mirror of https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer synced 2024-06-14 14:02:48 +00:00
2023-10-13 14:13:54 +02:00
src ci: fix empty retries env var () 2023-10-13 14:13:54 +02:00
package.json chore: add a deflake utility () 2023-10-11 19:21:50 +02:00
README.md chore: add a deflake utility () 2023-10-11 19:21:50 +02:00
tsconfig.json chore: create internal package for mocha-runner () 2023-09-22 10:58:14 +02:00

Mocha Runner

Mocha Runner is a test runner on top of mocha. It uses /test/TestSuites.json and /test/TestExpectations.json files to run mocha tests in multiple configurations and interpret results.

Running tests for Mocha Runner itself.

npm test

Running tests using Mocha Runner

npm run build && npm run test

By default, the runner runs all test suites applicable to the current platform. To pick a test suite, provide the --test-suite arguments. For example,

npm run build && npm run test -- --test-suite chrome-headless


Define test suites via the testSuites attribute. parameters can be used in the TestExpectations.json to disable tests based on parameters. The meaning for parameters is defined in parameterDefinitions which tell what env object corresponds to the given parameter.


An expectation looks like this:

  "testIdPattern": "[accessibility.spec]",
  "platforms": ["darwin", "win32", "linux"],
  "parameters": ["firefox"],
  "expectations": ["SKIP"]
Field Description Type Match Logic
testIdPattern Defines the full name (or pattern) to match against test name string -
platforms Defines the platforms the expectation is for Array<linux | win32 |darwin> OR
parameters Defines the parameters that the test has to match Array<ParameterDefinitions> AND
expectations The list of test results that are considered to be acceptable Array<PASS | FAIL | TIMEOUT | SKIP> OR

Order of defining expectations matters. The latest expectation that is set will take president over earlier ones.

Adding SKIP to expectations will prevent the test from running, no matter if there are other expectations.

Using pattern in testIdPattern

Sometimes we want a whole group of test to run. For that we can use a pattern to achieve. Pattern are defined with the use of * (using greedy method).


Pattern Description Example Pattern Example match
* Match all tests - -
[test.spec] * Matches tests for the given file [jshandle.spec] * [jshandle] JSHandle JSHandle.toString should work for primitives
[test.spec] <text> * Matches tests with for a given test with a specific prefixed test (usually a describe node) [page.spec] Page Page.goto * [page.spec] Page Page.goto should work,
[page.spec] Page Page.goto should work with anchor navigation
[test.spec] * <text> Matches test with a surfix [navigation.spec] * should work [navigation.spec] navigation Page.goto should work,
[navigation.spec] navigation Page.waitForNavigation should work

Updating Expectations

Currently, expectations are updated manually. The test runner outputs the suggested changes to the expectation file if the test run does not match expectations.

Debugging flaky test

Utility functions:

Utility Params Description
describe.withDebugLogs (title, <DescribeBody>) Capture and print debug logs for each test that failed
it.deflake (repeat, title, <itFunction>) Reruns the test N number of times and print the debug logs if for the failed runs
it.deflakeOnly (repeat, title, <itFunction>) Same as it.deflake but runs only this specific test

With Environment variable

Run the test with the following environment variable to wrap it around describe.withDebugLogs. Example:

PUPPETEER_DEFLAKE_TESTS="[navigation.spec] navigation Page.goto should navigate to empty page with networkidle0" npm run test:chrome:headless

It also works with patterns just like TestExpectations.json

PUPPETEER_DEFLAKE_TESTS="[navigation.spec] *" npm run test:chrome:headless

By default the test is rerun 100 times, but you can control this as well:

PUPPETEER_DEFLAKE_RETRIES=1000 PUPPETEER_DEFLAKE_TESTS="[navigation.spec] *" npm run test:chrome:headless