/** * Copyright 2023 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import ProgressBar from 'progress'; import yargs from 'yargs'; import {hideBin} from 'yargs/helpers'; import {resolveBuildId} from './browsers/browsers.js'; import {Browser, BrowserPlatform} from './browsers/types.js'; import {detectBrowserPlatform} from './detectPlatform.js'; import {fetch} from './fetch.js'; import {computeExecutablePath, launch} from './launcher.js'; type InstallArgs = { browser: { name: Browser; buildId: string; }; path?: string; platform?: BrowserPlatform; }; type LaunchArgs = { browser: { name: Browser; buildId: string; }; path?: string; platform?: BrowserPlatform; detached: boolean; }; export class CLI { #cachePath; constructor(cachePath = process.cwd()) { this.#cachePath = cachePath; } async run(argv: string[]): Promise { await yargs(hideBin(argv)) .command( 'install ', 'Download and install the specified browser', yargs => { yargs.positional('browser', { description: 'The browser version', type: 'string', coerce: (opt): InstallArgs['browser'] => { return { name: this.#parseBrowser(opt), buildId: this.#parseBuildId(opt), }; }, }); yargs.option('platform', { type: 'string', desc: 'Platform that the binary needs to be compatible with.', choices: Object.values(BrowserPlatform), defaultDescription: 'Auto-detected by default.', }); yargs.option('path', { type: 'string', desc: 'Path where the browsers will be downloaded to and installed from', default: process.cwd(), }); }, async argv => { const args = argv as unknown as InstallArgs; args.platform ??= detectBrowserPlatform(); if (!args.platform) { throw new Error(`Could not resolve the current platform`); } args.browser.buildId = await resolveBuildId( args.browser.name, args.platform, args.browser.buildId ); await fetch({ browser: args.browser.name, buildId: args.browser.buildId, platform: args.platform, cacheDir: args.path ?? this.#cachePath, downloadProgressCallback: this.#makeProgressCallback( args.browser.name, args.browser.buildId ), }); console.log( `${args.browser.name}@${ args.browser.buildId } ${computeExecutablePath({ browser: args.browser.name, buildId: args.browser.buildId, cacheDir: args.path ?? this.#cachePath, platform: args.platform, })}` ); } ) .command( 'launch ', 'Launch the specified browser', yargs => { yargs.positional('browser', { description: 'The browser version', type: 'string', coerce: (opt): LaunchArgs['browser'] => { return { name: this.#parseBrowser(opt), buildId: this.#parseBuildId(opt), }; }, }); yargs.option('detached', { type: 'boolean', desc: 'Whether to detach the child process.', default: false, }); yargs.option('platform', { type: 'string', desc: 'Platform that the binary needs to be compatible with.', choices: Object.values(BrowserPlatform), defaultDescription: 'Auto-detected by default.', }); yargs.option('path', { type: 'string', desc: 'Path where the browsers will be downloaded to and installed from', default: process.cwd(), }); }, async argv => { const args = argv as unknown as LaunchArgs; const executablePath = computeExecutablePath({ browser: args.browser.name, buildId: args.browser.buildId, cacheDir: args.path ?? this.#cachePath, platform: args.platform, }); launch({ executablePath, detached: args.detached, }); } ) .demandCommand(1) .help() .parse(); } #parseBrowser(version: string): Browser { return version.split('@').shift() as Browser; } #parseBuildId(version: string): string { return version.split('@').pop() ?? 'latest'; } #toMegabytes(bytes: number) { const mb = bytes / 1000 / 1000; return `${Math.round(mb * 10) / 10} MB`; } #makeProgressCallback(browser: Browser, buildId: string) { let progressBar: ProgressBar; let lastDownloadedBytes = 0; return (downloadedBytes: number, totalBytes: number) => { if (!progressBar) { progressBar = new ProgressBar( `Downloading ${browser} r${buildId} - ${this.#toMegabytes( totalBytes )} [:bar] :percent :etas `, { complete: '=', incomplete: ' ', width: 20, total: totalBytes, } ); } const delta = downloadedBytes - lastDownloadedBytes; lastDownloadedBytes = downloadedBytes; progressBar.tick(delta); }; } }