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synced 2024-06-14 14:02:48 +00:00
This PR adds a basic support for WebDriver BiDi that currently includes only the ability to establish a connection and shutdown the browser. Therefore, the implementation is marked as internal and won't show up in the changelog as it's barely useful at the moment. The API classes are kept as classes instead of interfaces so that clients relying on instanceof checks still work.
107 lines
2.9 KiB
107 lines
2.9 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env node
import {createHash} from 'crypto';
import esbuild from 'esbuild';
import {mkdir, mkdtemp, readFile, rm, writeFile} from 'fs/promises';
import {sync as glob} from 'glob';
import path from 'path';
import {job} from './internal/job.js';
const INCLUDED_FOLDERS = ['common', 'node', 'generated', 'util', 'api'];
(async () => {
await job('', async ({outputs}) => {
await Promise.all(
outputs.map(outputs => {
return mkdir(outputs, {recursive: true});
await job('', async ({name, inputs, outputs}) => {
const input = inputs.find(input => {
return input.endsWith('injected.ts');
const template = await readFile(
inputs.find(input => {
return input.includes('injected.ts.tmpl');
const tmp = await mkdtemp(name);
await esbuild.build({
entryPoints: [input],
bundle: true,
outdir: tmp,
format: 'cjs',
platform: 'browser',
target: 'ES2019',
const baseName = path.basename(input);
const content = await readFile(
path.join(tmp, baseName.replace('.ts', '.js')),
const scriptContent = template.replace(
await writeFile(outputs[0]!, scriptContent);
await rm(tmp, {recursive: true, force: true});
.inputs(['src/templates/injected.ts.tmpl', 'src/injected/**/*.ts'])
const sources = glob(
await job('', async ({outputs}) => {
let types =
'// AUTOGENERATED - Use `npm run generate:sources` to regenerate.\n\n';
for (const input of sources.map(source => {
return `.${source.slice(3)}`;
})) {
types += `export * from '${input.replace('.ts', '.js')}';\n`;
await writeFile(outputs[0]!, types);
.reduce((hmac, value) => {
return hmac.update(value);
}, createHash('sha256'))
if (process.env['PUBLISH']) {
job('', async ({inputs}) => {
const version = JSON.parse(await readFile(inputs[0]!, 'utf8')).version;
await writeFile(
await readFile(inputs[1]!, {
encoding: 'utf-8',
).replace("'NEXT'", `'v${version}'`)
.inputs(['package.json', 'versions.js'])
job('', async ({inputs, outputs}) => {
const version = JSON.parse(await readFile(inputs[0]!, 'utf8')).version;
await writeFile(
(await readFile(inputs[1]!, 'utf8')).replace('PACKAGE_VERSION', version)
.inputs(['package.json', 'src/templates/version.ts.tmpl'])