#! /usr/bin/env -S node /** * Copyright 2022 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import {randomUUID} from 'crypto'; import fs from 'fs'; import {spawn, type SpawnOptions} from 'node:child_process'; import os from 'os'; import path from 'path'; import {globSync} from 'glob'; import { zPlatform, zTestSuiteFile, type MochaResults, type Platform, type TestExpectation, type TestSuite, type TestSuiteFile, } from './types.js'; import { extendProcessEnv, filterByParameters, filterByPlatform, getExpectationUpdates, printSuggestions, readJSON, writeJSON, type RecommendedExpectation, } from './utils.js'; function getApplicableTestSuites( parsedSuitesFile: TestSuiteFile, platform: Platform ): TestSuite[] { const testSuiteArgIdx = process.argv.indexOf('--test-suite'); let applicableSuites: TestSuite[] = []; if (testSuiteArgIdx === -1) { applicableSuites = filterByPlatform(parsedSuitesFile.testSuites, platform); } else { const testSuiteId = process.argv[testSuiteArgIdx + 1]; const testSuite = parsedSuitesFile.testSuites.find(suite => { return suite.id === testSuiteId; }); if (!testSuite) { console.error(`Test suite ${testSuiteId} is not defined`); process.exit(1); } if (!testSuite.platforms.includes(platform)) { console.warn( `Test suite ${testSuiteId} is not enabled for your platform. Running it anyway.` ); } applicableSuites = [testSuite]; } return applicableSuites; } async function main() { const noCoverage = process.argv.indexOf('--no-coverage') !== -1; const noSuggestions = process.argv.indexOf('--no-suggestions') !== -1; const excludeCDPOnly = process.argv.indexOf('--no-cdp-tests') !== -1; const statsFilenameIdx = process.argv.indexOf('--save-stats-to'); let statsFilename = ''; if (statsFilenameIdx !== -1) { statsFilename = process.argv[statsFilenameIdx + 1] as string; if (statsFilename.includes('INSERTID')) { statsFilename = statsFilename.replace(/INSERTID/gi, randomUUID()); } } const minTestsIdx = process.argv.indexOf('--min-tests'); let minTests = 0; if (minTestsIdx !== -1) { minTests = Number(process.argv[minTestsIdx + 1]); } const shardIdx = process.argv.indexOf('--shard'); let shard = null; if (shardIdx !== -1) { shard = String(process.argv[shardIdx + 1]); } const platform = zPlatform.parse(os.platform()); const expectations = readJSON( path.join(process.cwd(), 'test', 'TestExpectations.json') ) as TestExpectation[]; const parsedSuitesFile = zTestSuiteFile.parse( readJSON(path.join(process.cwd(), 'test', 'TestSuites.json')) ); const applicableSuites = getApplicableTestSuites(parsedSuitesFile, platform); console.log('Planning to run the following test suites', applicableSuites); if (statsFilename) { console.log('Test stats will be saved to', statsFilename); } let fail = false; const recommendations: RecommendedExpectation[] = []; try { for (const suite of applicableSuites) { const parameters = suite.parameters; const applicableExpectations = filterByParameters( filterByPlatform(expectations, platform), parameters ).reverse(); // Add more logging when the GitHub Action Debugging option is set // https://docs.github.com/en/actions/learn-github-actions/variables#default-environment-variables const githubActionDebugging = process.env['RUNNER_DEBUG'] ? { DEBUG: 'puppeteer:*', EXTRA_LAUNCH_OPTIONS: JSON.stringify({ dumpio: true, extraPrefsFirefox: { 'remote.log.level': 'Trace', }, }), } : {}; const env = extendProcessEnv([ ...parameters.map(param => { return parsedSuitesFile.parameterDefinitions[param]; }), { PUPPETEER_SKIPPED_TEST_CONFIG: JSON.stringify( applicableExpectations.map(ex => { return { testIdPattern: ex.testIdPattern, skip: ex.expectations.includes('SKIP'), }; }) ), }, githubActionDebugging, ]); const tmpDir = fs.mkdtempSync( path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'puppeteer-test-runner-') ); const tmpFilename = statsFilename ? statsFilename : path.join(tmpDir, 'output.json'); console.log('Running', JSON.stringify(parameters), tmpFilename); const reporterArgumentIndex = process.argv.indexOf('--reporter'); const args = [ '-u', path.join(__dirname, 'interface.js'), '-R', reporterArgumentIndex === -1 ? path.join(__dirname, 'reporter.js') : process.argv[reporterArgumentIndex + 1] || '', '-O', 'output=' + tmpFilename, ]; const retriesArgumentIndex = process.argv.indexOf('--retries'); const timeoutArgumentIndex = process.argv.indexOf('--timeout'); if (retriesArgumentIndex > -1) { args.push('--retries', process.argv[retriesArgumentIndex + 1] || ''); } if (timeoutArgumentIndex > -1) { args.push('--timeout', process.argv[timeoutArgumentIndex + 1] || ''); } if (process.argv.indexOf('--no-parallel')) { args.push('--no-parallel'); } if (process.argv.indexOf('--fullTrace')) { args.push('--full-trace'); } const specPattern = 'test/build/**/*.spec.js'; const specs = globSync(specPattern, { ignore: excludeCDPOnly ? 'test/build/cdp/**/*.spec.js' : undefined, }).sort((a, b) => { return a.localeCompare(b); }); if (shard) { // Shard ID is 1-based. const [shardId, shards] = shard.split('/').map(s => { return Number(s); }) as [number, number]; const argsLength = args.length; for (let i = 0; i < specs.length; i++) { if (i % shards === shardId - 1) { args.push(specs[i]!); } } if (argsLength === args.length) { throw new Error('Shard did not result in any test files'); } console.log( `Running shard ${shardId}/${shards}. Picked ${ args.length - argsLength } files out of ${specs.length}.` ); } else { args.push(...specs); } const spawnArgs: SpawnOptions = { shell: true, cwd: process.cwd(), stdio: 'inherit', env, }; const handle = noCoverage ? spawn('npx', ['mocha', ...args], spawnArgs) : spawn( 'npx', [ 'c8', '--check-coverage', '--lines', String(suite.expectedLineCoverage), 'npx mocha', ...args, ], spawnArgs ); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { handle.on('error', err => { reject(err); }); handle.on('close', () => { resolve(); }); }); console.log('Finished', JSON.stringify(parameters)); try { const results = readJSON(tmpFilename) as MochaResults; const updates = getExpectationUpdates(results, applicableExpectations, { platforms: [os.platform()], parameters, }); const totalTests = results.stats.tests; results.parameters = parameters; results.platform = platform; results.date = new Date().toISOString(); if (updates.length > 0) { fail = true; recommendations.push(...updates); results.updates = updates; writeJSON(tmpFilename, results); } else { if (!shard && totalTests < minTests) { fail = true; console.log( `Test run matches expectations but the number of discovered tests is too low (expected: ${minTests}, actual: ${totalTests}).` ); writeJSON(tmpFilename, results); continue; } console.log('Test run matches expectations'); writeJSON(tmpFilename, results); continue; } } catch (err) { fail = true; console.error(err); } } } catch (err) { fail = true; console.error(err); } finally { if (!noSuggestions) { printSuggestions( recommendations, 'add', 'Add the following to TestExpectations.json to ignore the error:' ); printSuggestions( recommendations, 'remove', 'Remove the following from the TestExpectations.json to ignore the error:' ); printSuggestions( recommendations, 'update', 'Update the following expectations in the TestExpectations.json to ignore the error:' ); } process.exit(fail ? 1 : 0); } } main().catch(error => { console.error(error); process.exit(1); });