/** * Copyright 2022 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import assert from 'assert'; import {readdirSync} from 'fs'; import {readdir} from 'fs/promises'; import {platform} from 'os'; import {join} from 'path'; import {configureSandbox} from './sandbox.js'; import {readAsset} from './util.js'; describe('`puppeteer`', () => { configureSandbox({ dependencies: ['@puppeteer/browsers', 'puppeteer-core', 'puppeteer'], env: cwd => { return { PUPPETEER_CACHE_DIR: join(cwd, '.cache', 'puppeteer'), }; }, }); it('evaluates CommonJS', async function () { const files = await readdir(join(this.sandbox, '.cache', 'puppeteer')); assert.equal(files.length, 1); assert.equal(files[0], 'chrome'); const script = await readAsset('puppeteer-core', 'requires.cjs'); await this.runScript(script, 'cjs'); }); it('evaluates ES modules', async function () { const script = await readAsset('puppeteer-core', 'imports.js'); await this.runScript(script, 'mjs'); }); }); // Skipping this test on Windows as windows runners are much slower. (platform() === 'win32' ? describe.skip : describe)( '`puppeteer` with PUPPETEER_DOWNLOAD_PATH', () => { configureSandbox({ dependencies: ['@puppeteer/browsers', 'puppeteer-core', 'puppeteer'], env: cwd => { return { PUPPETEER_DOWNLOAD_PATH: join(cwd, '.cache', 'puppeteer'), }; }, }); it('evaluates', async function () { const files = await readdir(join(this.sandbox, '.cache', 'puppeteer')); assert.equal(files.length, 1); assert.equal(files[0], 'chrome'); const script = await readAsset('puppeteer', 'basic.js'); await this.runScript(script, 'mjs'); }); } ); // Skipping this test on Windows as windows runners are much slower. (platform() === 'win32' ? describe.skip : describe)( '`puppeteer` clears cache', () => { configureSandbox({ dependencies: ['@puppeteer/browsers', 'puppeteer-core', 'puppeteer'], env: cwd => { return { PUPPETEER_CACHE_DIR: join(cwd, '.cache', 'puppeteer'), }; }, }); it('evaluates', async function () { assert.equal( readdirSync(join(this.sandbox, '.cache', 'puppeteer', 'chrome')).length, 1 ); await this.runScript( await readAsset('puppeteer', 'installCanary.js'), 'mjs' ); assert.equal( readdirSync(join(this.sandbox, '.cache', 'puppeteer', 'chrome')).length, 2 ); await this.runScript(await readAsset('puppeteer', 'trimCache.js'), 'mjs'); assert.equal( readdirSync(join(this.sandbox, '.cache', 'puppeteer', 'chrome')).length, 1 ); }); } );