sidebar_label: API
# API Reference
## Classes
| Class | Description |
| --------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [Accessibility](./puppeteer.accessibility.md) | The Accessibility class provides methods for inspecting Chromium's accessibility tree. The accessibility tree is used by assistive technology such as [screen readers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screen_reader) or [switches](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Switch_access). |
| [Browser](./puppeteer.browser.md) | A Browser is created when Puppeteer connects to a Chromium instance, either through [PuppeteerNode.launch()](./puppeteer.puppeteernode.launch.md) or [Puppeteer.connect()](./puppeteer.puppeteer.connect.md). |
| [BrowserContext](./puppeteer.browsercontext.md) | BrowserContexts provide a way to operate multiple independent browser sessions. When a browser is launched, it has a single BrowserContext used by default. The method [Browser.newPage](./puppeteer.browser.newpage.md) creates a page in the default browser context. |
| [BrowserFetcher](./puppeteer.browserfetcher.md) | BrowserFetcher can download and manage different versions of Chromium and Firefox. |
| [CDPSession](./puppeteer.cdpsession.md) | The CDPSession
instances are used to talk raw Chrome Devtools Protocol. |
| [Connection](./puppeteer.connection.md) | |
| [ConsoleMessage](./puppeteer.consolemessage.md) | ConsoleMessage objects are dispatched by page via the 'console' event. |
| [Coverage](./puppeteer.coverage.md) | The Coverage class provides methods to gathers information about parts of JavaScript and CSS that were used by the page. |
| [CSSCoverage](./puppeteer.csscoverage.md) | |
| [CustomError](./puppeteer.customerror.md) | |
| [Dialog](./puppeteer.dialog.md) | Dialog instances are dispatched by the [Page](./puppeteer.page.md) via the dialog
event. |
| [ElementHandle](./puppeteer.elementhandle.md) | ElementHandle represents an in-page DOM element. |
| [EventEmitter](./puppeteer.eventemitter.md) | The EventEmitter class that many Puppeteer classes extend. |
| [ExecutionContext](./puppeteer.executioncontext.md) |
This class represents a context for JavaScript execution. A \[Page\] might have many execution contexts: - each [frame](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/iframe) has "default" execution context that is always created after frame is attached to DOM. This context is returned by the [Frame.executionContext()](./puppeteer.frame.executioncontext.md) method. - [Extension](https://developer.chrome.com/extensions)'s content scripts create additional execution contexts.
Besides pages, execution contexts can be found in [workers](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API).
| | [FileChooser](./puppeteer.filechooser.md) | File choosers let you react to the page requesting for a file. | | [Frame](./puppeteer.frame.md) | At every point of time, page exposes its current frame tree via the [page.mainFrame](./puppeteer.page.mainframe.md) and [frame.childFrames](./puppeteer.frame.childframes.md) methods. | | [HTTPRequest](./puppeteer.httprequest.md) | Represents an HTTP request sent by a page. | | [HTTPResponse](./puppeteer.httpresponse.md) | The HTTPResponse class represents responses which are received by the [Page](./puppeteer.page.md) class. | | [JSCoverage](./puppeteer.jscoverage.md) | | | [JSHandle](./puppeteer.jshandle.md) | Represents an in-page JavaScript object. JSHandles can be created with the [page.evaluateHandle](./puppeteer.page.evaluatehandle.md) method. | | [Keyboard](./puppeteer.keyboard.md) | Keyboard provides an api for managing a virtual keyboard. The high level api is [Keyboard.type()](./puppeteer.keyboard.type.md), which takes raw characters and generates proper keydown, keypress/input, and keyup events on your page. | | [Mouse](./puppeteer.mouse.md) | The Mouse class operates in main-frame CSS pixels relative to the top-left corner of the viewport. | | [Page](./puppeteer.page.md) |Page provides methods to interact with a single tab or [extension background page](https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/background_pages) in Chromium.
