/** * Copyright 2022 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import {ElementHandle} from '../api/ElementHandle.js'; import {JSHandle} from '../api/JSHandle.js'; import type {Poller} from '../injected/Poller.js'; import {createDeferredPromise} from '../util/DeferredPromise.js'; import {stringifyFunction} from '../util/Function.js'; import {TimeoutError} from './Errors.js'; import {IsolatedWorld} from './IsolatedWorld.js'; import {LazyArg} from './LazyArg.js'; import {HandleFor} from './types.js'; /** * @internal */ export interface WaitTaskOptions { polling: 'raf' | 'mutation' | number; root?: ElementHandle; timeout: number; } /** * @internal */ export class WaitTask { #world: IsolatedWorld; #polling: 'raf' | 'mutation' | number; #root?: ElementHandle; #fn: string; #args: unknown[]; #timeout?: NodeJS.Timeout; #result = createDeferredPromise>(); #poller?: JSHandle>; constructor( world: IsolatedWorld, options: WaitTaskOptions, fn: ((...args: unknown[]) => Promise) | string, ...args: unknown[] ) { this.#world = world; this.#polling = options.polling; this.#root = options.root; switch (typeof fn) { case 'string': this.#fn = `() => {return (${fn});}`; break; default: this.#fn = stringifyFunction(fn); break; } this.#args = args; this.#world.taskManager.add(this); if (options.timeout) { this.#timeout = setTimeout(() => { this.terminate( new TimeoutError(`Waiting failed: ${options.timeout}ms exceeded`) ); }, options.timeout); } this.rerun(); } get result(): Promise> { return this.#result; } async rerun(): Promise { try { switch (this.#polling) { case 'raf': this.#poller = await this.#world.evaluateHandle( ({RAFPoller, createFunction}, fn, ...args) => { const fun = createFunction(fn); return new RAFPoller(() => { return fun(...args) as Promise; }); }, LazyArg.create(context => { return context.puppeteerUtil; }), this.#fn, ...this.#args ); break; case 'mutation': this.#poller = await this.#world.evaluateHandle( ({MutationPoller, createFunction}, root, fn, ...args) => { const fun = createFunction(fn); return new MutationPoller(() => { return fun(...args) as Promise; }, root || document); }, LazyArg.create(context => { return context.puppeteerUtil; }), this.#root, this.#fn, ...this.#args ); break; default: this.#poller = await this.#world.evaluateHandle( ({IntervalPoller, createFunction}, ms, fn, ...args) => { const fun = createFunction(fn); return new IntervalPoller(() => { return fun(...args) as Promise; }, ms); }, LazyArg.create(context => { return context.puppeteerUtil; }), this.#polling, this.#fn, ...this.#args ); break; } await this.#poller.evaluate(poller => { poller.start(); }); const result = await this.#poller.evaluateHandle(poller => { return poller.result(); }); this.#result.resolve(result); await this.terminate(); } catch (error) { const badError = this.getBadError(error); if (badError) { await this.terminate(badError); } } } async terminate(error?: unknown): Promise { this.#world.taskManager.delete(this); if (this.#timeout) { clearTimeout(this.#timeout); } if (error && !this.#result.finished()) { this.#result.reject(error); } if (this.#poller) { try { await this.#poller.evaluateHandle(async poller => { await poller.stop(); }); if (this.#poller) { await this.#poller.dispose(); this.#poller = undefined; } } catch { // Ignore errors since they most likely come from low-level cleanup. } } } /** * Not all errors lead to termination. They usually imply we need to rerun the task. */ getBadError(error: unknown): unknown { if (error instanceof Error) { // When frame is detached the task should have been terminated by the IsolatedWorld. // This can fail if we were adding this task while the frame was detached, // so we terminate here instead. if ( error.message.includes( 'Execution context is not available in detached frame' ) ) { return new Error('Waiting failed: Frame detached'); } // When the page is navigated, the promise is rejected. // We will try again in the new execution context. if (error.message.includes('Execution context was destroyed')) { return; } // We could have tried to evaluate in a context which was already // destroyed. if (error.message.includes('Cannot find context with specified id')) { return; } } return error; } } /** * @internal */ export class TaskManager { #tasks: Set = new Set(); add(task: WaitTask): void { this.#tasks.add(task); } delete(task: WaitTask): void { this.#tasks.delete(task); } terminateAll(error?: Error): void { for (const task of this.#tasks) { task.terminate(error); } this.#tasks.clear(); } async rerunAll(): Promise { await Promise.all( [...this.#tasks].map(task => { return task.rerun(); }) ); } }