/** * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const helper = require('./helper'); class NavigatorWatcher { /** * @param {!Connection} client * @param {boolean} ignoreHTTPSErrors * @param {!Object=} options */ constructor(client, ignoreHTTPSErrors, options = {}) { this._client = client; this._ignoreHTTPSErrors = ignoreHTTPSErrors; this._timeout = typeof options['timeout'] === 'number' ? options['timeout'] : 30000; this._idleTime = typeof options['networkIdleTimeout'] === 'number' ? options['networkIdleTimeout'] : 1000; this._idleInflight = typeof options['networkIdleInflight'] === 'number' ? options['networkIdleInflight'] : 2; this._waitUntil = typeof options['waitUntil'] === 'string' ? options['waitUntil'] : 'load'; console.assert(this._waitUntil === 'load' || this._waitUntil === 'networkidle', 'Unknown value for options.waitUntil: ' + this._waitUntil); } /** * @return {!Promise>} */ async waitForNavigation() { this._requestIds = new Set(); this._eventListeners = []; let watchdog = new Promise(fulfill => this._maximumTimer = setTimeout(fulfill, this._timeout)) .then(() => 'Navigation Timeout Exceeded: ' + this._timeout + 'ms exceeded'); let navigationPromises = [watchdog]; if (!this._ignoreHTTPSErrors) { let certificateError = new Promise(fulfill => { this._eventListeners.push(helper.addEventListener(this._client, 'Security.certificateError', fulfill)); }).then(error => 'SSL Certificate error: ' + error.errorType); navigationPromises.push(certificateError); } if (this._waitUntil === 'load') { let loadEventFired = new Promise(fulfill => { this._eventListeners.push(helper.addEventListener(this._client, 'Page.loadEventFired', fulfill)); }).then(() => null); navigationPromises.push(loadEventFired); } else { this._eventListeners.push(...[ helper.addEventListener(this._client, 'Network.requestWillBeSent', this._onLoadingStarted.bind(this)), helper.addEventListener(this._client, 'Network.loadingFinished', this._onLoadingCompleted.bind(this)), helper.addEventListener(this._client, 'Network.loadingFailed', this._onLoadingCompleted.bind(this)), helper.addEventListener(this._client, 'Network.webSocketCreated', this._onLoadingStarted.bind(this)), helper.addEventListener(this._client, 'Network.webSocketClosed', this._onLoadingCompleted.bind(this)), ]); let networkIdle = new Promise(fulfill => this._networkIdleCallback = fulfill).then(() => null); navigationPromises.push(networkIdle); } const error = await Promise.race(navigationPromises); this._cleanup(); if (error) throw new Error(error); } cancel() { this._cleanup(); } /** * @param {!Object} event */ _onLoadingStarted(event) { this._requestIds.add(event.requestId); if (this._requestIds.size > this._idleInflight) { clearTimeout(this._idleTimer); this._idleTimer = null; } } /** * @param {!Object} event */ _onLoadingCompleted(event) { this._requestIds.delete(event.requestId); if (this._requestIds.size <= this._idleInflight && !this._idleTimer) this._idleTimer = setTimeout(this._networkIdleCallback, this._idleTime); } _cleanup() { helper.removeEventListeners(this._eventListeners); clearTimeout(this._idleTimer); clearTimeout(this._maximumTimer); } } module.exports = NavigatorWatcher;