mirror of
synced 2024-06-14 14:02:48 +00:00
Introduce `//lib/api.js` that declares a list of publicly exposed classes. The `//lib/api.js` list superceedes dynamic `helper.tracePublicAPI()` calls and is used in the following places: - [ASYNC STACKS]: generate "async stacks" for publicy exposed API in `//index.js` - [COVERAGE]: move coverage support from `//lib/helper` to `//test/utils` - [DOCLINT]: get rid of 'exluded classes' hardcoded list This will help us to re-use our coverage and doclint infrastructure for Puppeteer-Firefox. Drive-By: it turns out we didn't run coverage for `SecurityDetails` class, so we lack coverage for a few methods there. These are excluded for now, sanity tests will be added in a follow-up.
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377 lines
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* Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const { helper, assert } = require('./helper');
const {Target} = require('./Target');
const EventEmitter = require('events');
const {TaskQueue} = require('./TaskQueue');
const {Events} = require('./Events');
class Browser extends EventEmitter {
* @param {!Puppeteer.Connection} connection
* @param {!Array<string>} contextIds
* @param {boolean} ignoreHTTPSErrors
* @param {?Puppeteer.Viewport} defaultViewport
* @param {?Puppeteer.ChildProcess} process
* @param {(function():Promise)=} closeCallback
constructor(connection, contextIds, ignoreHTTPSErrors, defaultViewport, process, closeCallback) {
this._ignoreHTTPSErrors = ignoreHTTPSErrors;
this._defaultViewport = defaultViewport;
this._process = process;
this._screenshotTaskQueue = new TaskQueue();
this._connection = connection;
this._closeCallback = closeCallback || new Function();
this._defaultContext = new BrowserContext(this._connection, this, null);
/** @type {Map<string, BrowserContext>} */
this._contexts = new Map();
for (const contextId of contextIds)
this._contexts.set(contextId, new BrowserContext(this._connection, this, contextId));
/** @type {Map<string, Target>} */
this._targets = new Map();
this._connection.on(Events.Connection.Disconnected, () => this.emit(Events.Browser.Disconnected));
this._connection.on('Target.targetCreated', this._targetCreated.bind(this));
this._connection.on('Target.targetDestroyed', this._targetDestroyed.bind(this));
this._connection.on('Target.targetInfoChanged', this._targetInfoChanged.bind(this));
* @return {?Puppeteer.ChildProcess}
process() {
return this._process;
* @return {!Promise<!BrowserContext>}
async createIncognitoBrowserContext() {
const {browserContextId} = await this._connection.send('Target.createBrowserContext');
const context = new BrowserContext(this._connection, this, browserContextId);
this._contexts.set(browserContextId, context);
return context;
* @return {!Array<!BrowserContext>}
browserContexts() {
return [this._defaultContext, ...Array.from(this._contexts.values())];
* @return {!BrowserContext}
defaultBrowserContext() {
return this._defaultContext;
* @param {?string} contextId
async _disposeContext(contextId) {
await this._connection.send('Target.disposeBrowserContext', {browserContextId: contextId || undefined});
* @param {!Puppeteer.Connection} connection
* @param {!Array<string>} contextIds
* @param {boolean} ignoreHTTPSErrors
* @param {?Puppeteer.Viewport} defaultViewport
* @param {?Puppeteer.ChildProcess} process
* @param {function()=} closeCallback
static async create(connection, contextIds, ignoreHTTPSErrors, defaultViewport, process, closeCallback) {
const browser = new Browser(connection, contextIds, ignoreHTTPSErrors, defaultViewport, process, closeCallback);
await connection.send('Target.setDiscoverTargets', {discover: true});
return browser;
* @param {!Protocol.Target.targetCreatedPayload} event
async _targetCreated(event) {
const targetInfo = event.targetInfo;
const {browserContextId} = targetInfo;
const context = (browserContextId && this._contexts.has(browserContextId)) ? this._contexts.get(browserContextId) : this._defaultContext;
const target = new Target(targetInfo, context, () => this._connection.createSession(targetInfo), this._ignoreHTTPSErrors, this._defaultViewport, this._screenshotTaskQueue);
assert(!this._targets.has(event.targetInfo.targetId), 'Target should not exist before targetCreated');
this._targets.set(event.targetInfo.targetId, target);
if (await target._initializedPromise) {
this.emit(Events.Browser.TargetCreated, target);
context.emit(Events.BrowserContext.TargetCreated, target);
* @param {{targetId: string}} event
async _targetDestroyed(event) {
const target = this._targets.get(event.targetId);
if (await target._initializedPromise) {
this.emit(Events.Browser.TargetDestroyed, target);
target.browserContext().emit(Events.BrowserContext.TargetDestroyed, target);
* @param {!Protocol.Target.targetInfoChangedPayload} event
_targetInfoChanged(event) {
const target = this._targets.get(event.targetInfo.targetId);
