--- sidebar_label: API --- # API Reference ## Classes
Class Description
[Accessibility](./puppeteer.accessibility.md) The Accessibility class provides methods for inspecting the browser's accessibility tree. The accessibility tree is used by assistive technology such as [screen readers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screen_reader) or [switches](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Switch_access). **Remarks:** Accessibility is a very platform-specific thing. On different platforms, there are different screen readers that might have wildly different output. Blink - Chrome's rendering engine - has a concept of "accessibility tree", which is then translated into different platform-specific APIs. Accessibility namespace gives users access to the Blink Accessibility Tree. Most of the accessibility tree gets filtered out when converting from Blink AX Tree to Platform-specific AX-Tree or by assistive technologies themselves. By default, Puppeteer tries to approximate this filtering, exposing only the "interesting" nodes of the tree. The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `Accessibility` class.
[Browser](./puppeteer.browser.md) [Browser](./puppeteer.browser.md) represents a browser instance that is either: - connected to via [Puppeteer.connect()](./puppeteer.puppeteer.connect.md) or - launched by [PuppeteerNode.launch()](./puppeteer.puppeteernode.launch.md). [Browser](./puppeteer.browser.md) [emits](./puppeteer.eventemitter.emit.md) various events which are documented in the [BrowserEvent](./puppeteer.browserevent.md) enum. **Remarks:** The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `Browser` class.
[BrowserContext](./puppeteer.browsercontext.md) [BrowserContext](./puppeteer.browsercontext.md) represents individual user contexts within a [browser](./puppeteer.browser.md). When a [browser](./puppeteer.browser.md) is launched, it has a single [browser context](./puppeteer.browsercontext.md) by default. Others can be created using [Browser.createBrowserContext()](./puppeteer.browser.createbrowsercontext.md). Each context has isolated storage (cookies/localStorage/etc.) [BrowserContext](./puppeteer.browsercontext.md) [emits](./puppeteer.eventemitter.md) various events which are documented in the [BrowserContextEvent](./puppeteer.browsercontextevent.md) enum. If a [page](./puppeteer.page.md) opens another [page](./puppeteer.page.md), e.g. using `window.open`, the popup will belong to the parent [page's browser context](./puppeteer.page.browsercontext.md). **Remarks:** The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `BrowserContext` class.
[CDPSession](./puppeteer.cdpsession.md) The `CDPSession` instances are used to talk raw Chrome Devtools Protocol. **Remarks:** Protocol methods can be called with [CDPSession.send()](./puppeteer.cdpsession.send.md) method and protocol events can be subscribed to with `CDPSession.on` method. Useful links: [DevTools Protocol Viewer](https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/) and [Getting Started with DevTools Protocol](https://github.com/aslushnikov/getting-started-with-cdp/blob/HEAD/README.md). The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `CDPSession` class.
[ConsoleMessage](./puppeteer.consolemessage.md) ConsoleMessage objects are dispatched by page via the 'console' event.
[Coverage](./puppeteer.coverage.md) The Coverage class provides methods to gather information about parts of JavaScript and CSS that were used by the page. **Remarks:** To output coverage in a form consumable by [Istanbul](https://github.com/istanbuljs), see [puppeteer-to-istanbul](https://github.com/istanbuljs/puppeteer-to-istanbul).
[DeviceRequestPrompt](./puppeteer.devicerequestprompt.md) Device request prompts let you respond to the page requesting for a device through an API like WebBluetooth. **Remarks:** `DeviceRequestPrompt` instances are returned via the [Page.waitForDevicePrompt()](./puppeteer.page.waitfordeviceprompt.md) method. The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `DeviceRequestPrompt` class.
[DeviceRequestPromptDevice](./puppeteer.devicerequestpromptdevice.md) Device in a request prompt. **Remarks:** The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `DeviceRequestPromptDevice` class.
[Dialog](./puppeteer.dialog.md) Dialog instances are dispatched by the [Page](./puppeteer.page.md) via the `dialog` event. **Remarks:** The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `Dialog` class.
[ElementHandle](./puppeteer.elementhandle.md) ElementHandle represents an in-page DOM element. **Remarks:** ElementHandles can be created with the [Page.$()](./puppeteer.page._.md) method. ```ts import puppeteer from 'puppeteer'; (async () => { const browser = await puppeteer.launch(); const page = await browser.newPage(); await page.goto('https://example.com'); const hrefElement = await page.$('a'); await hrefElement.click(); // ... })(); ``` ElementHandle prevents the DOM element from being garbage-collected unless the handle is [disposed](./puppeteer.jshandle.dispose.md). ElementHandles are auto-disposed when their origin frame gets navigated. ElementHandle instances can be used as arguments in [Page.$eval()](./puppeteer.page._eval.md) and [Page.evaluate()](./puppeteer.page.evaluate.md) methods. If you're using TypeScript, ElementHandle takes a generic argument that denotes the type of element the handle is holding within. For example, if you have a handle to a `
[EventEmitter](./puppeteer.eventemitter.md) The EventEmitter class that many Puppeteer classes extend. **Remarks:** This allows you to listen to events that Puppeteer classes fire and act accordingly. Therefore you'll mostly use [on](./puppeteer.eventemitter.on.md) and [off](./puppeteer.eventemitter.off.md) to bind and unbind to event listeners. The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `EventEmitter` class.
[FileChooser](./puppeteer.filechooser.md) File choosers let you react to the page requesting for a file. **Remarks:** `FileChooser` instances are returned via the [Page.waitForFileChooser()](./puppeteer.page.waitforfilechooser.md) method. In browsers, only one file chooser can be opened at a time. All file choosers must be accepted or canceled. Not doing so will prevent subsequent file choosers from appearing. The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `FileChooser` class.
[Frame](./puppeteer.frame.md) Represents a DOM frame. To understand frames, you can think of frames as `