/** * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ var fs = require('fs'); var EventEmitter = require('events'); var helpers = require('./helpers'); var mime = require('mime'); var Request = require('./Request'); var Dialog = require('./Dialog'); class Page extends EventEmitter { /** * @param {!Connection} client * @return {!Promise} */ static async create(client) { await Promise.all([ client.send('Network.enable', {}), client.send('Page.enable', {}), client.send('Runtime.enable', {}), client.send('Security.enable', {}), ]); var expression = helpers.evaluationString(() => window.devicePixelRatio, []); var {result:{value: screenDPI}} = await client.send('Runtime.evaluate', { expression, returnByValue: true }); var page = new Page(client, screenDPI); // Initialize default page size. await page.setViewportSize({width: 400, height: 300}); return page; } /** * @param {!Connection} client * @param {number} screenDPI */ constructor(client, screenDPI) { super(); this._client = client; this._screenDPI = screenDPI; this._extraHeaders = {}; /** @type {!Map} */ this._inPageCallbacks = new Map(); /** @type {?function(!Request)} */ this._requestInterceptor = null; this._screenshotTaskChain = Promise.resolve(); client.on('Network.responseReceived', event => this.emit(Page.Events.ResponseReceived, event.response)); client.on('Network.loadingFailed', event => this.emit(Page.Events.ResourceLoadingFailed, event)); client.on('Network.requestIntercepted', event => this._onRequestIntercepted(event)); client.on('Runtime.consoleAPICalled', event => this._onConsoleAPI(event)); client.on('Page.javascriptDialogOpening', event => this._onDialog(event)); client.on('Runtime.exceptionThrown', exception => this._handleException(exception.exceptionDetails)); } /** * @param {?function(!Request)} interceptor */ async setRequestInterceptor(interceptor) { this._requestInterceptor = interceptor; await this._client.send('Network.enableRequestInterception', {enabled: !!interceptor}); } /** * @param {!Object} event */ _onRequestIntercepted(event) { var request = new Request(this._client, event.InterceptionId, event.request); this._requestInterceptor(request); } /** * @param {string} url * @return {!Promise} */ async addScriptTag(url) { return this.evaluate(addScriptTag, url); /** * @param {string} url */ function addScriptTag(url) { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = url; var promise = new Promise(x => script.onload = x); document.head.appendChild(script); return promise; } } /** * @param {string} filePath * @return {!Promise} */ async injectFile(filePath) { var expression = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8'); await this._client.send('Runtime.evaluate', { expression, returnByValue: true }); } /** * @param {string} name * @param {function(?)} callback */ async setInPageCallback(name, callback) { if (this._inPageCallbacks[name]) throw new Error(`Failed to set in-page callback with name ${name}: window['${name}'] already exists!`); this._inPageCallbacks[name] = callback; var expression = helpers.evaluationString(inPageCallback, [name]); await this._client.send('Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnLoad', { scriptSource: expression }); await this._client.send('Runtime.evaluate', { expression, returnByValue: true }); function inPageCallback(callbackName) { window[callbackName] = async (...args) => { const me = window[callbackName]; let callbacks = me['callbacks']; if (!callbacks) { callbacks = new Map(); me['callbacks'] = callbacks; } const seq = (me['lastSeq'] || 0) + 1; me['lastSeq'] = seq; const promise = new Promise(fulfill => callbacks.set(seq, fulfill)); console.debug('driver:InPageCallback', JSON.stringify({name: callbackName, seq, args})); return promise; }; } } /** * @param {!Object} headers * @return {!Promise} */ async setExtraHTTPHeaders(headers) { this._extraHeaders = {}; // Note: header names are case-insensitive. for (var key of Object.keys(headers)) this._extraHeaders[key.toLowerCase()] = headers[key]; return this._client.send('Network.setExtraHTTPHeaders', { headers }); } /** * @return {!Object} */ extraHTTPHeaders() { return