mirror of
synced 2024-06-14 14:02:48 +00:00
* (feat) Add option to fetch Firefox Nightly Add Firefox support to BrowserFetcher and the install script. By default, the latest Firefox Nightly is downloaded directly from archive.mozilla.org (dmg, tar.bz2 and zip) This also required changes that impact `puppeteer.launch()` and `puppeteer.executablePath()` Fixes #5151 * Update docs/api.md Co-Authored-By: Mathias Bynens <mathias@qiwi.be> * Clean up revision promise * Improve error handling in revision check * Remove matchAll * Use explicit octal mode * Update .gitignore Co-authored-by: Mathias Bynens <mathias@qiwi.be>
468 lines
14 KiB
468 lines
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* Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const os = require('os');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const util = require('util');
const childProcess = require('child_process');
const extract = require('extract-zip');
const debugFetcher = require('debug')(`puppeteer:fetcher`);
const URL = require('url');
const {helper, assert} = require('./helper');
const removeRecursive = require('rimraf');
// @ts-ignore
const ProxyAgent = require('https-proxy-agent');
// @ts-ignore
const getProxyForUrl = require('proxy-from-env').getProxyForUrl;
const downloadURLs = {
chrome: {
linux: '%s/chromium-browser-snapshots/Linux_x64/%d/%s.zip',
mac: '%s/chromium-browser-snapshots/Mac/%d/%s.zip',
win32: '%s/chromium-browser-snapshots/Win/%d/%s.zip',
win64: '%s/chromium-browser-snapshots/Win_x64/%d/%s.zip',
firefox: {
linux: '%s/firefox-%s.0a1.en-US.%s-x86_64.tar.bz2',
mac: '%s/firefox-%s.0a1.en-US.%s.dmg',
win32: '%s/firefox-%s.0a1.en-US.%s.zip',
win64: '%s/firefox-%s.0a1.en-US.%s.zip',
const browserConfig = {
chrome: {
host: 'https://storage.googleapis.com',
destination: '.local-chromium',
firefox: {
host: 'https://archive.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/nightly/latest-mozilla-central',
destination: '.local-firefox',
* @param {string} product
* @param {string} platform
* @param {string} revision
* @return {string}
function archiveName(product, platform, revision) {
if (product === 'chrome') {
if (platform === 'linux')
return 'chrome-linux';
if (platform === 'mac')
return 'chrome-mac';
if (platform === 'win32' || platform === 'win64') {
// Windows archive name changed at r591479.
return parseInt(revision, 10) > 591479 ? 'chrome-win' : 'chrome-win32';
} else if (product === 'firefox') {
return platform;
return null;
* @param {string} product
* @param {string} platform
* @param {string} host
* @param {string} revision
* @return {string}
function downloadURL(product, platform, host, revision) {
const url = util.format(downloadURLs[product][platform], host, revision, archiveName(product, platform, revision));
return url;
const readdirAsync = helper.promisify(fs.readdir.bind(fs));
const mkdirAsync = helper.promisify(fs.mkdir.bind(fs));
const unlinkAsync = helper.promisify(fs.unlink.bind(fs));
const chmodAsync = helper.promisify(fs.chmod.bind(fs));
function existsAsync(filePath) {
let fulfill = null;
const promise = new Promise(x => fulfill = x);
fs.access(filePath, err => fulfill(!err));
return promise;
class BrowserFetcher {
* @param {string} projectRoot
* @param {!BrowserFetcher.Options=} options
constructor(projectRoot, options = {}) {
this._product = (options.product || 'chrome').toLowerCase();
assert(this._product === 'chrome' || this._product === 'firefox', `Unknown product: "${options.product}"`);
this._downloadsFolder = options.path || path.join(projectRoot, browserConfig[this._product].destination);
this._downloadHost = options.host || browserConfig[this._product].host;
this._platform = options.platform || '';
if (!this._platform) {
const platform = os.platform();
if (platform === 'darwin')
this._platform = 'mac';
else if (platform === 'linux')
this._platform = 'linux';
else if (platform === 'win32')
this._platform = os.arch() === 'x64' ? 'win64' : 'win32';
assert(this._platform, 'Unsupported platform: ' + os.platform());
assert(downloadURLs[this._product][this._platform], 'Unsupported platform: ' + this._platform);
* @return {string}
platform() {
return this._platform;
* @return {string}
product() {
return this._product;
* @return {string}
host() {
return this._downloadHost;
* @param {string} revision
* @return {!Promise<boolean>}
canDownload(revision) {
const url = downloadURL(this._product, this._platform, this._downloadHost, revision);
let resolve;
const promise = new Promise(x => resolve = x);
const request = httpRequest(url, 'HEAD', response => {
resolve(response.statusCode === 200);
request.on('error', error => {
return promise;
* @param {string} revision
