utils.js'; const FILE_TO_UPLOAD = path.join(__dirname, '/../assets/file-to-upload.txt'); describe('input tests', function () { setupTestBrowserHooks(); setupTestPageAndContextHooks(); describe('input', function () { it('should upload the file', async () => { const {page, server} = getTestState(); await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/fileupload.html'); const filePath = path.relative(process.cwd(), FILE_TO_UPLOAD); const input = (await page.$('input'))!; await page.evaluate((e: HTMLElement) => { (globalThis as any)._inputEvents = []; e.addEventListener('change', ev => { return (globalThis as any)._inputEvents.push(ev.type); }); e.addEventListener('input', ev => { return (globalThis as any)._inputEvents.push(ev.type); }); }, input); await input.uploadFile(filePath); expect( await page.evaluate((e: HTMLInputElement) => { return e.files![0]!.name; }, input) ).toBe('file-to-upload.txt'); expect( await page.evaluate((e: HTMLInputElement) => { return e.files![0]!.type; }, input) ).toBe('text/plain'); expect( await page.evaluate(() => { return (globalThis as any)._inputEvents; }) ).toEqual(['input', 'change']); expect( await page.evaluate((e: HTMLInputElement) => { const reader = new FileReader(); const promise = new Promise(fulfill => { return (reader.onload = fulfill); }); reader.readAsText(e.files![0]!); return promise.then(() => { return reader.result; }); }, input) ).toBe('contents of the file'); }); }); describe('Page.waitForFileChooser', function () { it('should work when file input is attached to DOM', async () => { const {page} = getTestState(); await page.setContent(``); const [chooser] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForFileChooser(), page.click('input'), ]); expect(chooser).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should work when file input is not attached to DOM', async () => { const {page} = getTestState(); const [chooser] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForFileChooser(), page.evaluate(() => { const el = document.createElement('input'); el.type = 'file'; el.click(); }), ]); expect(chooser).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should respect timeout', async () => { const {page, puppeteer} = getTestState(); let error!: Error; await page.waitForFileChooser({timeout: 1}).catch(error_ => { return (error = error_); }); expect(error).toBeInstanceOf(puppeteer.errors.TimeoutError); }); it('should respect default timeout when there is no custom timeout', async () => { const {page, puppeteer} = getTestState(); page.setDefaultTimeout(1); let error!: Error; await page.waitForFileChooser().catch(error_ => { return (error = error_); }); expect(error).toBeInstanceOf(puppeteer.errors.TimeoutError); }); it('should prioritize exact timeout over default timeout', async () => { const {page, puppeteer} = getTestState(); page.setDefaultTimeout(0); let error!: Error; await page.waitForFileChooser({timeout: 1}).catch(error_ => { return (error = error_); }); expect(error).toBeInstanceOf(puppeteer.errors.TimeoutError); }); it('should work with no timeout', async () => { const {page} = getTestState(); const [chooser] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForFileChooser({timeout: 0}), page.evaluate(() => { return setTimeout(() => { const el = document.createElement('input'); el.type = 'file'; el.click(); }, 50); }), ]); expect(chooser).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should return the same file chooser when there are many watchdogs simultaneously', async () => { const {page} = getTestState(); await page.setContent(``); const [fileChooser1, fileChooser2] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForFileChooser(), page.waitForFileChooser(), page.$eval('input', input => { return (input as HTMLInputElement).click(); }), ]); expect(fileChooser1 === fileChooser2).toBe(true); }); }); describe('FileChooser.accept', function () { it('should accept single file', async () => { const {page} = getTestState(); await page.setContent( `` ); const [chooser] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForFileChooser(), page.click('input'), ]); await Promise.all([ chooser.accept([FILE_TO_UPLOAD]), new Promise(x => { return page.once('metrics', x); }), ]); expect( await page.$eval('input', input => { return (input as HTMLInputElement).files!.length; }) ).toBe(1); expect( await page.$eval('input', input => { return (input as HTMLInputElement).files![0]!.name; }) ).toBe('file-to-upload.txt'); }); it('should be able to read selected file', async () => { const {page} = getTestState(); await page.setContent(``); page.waitForFileChooser().then(chooser => { return chooser.accept([FILE_TO_UPLOAD]); }); expect( await page.