/** * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const fs = require('fs'); const helper = require('./helper'); class Tracing { /** * @param {!Session} client */ constructor(client) { this._client = client; this._recording = false; this._path = ''; } /** * @param {!Object} options */ async start(options) { console.assert(!this._recording, 'Cannot start recording trace while already recording trace.'); console.assert(options.path, 'Must specify a path to write trace file to.'); const categoriesArray = [ '-*', 'devtools.timeline', 'v8.execute', 'disabled-by-default-devtools.timeline', 'disabled-by-default-devtools.timeline.frame', 'toplevel', 'blink.console', 'blink.user_timing', 'latencyInfo', 'disabled-by-default-devtools.timeline.stack', 'disabled-by-default-v8.cpu_profiler' ]; if (options.screenshots) categoriesArray.push('disabled-by-default-devtools.screenshot'); this._path = options.path; this._recording = true; await this._client.send('Tracing.start', { transferMode: 'ReturnAsStream', categories: categoriesArray.join(',') }); } async stop() { let fulfill; const contentPromise = new Promise(x => fulfill = x); this._client.once('Tracing.tracingComplete', event => { this._readStream(event.stream, this._path).then(fulfill); }); await this._client.send('Tracing.end'); this._recording = false; return contentPromise; } /** * @param {string} handle * @param {string} path */ async _readStream(handle, path) { let eof = false; const file = fs.openSync(path, 'w'); while (!eof) { const response = await this._client.send('IO.read', {handle}); eof = response.eof; if (path) fs.writeSync(file, response.data); } fs.closeSync(file); await this._client.send('IO.close', {handle}); } } helper.tracePublicAPI(Tracing); module.exports = Tracing;