/** * Copyright 2020 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import {Protocol} from 'devtools-protocol'; import { ContinueRequestOverrides, ErrorCode, headersArray, HTTPRequest as BaseHTTPRequest, InterceptResolutionAction, InterceptResolutionState, ResourceType, ResponseForRequest, STATUS_TEXTS, } from '../api/HTTPRequest.js'; import {HTTPResponse} from '../api/HTTPResponse.js'; import {assert} from '../util/assert.js'; import {CDPSession} from './Connection.js'; import {ProtocolError} from './Errors.js'; import {Frame} from './Frame.js'; import {debugError, isString} from './util.js'; /** * @internal */ export class HTTPRequest extends BaseHTTPRequest { override _requestId: string; override _interceptionId: string | undefined; override _failureText: string | null = null; override _response: HTTPResponse | null = null; override _fromMemoryCache = false; override _redirectChain: HTTPRequest[]; #client: CDPSession; #isNavigationRequest: boolean; #allowInterception: boolean; #interceptionHandled = false; #url: string; #resourceType: ResourceType; #method: string; #postData?: string; #headers: Record = {}; #frame: Frame | null; #continueRequestOverrides: ContinueRequestOverrides; #responseForRequest: Partial | null = null; #abortErrorReason: Protocol.Network.ErrorReason | null = null; #interceptResolutionState: InterceptResolutionState = { action: InterceptResolutionAction.None, }; #interceptHandlers: Array<() => void | PromiseLike>; #initiator: Protocol.Network.Initiator; override get client(): CDPSession { return this.#client; } constructor( client: CDPSession, frame: Frame | null, interceptionId: string | undefined, allowInterception: boolean, event: Protocol.Network.RequestWillBeSentEvent, redirectChain: HTTPRequest[] ) { super(); this.#client = client; this._requestId = event.requestId; this.#isNavigationRequest = event.requestId === event.loaderId && event.type === 'Document'; this._interceptionId = interceptionId; this.#allowInterception = allowInterception; this.#url = event.request.url; this.#resourceType = (event.type || 'other').toLowerCase() as ResourceType; this.#method = event.request.method; this.#postData = event.request.postData; this.#frame = frame; this._redirectChain = redirectChain; this.#continueRequestOverrides = {}; this.#interceptHandlers = []; this.#initiator = event.initiator; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(event.request.headers)) { this.#headers[key.toLowerCase()] = value; } } override url(): string { return this.#url; } override continueRequestOverrides(): ContinueRequestOverrides { assert(this.#allowInterception, 'Request Interception is not enabled!'); return this.#continueRequestOverrides; } override responseForRequest(): Partial | null { assert(this.#allowInterception, 'Request Interception is not enabled!'); return this.#responseForRequest; } override abortErrorReason(): Protocol.Network.ErrorReason | null { assert(this.#allowInterception, 'Request Interception is not enabled!'); return this.#abortErrorReason; } override interceptResolutionState(): InterceptResolutionState { if (!this.#allowInterception) { return {action: InterceptResolutionAction.Disabled}; } if (this.#interceptionHandled) { return {action: InterceptResolutionAction.AlreadyHandled}; } return {...this.#interceptResolutionState}; } override isInterceptResolutionHandled(): boolean { return this.#interceptionHandled; } override enqueueInterceptAction( pendingHandler: () => void | PromiseLike ): void { this.#interceptHandlers.push(pendingHandler); } override async finalizeInterceptions(): Promise { await this.#interceptHandlers.reduce((promiseChain, interceptAction) => { return promiseChain.then(interceptAction); }, Promise.resolve()); const {action} = this.interceptResolutionState(); switch (action) { case 'abort': return this.#abort(this.#abortErrorReason); case 'respond': if (this.#responseForRequest === null) { throw new Error('Response is missing for the interception'); } return this.#respond(this.#responseForRequest); case 'continue': return this.#continue(this.#continueRequestOverrides); } } override resourceType(): ResourceType { return this.#resourceType; } override method(): string { return this.#method; } override postData(): string | undefined { return this.#postData; } override headers(): Record { return this.#headers; } override response(): HTTPResponse | null { return this._response; } override frame(): Frame | null { return this.#frame; } override isNavigationRequest(): boolean { return this.#isNavigationRequest; } override initiator(): Protocol.Network.Initiator { return this.#initiator; } override redirectChain(): HTTPRequest[] { return this._redirectChain.slice(); } override failure(): {errorText: string} | null { if (!this._failureText) { return null; } return { errorText: this._failureText, }; } override async continue( overrides: ContinueRequestOverrides = {}, priority?: number ): Promise { // Request interception is not supported for data: urls. if (this.#url.startsWith('data:')) { return; } assert(this.#allowInterception, 'Request Interception is not enabled!'); assert(!this.#interceptionHandled, 'Request is already handled!'); if (priority === undefined) { return this.#continue(overrides); } this.