$eval('input', async picker => { const pick = picker as HTMLInputElement; pick.click(); await new Promise(x => { return (pick.oninput = x); }); const reader = new FileReader(); const promise = new Promise(fulfill => { return (reader.onload = fulfill); }); reader.readAsText(pick.files![0]!); return promise.then(() => { return reader.result; }); }) ).toBe('contents of the file'); }); it('should be able to reset selected files with empty file list', async () => { const {page} = getTestState(); await page.setContent(``); page.waitForFileChooser().then(chooser => { return chooser.accept([FILE_TO_UPLOAD]); }); expect( await page.$eval('input', async picker => { const pick = picker as HTMLInputElement; pick.click(); await new Promise(x => { return (pick.oninput = x); }); return pick.files!.length; }) ).toBe(1); page.waitForFileChooser().then(chooser => { return chooser.accept([]); }); expect( await page.$eval('input', async picker => { const pick = picker as HTMLInputElement; pick.click(); await new Promise(x => { return (pick.oninput = x); }); return pick.files!.length; }) ).toBe(0); }); it('should not accept multiple files for single-file input', async () => { const {page} = getTestState(); await page.setContent(``); const [chooser] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForFileChooser(), page.click('input'), ]); let error!: Error; await chooser .accept([ path.relative( process.cwd(), __dirname + '/../assets/file-to-upload.txt' ), path.relative(process.cwd(), __dirname + '/../assets/pptr.png'), ]) .catch(error_ => { return (error = error_); }); expect(error).not.toBe(null); }); it('should succeed even for non-existent files', async () => { const {page} = getTestState(); await page.setContent(``); const [chooser] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForFileChooser(), page.click('input'), ]); let error!: Error; await chooser.accept(['file-does-not-exist.txt']).catch(error_ => { return (error = error_); }); expect(error).toBeUndefined(); }); it('should error on read of non-existent files', async () => { const {page} = getTestState(); await page.setContent(``); page.waitForFileChooser().then(chooser => { return chooser.accept(['file-does-not-exist.txt']); }); expect( await page.$eval('input', async picker => { const pick = picker as HTMLInputElement; pick.click(); await new Promise(x => { return (pick.oninput = x); }); const reader = new FileReader(); const promise = new Promise(fulfill => { return (reader.onerror = fulfill); }); reader.readAsText(pick.files![0]!); return promise.then(() => { return false; }); }) ).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should fail when accepting file chooser twice', async () => { const {page} = getTestState(); await page.setContent(``); const [fileChooser] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForFileChooser(), page.$eval('input', input => { return (input as HTMLInputElement).click(); }), ]); await fileChooser.accept([]); let error!: Error; await fileChooser.accept([]).catch(error_ => { return (error = error_); }); expect(error.message).toBe( 'Cannot accept FileChooser which is already handled!' ); }); }); describe('FileChooser.cancel', function () { it('should cancel dialog', async () => { const {page} = getTestState(); // Consider file chooser canceled if we can summon another one. // There's no reliable way in WebPlatform to see that FileChooser was // canceled. await page.setContent(``); const [fileChooser1] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForFileChooser(), page.$eval('input', input => { return (input as HTMLInputElement).click(); }), ]); await fileChooser1.cancel(); // If this resolves, than we successfully canceled file chooser. await Promise.all([ page.waitForFileChooser(), page.$eval('input', input => { return (input as HTMLInputElement).click(); }), ]); }); it('should fail when canceling file chooser twice', async () => { const {page} = getTestState(); await page.setContent(``); const [fileChooser] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForFileChooser(), page.$eval('input', input => { return (input as HTMLElement).click(); }), ]); await fileChooser.cancel(); let error!: Error; try { fileChooser.cancel(); } catch (error_) { error = error_ as Error; } expect(error.message).toBe( 'Cannot cancel FileChooser which is already handled!' ); }); }); describe('FileChooser.isMultiple', () => { it('should work for single file pick', async () => { const {page} = getTestState(); await page.setContent(``); const [chooser] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForFileChooser(), page.click('input'), ]); expect(chooser.isMultiple()).toBe(false); }); it('should work for "multiple"', async () => { const {page} = getTestState(); await page.setContent(``); const [chooser] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForFileChooser(), page.click('input'), ]); expect(chooser.isMultiple()).toBe(true); }); it('should work for "webkitdirectory"', async () => { const {page} = getTestState(); await page.setContent(``); const [chooser] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForFileChooser(), page.click('input'), ]); expect(chooser.isMultiple()).toBe(true); }); }); });