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synced 2024-06-14 14:02:48 +00:00
This patch introduces a tiny test runner to run puppeteer tests. The test runner is self-container and allows parallel (wrt IO) test execution. It will also allow us to split tests into multiple files if necessary. Comparing to the jasmine, the testrunner supports parallel execution, properly handles "unhandled promise rejection" event and signals. Comparing to ava/jest, the testrunner doesn't run multiple node processes, which makes it simpler but sufficient for our goals.
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* Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
module.exports = class Matchers {
constructor(customMatchers = {}) {
this._matchers = {};
Object.assign(this._matchers, DefaultMatchers);
Object.assign(this._matchers, customMatchers);
this.expect = this.expect.bind(this);
addMatcher(name, matcher) {
this._matchers[name] = matcher;
expect(value) {
return new Expect(value, this._matchers);
class Expect {
constructor(value, matchers) {
this.not = {};
this.not.not = this;
for (const matcherName of Object.keys(matchers)) {
const matcher = matchers[matcherName];
this[matcherName] = applyMatcher.bind(null, matcherName, matcher, false, value);
this.not[matcherName] = applyMatcher.bind(null, matcherName, matcher, true, value);
function applyMatcher(matcherName, matcher, inverse, value, ...args) {
const result = matcher.call(null, value, ...args);
const message = result.message || `expect.${matcherName} failed`;
console.assert(result.pass !== inverse, message);
const DefaultMatchers = {
toBe: function(value, other, message) {
return { pass: value === other, message };
toBeFalsy: function(value, message) {
return { pass: !value, message };
toBeTruthy: function(value, message) {
return { pass: !!value, message };
toBeGreaterThan: function(value, other, message) {
return { pass: value > other, message };
toBeGreaterThanOrEqual: function(value, other, message) {
return { pass: value >= other, message };
toBeLessThan: function(value, other, message) {
return { pass: value < other, message };
toBeLessThanOrEqual: function(value, other, message) {
return { pass: value <= other, message };
toBeNull: function(value, message) {
return { pass: value === null, message };
toContain: function(value, other, message) {
return { pass: value.includes(other), message };
toEqual: function(value, other, message) {
return { pass: JSON.stringify(value) === JSON.stringify(other), message };
toBeCloseTo: function(value, other, precision, message) {
return {
pass: Math.abs(value - other) < Math.pow(10, -precision),