Object.assign({}, this._extraHeaders); } /** * @param {string} userAgent * @return {!Promise} */ async setUserAgentOverride(userAgent) { this._userAgent = userAgent; return this._client.send('Network.setUserAgentOverride', { userAgent }); } /** * @return {string} */ userAgentOverride() { return this._userAgent; } /** * @param {!Object} exceptionDetails */ async _handleException(exceptionDetails) { var message = await this._getExceptionMessage(exceptionDetails); this.emit(Page.Events.Error, new Error(message)); } async _onConsoleAPI(event) { if (event.type === 'debug' && event.args.length && event.args[0].value === 'driver:InPageCallback') { var {name, seq, args} = JSON.parse(event.args[1].value); var result = await this._inPageCallbacks[name](...args); var expression = helpers.evaluationString(deliverResult, [name, seq, result]); this._client.send('Runtime.evaluate', { expression }); function deliverResult(name, seq, result) { window[name]['callbacks'].get(seq)(result); window[name]['callbacks'].delete(seq); } return; } var values = event.args.map(arg => arg.value || arg.description || ''); this.emit(Page.Events.ConsoleMessage, values.join(' ')); } _onDialog(event) { var dialogType = null; if (event.type === 'alert') dialogType = Dialog.Type.Alert; else if (event.type === 'confirm') dialogType = Dialog.Type.Confirm; else if (event.type === 'prompt') dialogType = Dialog.Type.Prompt; else if (event.type === 'beforeunload') dialogType = Dialog.Type.BeforeUnload; console.assert(dialogType, 'Unknown javascript dialog type: ' + event.type); var dialog = new Dialog(this._client, dialogType, event.message); this.emit(Page.Events.Dialog, dialog); } /** * @return {!Promise} */ async url() { return this.evaluate(function() { return window.location.href; }); } /** * @param {string} html * @return {!Promise} */ async setContent(html) { var resourceTree = await this._client.send('Page.getResourceTree', {}); await this._client.send('Page.setDocumentContent', { frameId: resourceTree.frameTree.frame.id, html: html }); } /** * @param {string} html * @return {!Promise} */ async navigate(url) { var loadPromise = new Promise(fulfill => this._client.once('Page.loadEventFired', fulfill)).then(() => true); var interstitialPromise = new Promise(fulfill => this._client.once('Security.certificateError', fulfill)).then(() => false); var referrer = this._extraHeaders.referer; // Await for the command to throw exception in case of illegal arguments. try { await this._client.send('Page.navigate', {url, referrer}); } catch (e) { return false; } return await Promise.race([loadPromise, interstitialPromise]); } /** * @param {!{width: number, height: number}} size * @return {!Promise} */ async setViewportSize(size) { this._size = size; var width = size.width; var height = size.height; var zoom = this._screenDPI; return Promise.all([ this._client.send('Emulation.setDeviceMetricsOverride', { width, height, deviceScaleFactor: 1, scale: 1 / zoom, mobile: false, fitWindow: false }), this._client.send('Emulation.setVisibleSize', { width: width / zoom, height: height / zoom, }) ]); } /** * @return {!{width: number, height: number}} */ viewportSize() { return this._size; } /** * @param {function()} fun * @param {!Array<*>} args * @return {!Promise<(!Object|undefined)>} */ async evaluate(fun, ...args) { var code = helpers.evaluationString(fun, args, false /* wrapInPromise */); var response = await this._client.send('Runtime.evaluate', { expression: code }); if (response.exceptionDetails) { var message = await this._getExceptionMessage(response.exceptionDetails); throw new Error('Evaluation failed: ' + message); } var remoteObject = response.result; if (remoteObject.type !