One Browser instance might have multiple Page instances.
| | [ProtocolError](./puppeteer.protocolerror.md) | ProtocolError is emitted whenever there is an error from the protocol. | | [Puppeteer](./puppeteer.puppeteer.md) |The main Puppeteer class.
IMPORTANT: if you are using Puppeteer in a Node environment, you will get an instance of [PuppeteerNode](./puppeteer.puppeteernode.md) when you import or require puppeteer
. That class extends Puppeteer
, so has all the methods documented below as well as all that are defined on [PuppeteerNode](./puppeteer.puppeteernode.md).
Extends the main [Puppeteer](./puppeteer.puppeteer.md) class with Node specific behaviour for fetching and downloading browsers.
If you're using Puppeteer in a Node environment, this is the class you'll get when you run require('puppeteer')
(or the equivalent ES import
and queryAll
that can be [registered](./puppeteer.registercustomqueryhandler.md) as alternative querying strategies. The functions queryOne
and queryAll
are executed in the page context. queryOne
should take an Element
and a selector string as argument and return a single Element
or null
if no element is found. queryAll
takes the same arguments but should instead return a NodeListOf<Element>
or Array<Element>
with all the elements that match the given query selector. |
| [Device](./puppeteer.device.md) | |
| [FrameAddScriptTagOptions](./puppeteer.frameaddscripttagoptions.md) | |
| [FrameAddStyleTagOptions](./puppeteer.frameaddstyletagoptions.md) | |
| [FrameWaitForFunctionOptions](./puppeteer.framewaitforfunctionoptions.md) | |
| [GeolocationOptions](./puppeteer.geolocationoptions.md) | |
| [InterceptResolutionState](./puppeteer.interceptresolutionstate.md) | |
| [InternalNetworkConditions](./puppeteer.internalnetworkconditions.md) | |
| [JSCoverageEntry](./puppeteer.jscoverageentry.md) | The CoverageEntry class for JavaScript |
| [JSCoverageOptions](./puppeteer.jscoverageoptions.md) | Set of configurable options for JS coverage. |
| [LaunchOptions](./puppeteer.launchoptions.md) | Generic launch options that can be passed when launching any browser. |
| [MediaFeature](./puppeteer.mediafeature.md) | |
| [Metrics](./puppeteer.metrics.md) | |
| [MouseOptions](./puppeteer.mouseoptions.md) | |
| [MouseWheelOptions](./puppeteer.mousewheeloptions.md) | |
| [NetworkConditions](./puppeteer.networkconditions.md) | |
| [Offset](./puppeteer.offset.md) | |
| [PageEventObject](./puppeteer.pageeventobject.md) | Denotes the objects received by callback functions for page events.
See [PageEmittedEvents](./puppeteer.pageemittedevents.md) for more detail on the events and when they are emitted.