#continueRequestOverrides = overrides; if ( this.#interceptResolutionState.priority === undefined || priority > this.#interceptResolutionState.priority ) { this.#interceptResolutionState = { action: InterceptResolutionAction.Continue, priority, }; return; } if (priority === this.#interceptResolutionState.priority) { if ( this.#interceptResolutionState.action === 'abort' || this.#interceptResolutionState.action === 'respond' ) { return; } this.#interceptResolutionState.action = InterceptResolutionAction.Continue; } return; } async #continue(overrides: ContinueRequestOverrides = {}): Promise { const {url, method, postData, headers} = overrides; this.#interceptionHandled = true; const postDataBinaryBase64 = postData ? Buffer.from(postData).toString('base64') : undefined; if (this._interceptionId === undefined) { throw new Error( 'HTTPRequest is missing _interceptionId needed for Fetch.continueRequest' ); } await this.#client .send('Fetch.continueRequest', { requestId: this._interceptionId, url, method, postData: postDataBinaryBase64, headers: headers ? headersArray(headers) : undefined, }) .catch(error => { this.#interceptionHandled = false; return handleError(error); }); } override async respond( response: Partial, priority?: number ): Promise { // Mocking responses for dataURL requests is not currently supported. if (this.#url.startsWith('data:')) { return; } assert(this.#allowInterception, 'Request Interception is not enabled!'); assert(!this.#interceptionHandled, 'Request is already handled!'); if (priority === undefined) { return this.#respond(response); } this.#responseForRequest = response; if ( this.#interceptResolutionState.priority === undefined || priority > this.#interceptResolutionState.priority ) { this.#interceptResolutionState = { action: InterceptResolutionAction.Respond, priority, }; return; } if (priority === this.#interceptResolutionState.priority) { if (this.#interceptResolutionState.action === 'abort') { return; } this.#interceptResolutionState.action = InterceptResolutionAction.Respond; } } async #respond(response: Partial): Promise { this.#interceptionHandled = true; const responseBody: Buffer | null = response.body && isString(response.body) ? Buffer.from(response.body) : (response.body as Buffer) || null; const responseHeaders: Record = {}; if (response.headers) { for (const header of Object.keys(response.headers)) { const value = response.headers[header]; responseHeaders[header.toLowerCase()] = Array.isArray(value) ? value.map(item => { return String(item); }) : String(value); } } if (response.contentType) { responseHeaders['content-type'] = response.contentType; } if (responseBody && !('content-length' in responseHeaders)) { responseHeaders['content-length'] = String( Buffer.byteLength(responseBody) ); } const status = response.status || 200; if (this._interceptionId === undefined) { throw new Error( 'HTTPRequest is missing _interceptionId needed for Fetch.fulfillRequest' ); } await this.#client .send('Fetch.fulfillRequest', { requestId: this._interceptionId, responseCode: status, responsePhrase: STATUS_TEXTS[status], responseHeaders: headersArray(responseHeaders), body: responseBody ? responseBody.toString('base64') : undefined, }) .catch(error => { this.#interceptionHandled = false; return handleError(error); }); } override async abort( errorCode: ErrorCode = 'failed', priority?: number ): Promise { // Request interception is not supported for data: urls. if (this.#url.startsWith('data:')) { return; } const errorReason = errorReasons[errorCode]; assert(errorReason, 'Unknown error code: ' + errorCode); assert(this.#allowInterception, 'Request Interception is not enabled!'); assert(!this.#interceptionHandled, 'Request is already handled!'); if (priority === undefined) { return this.#abort(errorReason); } this.#abortErrorReason = errorReason; if ( this.#interceptResolutionState.priority === undefined || priority >= this.#interceptResolutionState.priority ) { this.#interceptResolutionState = { action: InterceptResolutionAction.Abort, priority, }; return; } } async #abort( errorReason: Protocol.Network.ErrorReason | null ): Promise { this.#interceptionHandled = true; if (this._interceptionId === undefined) { throw new Error( 'HTTPRequest is missing _interceptionId needed for Fetch.failRequest' ); } await this.#client .send('Fetch.failRequest', { requestId: this._interceptionId, errorReason: errorReason || 'Failed', }) .catch(handleError); } } const errorReasons: Record = { aborted: 'Aborted', accessdenied: 'AccessDenied', addressunreachable: 'AddressUnreachable', blockedbyclient: 'BlockedByClient', blockedbyresponse: 'BlockedByResponse', connectionaborted: 'ConnectionAborted', connectionclosed: 'ConnectionClosed', connectionfailed: 'ConnectionFailed', connectionrefused: 'ConnectionRefused', connectionreset: 'ConnectionReset', internetdisconnected: 'InternetDisconnected', namenotresolved: 'NameNotResolved', timedout: 'TimedOut', failed: 'Failed', } as const; async function handleError(error: ProtocolError) { if (['Invalid header'].includes(error.originalMessage)) { throw error; } // In certain cases, protocol will return error if the request was // already canceled or the page was closed. We should tolerate these // errors. debugError(error); }