== 'object') return remoteObject.value; var isPromise = remoteObject.type === 'object' && remoteObject.subtype === 'promise'; var response = await this._client.send('Runtime.callFunctionOn', { objectId: remoteObject.objectId, functionDeclaration: 'function() { return this; }', returnByValue: true, awaitPromise: isPromise }); await this._client.send('Runtime.releaseObject', { objectId: remoteObject.objectId }); if (response.exceptionDetails) { var message = await this._getExceptionMessage(response.exceptionDetails); throw new Error('Evaluation failed with ' + message); } return response.result.value; } /** * @param {!Object} exceptionDetails * @return {string} */ async _getExceptionMessage(exceptionDetails) { var message = ''; var exception = exceptionDetails.exception; if (exception) { var response = await this._client.send('Runtime.callFunctionOn', { objectId: exception.objectId, functionDeclaration: 'function() { return this.message; }', returnByValue: true, }); message = response.result.value; } else { message = exceptionDetails.text; } if (exceptionDetails.stackTrace) { for (var callframe of exceptionDetails.stackTrace.callFrames) { var location = callframe.url + ':' + callframe.lineNumber + ':' + callframe.columnNumber; var functionName = callframe.functionName || ''; message += `\n at ${functionName} (${location})`; } } return message; } /** * @param {function()} fun * @param {!Array<*>} args * @return {!Promise} */ async evaluateOnInitialized(fun, ...args) { var code = helpers.evaluationString(fun, args, false /* wrapInPromise */); await this._client.send('Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnLoad', { scriptSource: code }); } /** * @param {!Object=} options * @return {!Promise} */ async screenshot(options) { options = options || {}; var screenshotType = null; if (options.path) { var mimeType = mime.lookup(options.path); if (mimeType === 'image/png') screenshotType = 'png'; else if (mimeType === 'image/jpeg') screenshotType = 'jpeg'; console.assert(screenshotType, 'Unsupported screenshot mime type: ' + mimeType); } if (options.type) { console.assert(!screenshotType || options.type === screenshotType, `Passed screenshot type '${options.type}' does not match the type inferred from the file path: '${screenshotType}'`); console.assert(options.type === 'png' || options.type === 'jpeg', 'Unknown options.type value: ' + options.type); screenshotType = options.type; } if (!screenshotType) screenshotType = 'png'; if (options.quality) { console.assert(screenshotType === 'jpeg', 'options.quality is unsupported for the ' + screenshotType + ' screenshots'); console.assert(typeof options.quality === 'number', 'Expected options.quality to be a number but found ' + (typeof options.quality)); console.assert(Number.isInteger(options.quality), 'Expected options.quality to be an integer'); console.assert(options.quality >= 0 && options.quality <= 100, 'Expected options.quality to be between 0 and 100 (inclusive), got ' + options.quality); } console.assert(!options.clip || !options.fullPage, 'options.clip and options.fullPage are exclusive'); if (options.clip) { console.assert(typeof options.clip.x === 'number', 'Expected options.clip.x to be a number but found ' + (typeof options.clip.x)); console.assert(typeof options.clip.y === 'number', 'Expected options.clip.y to be a number but found ' + (typeof options.clip.y)); console.assert(typeof options.clip.width === 'number', 'Expected options.clip.width to be a number but found ' + (typeof options.clip.width)); console.assert(typeof options.clip.height === 'number', 'Expected options.clip.height to be a number but found ' + (typeof options.clip.height)); } this._screenshotTaskChain = this._screenshotTaskChain.then(this._screenshotTask.bind(this, screenshotType, options)); return this._screenshotTaskChain; } /** * @param {string} screenshotType * @param {!Object=} options * @return {!Promise} */ async _screenshotTask(screenshotType, options) { if (options.clip) { await Promise.all([ this._client.send('Emulation.setVisibleSize', { width: Math.ceil(options.clip.width / this._screenDPI), height: Math.ceil(options.clip.height / this._screenDPI), }), this._client.send('Emulation.forceViewport', { x: options.clip.x / this._screenDPI, y: options.clip.y / this._screenDPI, scale: 1, }) ]); } else if (options.fullPage) { var response = await this._client.send('Page.getLayoutMetrics'); await Promise.all([ this._client.send('Emulation.setVisibleSize', { width: Math.ceil(response.contentSize.width / this._screenDPI), height: Math.ceil(response.contentSize.height / this._screenDPI), }), this._client.send('Emulation.forceViewport', { x: 