| | [PDFMargin](./puppeteer.pdfmargin.md) | | | [PDFOptions](./puppeteer.pdfoptions.md) | Valid options to configure PDF generation via [Page.pdf()](./puppeteer.page.pdf.md). | | [Point](./puppeteer.point.md) | | | [PressOptions](./puppeteer.pressoptions.md) | | | [ProductLauncher](./puppeteer.productlauncher.md) | Describes a launcher - a class that is able to create and launch a browser instance. | | [PuppeteerErrors](./puppeteer.puppeteererrors.md) | | | [PuppeteerLaunchOptions](./puppeteer.puppeteerlaunchoptions.md) | | | [RemoteAddress](./puppeteer.remoteaddress.md) | | | [ResponseForRequest](./puppeteer.responseforrequest.md) | Required response data to fulfill a request with. | | [ScreenshotClip](./puppeteer.screenshotclip.md) | | | [ScreenshotOptions](./puppeteer.screenshotoptions.md) | | | [SerializedAXNode](./puppeteer.serializedaxnode.md) | Represents a Node and the properties of it that are relevant to Accessibility. | | [SnapshotOptions](./puppeteer.snapshotoptions.md) | | | [TracingOptions](./puppeteer.tracingoptions.md) | | | [Viewport](./puppeteer.viewport.md) | Sets the viewport of the page. | | [WaitForOptions](./puppeteer.waitforoptions.md) | | | [WaitForSelectorOptions](./puppeteer.waitforselectoroptions.md) | | | [WaitForTargetOptions](./puppeteer.waitfortargetoptions.md) | | | [WaitTimeoutOptions](./puppeteer.waittimeoutoptions.md) | | ## Variables | Variable | Description | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | [connect](./puppeteer.connect.md) | | | [createBrowserFetcher](./puppeteer.createbrowserfetcher.md) | | | [DEFAULT_INTERCEPT_RESOLUTION_PRIORITY](./puppeteer.default_intercept_resolution_priority.md) | The default cooperative request interception resolution priority | | [defaultArgs](./puppeteer.defaultargs.md) | | | [devices](./puppeteer.devices.md) | A list of devices to be used withpage.emulate(options)
. Actual list of devices can be found in [src/common/DeviceDescriptors.ts](https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/blob/main/src/common/DeviceDescriptors.ts). |
| [errors](./puppeteer.errors.md) | Puppeteer methods might throw errors if they are unable to fulfill a request. For example, page.waitForSelector(selector[, options])
might fail if the selector doesn't match any nodes during the given timeframe.
For certain types of errors Puppeteer uses specific error classes. These classes are available via puppeteer.errors
. Actual list of predefined conditions can be found in [src/common/NetworkConditions.ts](https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/blob/main/src/common/NetworkConditions.ts). |
## Type Aliases
| Type Alias | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [ActionResult](./puppeteer.actionresult.md) | |
| [Awaitable](./puppeteer.awaitable.md) | |
| [ChromeReleaseChannel](./puppeteer.chromereleasechannel.md) | |
| [ConsoleMessageType](./puppeteer.consolemessagetype.md) | The supported types for console messages. |
| [DevicesMap](./puppeteer.devicesmap.md) | |
| [ErrorCode](./puppeteer.errorcode.md) | |
| [EvaluateFunc](./puppeteer.evaluatefunc.md) | |
| [EventType](./puppeteer.eventtype.md) | |
| [FlattenHandle](./puppeteer.flattenhandle.md) | |
| [HandleFor](./puppeteer.handlefor.md) | |
| [HandleOr](./puppeteer.handleor.md) | |
| [Handler](./puppeteer.handler.md) | |
| [InnerParams](./puppeteer.innerparams.md) | |
| [InterceptResolutionStrategy](./puppeteer.interceptresolutionstrategy.md) | |
| [KeyInput](./puppeteer.keyinput.md) | All the valid keys that can be passed to functions that take user input, such as [keyboard.press](./puppeteer.keyboard.press.md) |
| [LowerCasePaperFormat](./puppeteer.lowercasepaperformat.md) | |
| [MouseButton](./puppeteer.mousebutton.md) | |
| [PaperFormat](./puppeteer.paperformat.md) | All the valid paper format types when printing a PDF. |
| [Permission](./puppeteer.permission.md) | |
| [Platform](./puppeteer.platform.md) | Supported platforms. |
| [Product](./puppeteer.product.md) | Supported products. |
| [ProtocolLifeCycleEvent](./puppeteer.protocollifecycleevent.md) | |
| [PuppeteerLifeCycleEvent](./puppeteer.puppeteerlifecycleevent.md) | |
| [PuppeteerNodeLaunchOptions](./puppeteer.puppeteernodelaunchoptions.md) | Utility type exposed to enable users to define options that can be passed to puppeteer.launch
without having to list the set of all types. |
| [ResourceType](./puppeteer.resourcetype.md) | Resource types for HTTPRequests as perceived by the rendering engine. |
| [TargetFilterCallback](./puppeteer.targetfiltercallback.md) | |