* @param {?function(number, number):void} progressCallback
* @return {!Promise<!BrowserFetcher.RevisionInfo>}
async download(revision, progressCallback) {
const url = downloadURL(this._product, this._platform, this._downloadHost, revision);
const fileName = url.split('/').pop();
const archivePath = path.join(this._downloadsFolder, fileName);
const outputPath = this._getFolderPath(revision);
if (await existsAsync(outputPath))
return this.revisionInfo(revision);
if (!(await existsAsync(this._downloadsFolder)))
await mkdirAsync(this._downloadsFolder);
try {
await downloadFile(url, archivePath, progressCallback);
await install(archivePath, outputPath);
} finally {
if (await existsAsync(archivePath))
await unlinkAsync(archivePath);
const revisionInfo = this.revisionInfo(revision);
if (revisionInfo)
await chmodAsync(revisionInfo.executablePath, 0o755);
return revisionInfo;
* @return {!Promise<!Array<string>>}
async localRevisions() {
if (!await existsAsync(this._downloadsFolder))
return [];
const fileNames = await readdirAsync(this._downloadsFolder);
return fileNames.map(fileName => parseFolderPath(this._product, fileName)).filter(entry => entry && entry.platform === this._platform).map(entry => entry.revision);
* @param {string} revision
async remove(revision) {
const folderPath = this._getFolderPath(revision);
assert(await existsAsync(folderPath), `Failed to remove: revision ${revision} is not downloaded`);
await new Promise(fulfill => removeRecursive(folderPath, fulfill));
* @param {string} revision
* @return {!BrowserFetcher.RevisionInfo}
revisionInfo(revision) {
const folderPath = this._getFolderPath(revision);
let executablePath = '';
if (this._product === 'chrome') {
if (this._platform === 'mac')
executablePath = path.join(folderPath, archiveName(this._product, this._platform, revision), 'Chromium.app', 'Contents', 'MacOS', 'Chromium');
else if (this._platform === 'linux')
executablePath = path.join(folderPath, archiveName(this._product, this._platform, revision), 'chrome');
else if (this._platform === 'win32' || this._platform === 'win64')
executablePath = path.join(folderPath, archiveName(this._product, this._platform, revision), 'chrome.exe');
throw new Error('Unsupported platform: ' + this._platform);
} else if (this._product === 'firefox') {
if (this._platform === 'mac')
executablePath = path.join(folderPath, 'Firefox Nightly.app', 'Contents', 'MacOS', 'firefox');
else if (this._platform === 'linux')
executablePath = path.join(folderPath, 'firefox', 'firefox');
else if (this._platform === 'win32' || this._platform === 'win64')
executablePath = path.join(folderPath, 'firefox', 'firefox.exe');
throw new Error('Unsupported platform: ' + this._platform);
} else {
throw new Error('Unsupported product: ' + this._product);
const url = downloadURL(this._product, this._platform, this._downloadHost, revision);
const local = fs.existsSync(folderPath);
debugFetcher({revision, executablePath, folderPath, local, url, product: this._product});
return {revision, executablePath, folderPath, local, url, product: this._product};
* @param {string} revision
* @return {string}
_getFolderPath(revision) {
return path.join(this._downloadsFolder, this._platform + '-' + revision);
module.exports = BrowserFetcher;
* @param {string} folderPath
* @return {?{product: string, platform: string, revision: string}}
function parseFolderPath(product, folderPath) {
const name = path.basename(folderPath);
const splits = name.split('-');
if (splits.length !== 2)
return null;
const [platform, revision] = splits;
if (!downloadURLs[product][platform])
return null;
return {product, platform, revision};
* @param {string} url
* @param {string} destinationPath
* @param {?function(number, number):void} progressCallback
* @return {!Promise}
function downloadFile(url, destinationPath, progressCallback) {
debugFetcher(`Downloading binary from ${url}`);
let fulfill, reject;
let downloadedBytes = 0;
let totalBytes = 0;
const promise = new Promise((x, y) => { fulfill = x; reject = y; });
const request = httpRequest(url, 'GET', response => {
if (response.statusCode !== 200) {
const error = new Error(`Download failed: server returned code ${response.statusCode}. URL: ${url}`);
// consume response data to free up memory
const file = fs.createWriteStream(destinationPath);
file.on('finish', () => fulfill());
file.on('error', error => reject(error));
totalBytes = parseInt(/** @type {string} */ (response.headers['content-length']), 10);
if (progressCallback)
response.on('data', onData);
request.on('error', error => reject(error));
return promise;
function onData(chunk) {
downloadedBytes += chunk.length;
progressCallback(downloadedBytes, totalBytes);
* Install from a zip, tar.bz2 or dmg file.
