async_test(function () { var url = TEST_HTTP_BASE + "echo"; var webpage = require('webpage'); var page = webpage.create(); page.cookies = [{ 'name' : 'Valid-Cookie-Name', 'value' : 'Valid-Cookie-Value', 'domain' : 'localhost', 'path' : '/', 'httpOnly' : true, 'secure' : false },{ 'name' : 'Valid-Cookie-Name-Sec', 'value' : 'Valid-Cookie-Value-Sec', 'domain' : 'localhost', 'path' : '/', 'httpOnly' : true, 'secure' : false, 'expires': ( + 3600 }];, this.step_func(function (status) { assert_equals(status, "success"); var headers = JSON.parse(page.plainText).headers; assert_own_property(headers, 'cookie'); assert_regexp_match(headers.cookie, /\bValid-Cookie-Name\b/); assert_regexp_match(headers.cookie, /\bValid-Cookie-Value\b/); assert_regexp_match(headers.cookie, /\bValid-Cookie-Name-Sec\b/); assert_regexp_match(headers.cookie, /\bValid-Cookie-Value-Sec\b/); assert_not_equals(page.cookies.length, 0); page.cookies = [];, this.step_func_done(function (status) { assert_equals(status, "success"); var headers = JSON.parse(page.plainText).headers; assert_no_property(headers, 'cookie'); })); })); }, "adding and deleting cookies with page.cookies"); async_test(function () { var url = TEST_HTTP_BASE + "echo"; var webpage = require('webpage'); var page = webpage.create(); page.addCookie({ 'name' : 'Added-Cookie-Name', 'value' : 'Added-Cookie-Value', 'domain' : 'localhost' });, this.step_func(function (status) { assert_equals(status, "success"); var headers = JSON.parse(page.plainText).headers; assert_own_property(headers, 'cookie'); assert_regexp_match(headers.cookie, /\bAdded-Cookie-Name\b/); assert_regexp_match(headers.cookie, /\bAdded-Cookie-Value\b/); page.deleteCookie("Added-Cookie-Name");, this.step_func_done(function (status) { assert_equals(status, "success"); var headers = JSON.parse(page.plainText).headers; assert_no_property(headers, 'cookie'); })); })); }, "adding and deleting cookies with page.addCookie and page.deleteCookie"); async_test(function () { var url = TEST_HTTP_BASE + "echo"; var webpage = require('webpage'); var page = webpage.create(); page.cookies = [ { // domain mismatch. 'name' : 'Invalid-Cookie-Name-1', 'value' : 'Invalid-Cookie-Value-1', 'domain' : 'foo.example' },{ // path mismatch: the cookie will be set, // but won't be visible from the given URL (not same path). 'name' : 'Invalid-Cookie-Name-2', 'value' : 'Invalid-Cookie-Value-2', 'domain' : 'localhost', 'path' : '/bar' },{ // cookie expired. 'name' : 'Invalid-Cookie-Name-3', 'value' : 'Invalid-Cookie-Value-3', 'domain' : 'localhost', 'expires' : 5 },{ // https only: the cookie will be set, // but won't be visible from the given URL (not https). 'name' : 'Invalid-Cookie-Name-4', 'value' : 'Invalid-Cookie-Value-4', 'domain' : 'localhost', 'secure' : true },{ // cookie expired (date in "sec since epoch"). 'name' : 'Invalid-Cookie-Name-5', 'value' : 'Invalid-Cookie-Value-5', 'domain' : 'localhost', 'expires' : ( - 10 //< date in the past }];, this.step_func_done(function (status) { assert_equals(status, "success"); var headers = JSON.parse(page.plainText).headers; assert_no_property(headers, 'cookie'); })); }, "page.cookies provides cookies only to appropriate requests");