assert(target, 'target should exist before targetInfoChanged');
const previousURL = target.url();
const wasInitialized = target._isInitialized;
if (wasInitialized && previousURL !== target.url()) {
this.emit(Events.Browser.TargetChanged, target);
target.browserContext().emit(Events.BrowserContext.TargetChanged, target);
* @return {string}
wsEndpoint() {
return this._connection.url();
* @return {!Promise<!Puppeteer.Page>}
async newPage() {
return this._defaultContext.newPage();
* @param {?string} contextId
* @return {!Promise<!Puppeteer.Page>}
async _createPageInContext(contextId) {
const {targetId} = await this._connection.send('Target.createTarget', {url: 'about:blank', browserContextId: contextId || undefined});
const target = await this._targets.get(targetId);
assert(await target._initializedPromise, 'Failed to create target for page');
const page = await target.page();
return page;
* @return {!Array<!Target>}
targets() {
return Array.from(this._targets.values()).filter(target => target._isInitialized);
* @return {!Target}
target() {
return this.targets().find(target => target.type() === 'browser');
* @param {function(!Target):boolean} predicate
* @param {{timeout?: number}=} options
* @return {!Promise<!Target>}
async waitForTarget(predicate, options = {}) {
const {
timeout = 30000
} = options;
const existingTarget = this.targets().find(predicate);
if (existingTarget)
return existingTarget;
let resolve;
const targetPromise = new Promise(x => resolve = x);
this.on(Events.Browser.TargetCreated, check);
this.on(Events.Browser.TargetChanged, check);
try {
if (!timeout)
return await targetPromise;
return await helper.waitWithTimeout(targetPromise, 'target', timeout);
} finally {
this.removeListener(Events.Browser.TargetCreated, check);
this.removeListener(Events.Browser.TargetChanged, check);
* @param {!Target} target
function check(target) {
if (predicate(target))
* @return {!Promise<!Array<!Puppeteer.Page>>}
async pages() {
const contextPages = await Promise.all(this.browserContexts().map(context => context.pages()));
// Flatten array.
return contextPages.reduce((acc, x) => acc.concat(x), []);
* @return {!Promise<string>}
async version() {
const version = await this._getVersion();
return version.product;
* @return {!Promise<string>}
async userAgent() {
const version = await this._getVersion();
return version.userAgent;
async close() {
await this._closeCallback.call(null);
disconnect() {
* @return {!Promise<!Object>}
_getVersion() {
return this._connection.send('Browser.getVersion');
class BrowserContext extends EventEmitter {
* @param {!Puppeteer.Connection} connection
* @param {!Browser} browser
* @param {?string} contextId
constructor(connection, browser, contextId) {
this._connection = connection;
this._browser = browser;
this._id = contextId;
* @return {!Array<!Target>} target
targets() {
return this._browser.targets().filter(target => target.browserContext() === this);
* @param {function(!Target):boolean} predicate
* @param {{timeout?: number}=} options
* @return {!Promise<!Target>}
waitForTarget(predicate, options) {
return this._browser.waitForTarget(target => target.browserContext() === this && predicate(target), options);
* @return {!Promise<!Array<!Puppeteer.Page>>}
async pages() {
const pages = await Promise.all(
.filter(target => target.type() === 'page')
.map(target => target.page())
return pages.filter(page => !!page);
* @return {boolean}
isIncognito() {
return !!this._id;
* @param {string} origin
* @param {!Array<string>} permissions
async overridePermissions(origin, permissions) {
const webPermissionToProtocol = new Map([
['geolocation', 'geolocation'],
['midi', 'midi'],
['notifications', 'notifications'],
['push', 'push'],
['camera', 'videoCapture'],
['microphone', 'audioCapture'],
['background-sync', 'backgroundSync'],
['ambient-light-sensor', 'sensors'],
['accelerometer', 'sensors'],
['gyroscope', 'sensors'],
['magnetometer', 'sensors'],
['accessibility-events', 'accessibilityEvents'],
['clipboard-read', 'clipboardRead'],
['clipboard-write', 'clipboardWrite'],
['payment-handler', 'paymentHandler'],
// chrome-specific permissions we have.
['midi-sysex', 'midiSysex'],
permissions = permissions.map(permission => {
const protocolPermission = webPermissionToProtocol.get(permission);
if (!protocolPermission)
throw new Error('Unknown permission: ' + permission);
return protocolPermission;
await this._connection.send('Browser.grantPermissions', {origin, browserContextId: this._id || undefined, permissions});
async clearPermissionOverrides() {
await this._connection.send('Browser.resetPermissions', {browserContextId: this._id || undefined});
* @return {!Promise<!Puppeteer.Page>}
newPage() {
return this._browser._createPageInContext(this._id);
* @return {!Browser}
browser() {
return this._browser;
async close() {
assert(this._id, 'Non-incognito profiles cannot be closed!');
await this._browser._disposeContext(this._id);
module.exports = {Browser, BrowserContext};