* @param {string} archivePath
* @param {string} folderPath
* @return {!Promise<?Error>}
function install(archivePath, folderPath) {
debugFetcher(`Installing ${archivePath} to ${folderPath}`);
if (archivePath.endsWith('.zip'))
return extractZip(archivePath, folderPath);
else if (archivePath.endsWith('.tar.bz2'))
return extractTar(archivePath, folderPath);
else if (archivePath.endsWith('.dmg'))
return mkdirAsync(folderPath).then(() => installDMG(archivePath, folderPath));
throw new Error(`Unsupported archive format: ${archivePath}`);
* @param {string} zipPath
* @param {string} folderPath
* @return {!Promise<?Error>}
function extractZip(zipPath, folderPath) {
return new Promise((fulfill, reject) => extract(zipPath, {dir: folderPath}, err => {
if (err)
* @param {string} tarPath
* @param {string} folderPath
* @return {!Promise<?Error>}
function extractTar(tarPath, folderPath) {
const tar = require('tar-fs');
// @ts-ignore
const bzip = require('unbzip2-stream');
return new Promise((fulfill, reject) => {
const tarStream = tar.extract(folderPath);
tarStream.on('error', reject);
tarStream.on('finish', fulfill);
const readStream = fs.createReadStream(tarPath);
readStream.on('data', () => { process.stdout.write('\rExtracting...'); });
* Install *.app directory from dmg file
* @param {string} dmgPath
* @param {string} folderPath
* @return {!Promise<?Error>}
function installDMG(dmgPath, folderPath) {
let mountPath;
function mountAndCopy(fulfill, reject) {
const mountCommand = `hdiutil attach -nobrowse -noautoopen "${dmgPath}"`;
childProcess.exec(mountCommand, (err, stdout, stderr) => {
if (err)
return reject(err);
const volumes = stdout.match(/\/Volumes\/(.*)/m);
if (!volumes)
return reject(new Error(`Could not find volume path in ${stdout}`));
mountPath = volumes[0];
readdirAsync(mountPath).then(fileNames => {
const appName = fileNames.filter(item => typeof item === 'string' && item.endsWith('.app'))[0];
if (!appName)
return reject(new Error(`Cannot find app in ${mountPath}`));
const copyPath = path.join(mountPath, appName);
debugFetcher(`Copying ${copyPath} to ${folderPath}`);
childProcess.exec(`cp -R "${copyPath}" "${folderPath}"`, (err, stdout) => {
if (err)
function unmount() {
if (!mountPath)
const unmountCommand = `hdiutil detach "${mountPath}" -quiet`;
debugFetcher(`Unmounting ${mountPath}`);
childProcess.exec(unmountCommand, err => {
if (err)
console.error(`Error unmounting dmg: ${err}`);
return new Promise(mountAndCopy).catch(err => { console.error(err); }).finally(unmount);
function httpRequest(url, method, response) {
/** @type {Object} */
let options = URL.parse(url);
options.method = method;
const proxyURL = getProxyForUrl(url);
if (proxyURL) {
if (url.startsWith('http:')) {
const proxy = URL.parse(proxyURL);
options = {
path: options.href,
host: proxy.hostname,
port: proxy.port,
} else {
/** @type {Object} */
const parsedProxyURL = URL.parse(proxyURL);
parsedProxyURL.secureProxy = parsedProxyURL.protocol === 'https:';
options.agent = new ProxyAgent(parsedProxyURL);
options.rejectUnauthorized = false;
const requestCallback = res => {
if (res.statusCode >= 300 && res.statusCode < 400 && res.headers.location)
httpRequest(res.headers.location, method, response);
const request = options.protocol === 'https:' ?
require('https').request(options, requestCallback) :
require('http').request(options, requestCallback);
return request;
* @typedef {Object} BrowserFetcher.Options
* @property {string=} platform
* @property {string=} product
* @property {string=} path
* @property {string=} host
* @typedef {Object} BrowserFetcher.RevisionInfo
* @property {string} folderPath
* @property {string} executablePath
* @property {string} url
* @property {boolean} local
* @property {string} revision
* @property {string} product