0, y: 0, scale: 1, }) ]); } var result = await this._client.send('Page.captureScreenshot', { fromSurface: true, format: screenshotType, quality: options.quality }); if (options.clip || options.fullPage) { await Promise.all([ this.setViewportSize(this.viewportSize()), this._client.send('Emulation.resetViewport') ]); } var buffer = new Buffer(result.data, 'base64'); if (options.path) fs.writeFileSync(options.path, buffer); return buffer; } /** * @param {string} filePath * @param {!Object=} options * @return {!Promise} */ async printToPDF(filePath, options) { options = options || {}; var scale = options.scale || 1; var displayHeaderFooter = options.displayHeaderFooter || false; var printBackground = options.printBackground || true; var landscape = options.landscape || false; var pageRanges = options.pageRanges || ''; var paperWidth = 8.5; var paperHeight = 11; if (options.format) { var format = Page.PaperFormats[options.format]; console.assert(format, 'Unknown paper format: ' + options.format); paperWidth = format.width; paperHeight = format.height; } else { paperWidth = convertPrintParameterToInches(options.width) || paperWidth; paperHeight = convertPrintParameterToInches(options.height) || paperHeight; } var marginOptions = options.margin || {}; var marginTop = convertPrintParameterToInches(marginOptions.top) || 0; var marginLeft = convertPrintParameterToInches(marginOptions.left) || 0; var marginBottom = convertPrintParameterToInches(marginOptions.bottom) || 0; var marginRight = convertPrintParameterToInches(marginOptions.right) || 0; var result = await this._client.send('Page.printToPDF', { landscape: landscape, displayHeaderFooter: displayHeaderFooter, printBackground: printBackground, scale: scale, paperWidth: paperWidth, paperHeight: paperHeight, marginTop: marginTop, marginBottom: marginBottom, marginLeft: marginLeft, marginRight: marginRight, pageRanges: pageRanges }); var buffer = new Buffer(result.data, 'base64'); fs.writeFileSync(filePath, buffer); } /** * @return {!Promise} */ async plainText() { return this.evaluate(function() { return document.body.innerText; }); } /** * @return {!Promise} */ async title() { return this.evaluate(function() { return document.title; }); } /** * @return {!Promise} */ async close() { await this._client.dispose(); } } class InPageCallback { /** * @param {string} name * @param {function(?):?} callback */ constructor(name, callback) { this.name = name; this.callback = callback; } } /** @enum {string} */ Page.PaperFormats = { Letter: {width: 8.5, height: 11}, Legal: {width: 8.5, height: 14}, Tabloid: {width: 11, height: 17}, Ledger: {width: 17, height: 11}, A0: {width: 33.1, height: 46.8 }, A1: {width: 23.4, height: 33.1 }, A2: {width: 16.5, height: 23.4 }, A3: {width: 11.7, height: 16.5 }, A4: {width: 8.27, height: 11.7 }, A5: {width: 5.83, height: 8.27 }, }; var unitToPixels = { 'px': 1, 'in': 96, 'cm': 37.8, 'mm': 3.78 }; /** * @param {(string|number|undefined)} parameter * @return {(number|undefined)} */ function convertPrintParameterToInches(parameter) { if (typeof parameter === 'undefined') return undefined; var pixels; if (typeof parameter === 'number') { // Treat numbers as pixel values to be aligned with phantom's paperSize. pixels = /** @type {number} */ (parameter); } else if (typeof parameter === 'string') { var text = parameter; var unit = text.substring(text.length - 2).toLowerCase(); var valueText = ''; if (unitToPixels.hasOwnProperty(unit)) { valueText = text.substring(0, text.length - 2); } else { // In case of unknown unit try to parse the whole parameter as number of pixels. // This is consistent with phantom's paperSize behavior. unit = 'px'; valueText = text; } var value = Number(valueText); console.assert(!isNaN(value), 'Failed to parse parameter value: ' + text); pixels = value * unitToPixels[unit]; } else { throw new Error('printToPDF Cannot handle parameter type: ' + (typeof parameter)); } return pixels / 96; } Page.Events = { ConsoleMessage: 'consolemessage', Dialog: 'dialog', Error: 'error', ResourceLoadingFailed: 'resourceloadingfailed', ResponseReceived: 'responsereceived', }; module.exports = Page;