--- sidebar_label: ElementHandle.autofill --- # ElementHandle.autofill() method If the element is a form input, you can use [ElementHandle.autofill()](./puppeteer.elementhandle.autofill.md) to test if the form is compatible with the browser's autofill implementation. Throws an error if the form cannot be autofilled. #### Signature: ```typescript class ElementHandle { abstract autofill(data: AutofillData): Promise; } ``` ## Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | | --------- | ------------------------------------------- | ----------- | | data | [AutofillData](./puppeteer.autofilldata.md) | | **Returns:** Promise<void> ## Remarks Currently, Puppeteer supports auto-filling credit card information only and in Chrome in the new headless and headful modes only. ```ts // Select an input on the credit card form. const name = await page.waitForSelector('form #name'); // Trigger autofill with the desired data. await name.autofill({ creditCard: { number: '4444444444444444', name: 'John Smith', expiryMonth: '01', expiryYear: '2030', cvc: '123', }, }); ```