mirror of
synced 2024-06-14 14:02:48 +00:00
This commit adds a new built-in handler for querying by accessible name and role (#6307). Support for waitForSelector will be added in a follow-up commit.
269 lines
9.6 KiB
269 lines
9.6 KiB
* Copyright 2020 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import expect from 'expect';
import {
} from './mocha-utils'; // eslint-disable-line import/extensions
import { ElementHandle } from '../lib/cjs/puppeteer/common/JSHandle.js';
describeChromeOnly('AriaQueryHandler', () => {
describe('parseAriaSelector', () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
const { page } = getTestState();
await page.setContent(
'<button id="btn" role="button"> Submit button and some spaces </button>'
it('should find button', async () => {
const { page } = getTestState();
const expectFound = async (button: ElementHandle) => {
const id = await button.evaluate((button: Element) => button.id);
let button = await page.$(
'aria/Submit button and some spaces[role="button"]'
await expectFound(button);
button = await page.$(
'aria/ Submit button and some spaces[role="button"]'
await expectFound(button);
button = await page.$(
'aria/Submit button and some spaces [role="button"]'
await expectFound(button);
button = await page.$(
'aria/Submit button and some spaces [ role = "button" ] '
await expectFound(button);
button = await page.$(
'aria/[role="button"]Submit button and some spaces'
await expectFound(button);
button = await page.$(
'aria/Submit button [role="button"]and some spaces'
await expectFound(button);
button = await page.$(
'aria/[name=" Submit button and some spaces"][role="button"]'
await expectFound(button);
button = await page.$(
'aria/ignored[name="Submit button and some spaces"][role="button"]'
await expectFound(button);
describe('queryOne', () => {
it('should find button by role', async () => {
const { page } = getTestState();
await page.setContent(
'<div id="div"><button id="btn" role="button">Submit</button></div>'
const button = await page.$('aria/[role="button"]');
const id = await button.evaluate((button: Element) => button.id);
it('should find button by name and role', async () => {
const { page } = getTestState();
await page.setContent(
'<div id="div"><button id="btn" role="button">Submit</button></div>'
const button = await page.$('aria/Submit[role="button"]');
const id = await button.evaluate((button: Element) => button.id);
it('should find first matching element', async () => {
const { page } = getTestState();
await page.setContent(
<div role="menu" id="mnu1" aria-label="menu div"></div>
<div role="menu" id="mnu2" aria-label="menu div"></div>
const div = await page.$('aria/menu div');
const id = await div.evaluate((div: Element) => div.id);
it('should find by name', async () => {
const { page } = getTestState();
await page.setContent(
<div role="menu" id="mnu1" aria-label="menu-label1">menu div</div>
<div role="menu" id="mnu2" aria-label="menu-label2">menu div</div>
const menu = await page.$('aria/menu-label1');
const id = await menu.evaluate((div: Element) => div.id);
it('should find by name', async () => {
const { page } = getTestState();
await page.setContent(
<div role="menu" id="mnu1" aria-label="menu-label1">menu div</div>
<div role="menu" id="mnu2" aria-label="menu-label2">menu div</div>
const menu = await page.$('aria/menu-label2');
const id = await menu.evaluate((div: Element) => div.id);
describe('queryAll', () => {
it('should find menu by name', async () => {
const { page } = getTestState();
await page.setContent(
<div role="menu" id="mnu1" aria-label="menu div"></div>
<div role="menu" id="mnu2" aria-label="menu div"></div>
const divs = await page.$$('aria/menu div');
const ids = await Promise.all(
divs.map((n) => n.evaluate((div: Element) => div.id))
expect(ids.join(', ')).toBe('mnu1, mnu2');
describe('queryAllArray', () => {
it('$$eval should handle many elements', async () => {
const { page } = getTestState();
await page.setContent('');
await page.evaluate(
for (var i = 0; i <= 10000; i++) {
const button = document.createElement('button');
button.textContent = i;
const sum = await page.$$eval('aria/[role="button"]', (buttons) =>
buttons.reduce((acc, button) => acc + Number(button.textContent), 0)
describe('queryOne (Chromium web test)', async () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
const { page } = getTestState();
await page.setContent(
<h2 id="shown">title</h2>
<h2 id="hidden" aria-hidden="true">title</h2>
<div id="node1" aria-labeledby="node2"></div>
<div id="node2" aria-label="bar"></div>
<div id="node3" aria-label="foo"></div>
<div id="node4" class="container">
<div id="node5" role="button" aria-label="foo"></div>
<div id="node6" role="button" aria-label="foo"></div>
<!-- Accessible name not available when element is hidden -->
<div id="node7" hidden role="button" aria-label="foo"></div>
<div id="node8" role="button" aria-label="bar"></div>
<button id="node10">text content</button>
<h1 id="node11">text content</h1>
<!-- Accessible name not available when role is "presentation" -->
<h1 id="node12" role="presentation">text content</h1>
<!-- Elements inside shadow dom should be found -->
const div = document.createElement('div');
const shadowRoot = div.attachShadow({mode: 'open'});
const h1 = document.createElement('h1');
h1.textContent = 'text content';
h1.id = 'node13';
<img id="node20" src="" alt="Accessible Name">
<input id="node21" type="submit" value="Accessible Name">
<label id="node22" for="node23">Accessible Name</label>
<!-- Accessible name for the <input> is "Accessible Name" -->
<input id="node23">
<div id="node24" title="Accessible Name"></div>
<div role="treeitem" id="node30">
<div role="treeitem" id="node31">
<div role="treeitem" id="node32">item1</div>
<div role="treeitem" id="node33">item2</div>
<div role="treeitem" id="node34">item3</div>
<!-- Accessible name for the <div> is "item1 item2 item3" -->
<div aria-describedby="node30"></div>
const getIds = async (elements: ElementHandle[]) =>
elements.map((element) =>
element.evaluate((element: Element) => element.id)
it('should find by name "foo"', async () => {
const { page } = getTestState();
const found = await page.$$('aria/foo');
const ids = await getIds(found);
expect(ids).toEqual(['node3', 'node5', 'node6']);
it('should find by name "bar"', async () => {
const { page } = getTestState();
const found = await page.$$('aria/bar');
const ids = await getIds(found);
expect(ids).toEqual(['node1', 'node2', 'node8']);
it('should find treeitem by name', async () => {
const { page } = getTestState();
const found = await page.$$('aria/item1 item2 item3');
const ids = await getIds(found);
it('should find by role "button"', async () => {
const { page } = getTestState();
const found = await page.$$('aria/[role="button"]');
const ids = await getIds(found);
expect(ids).toEqual(['node5', 'node6', 'node8', 'node10', 'node21']);
it('should find by role "heading"', async () => {
const { page } = getTestState();
const found = await page.$$('aria/[role="heading"]');
const ids = await getIds(found);
expect(ids).toEqual(['shown', 'hidden', 'node11', 'node13']);
it('should find both ignored and unignored', async () => {
const { page } = getTestState();
const found = await page.$$('aria/title');
const ids = await getIds(found);
expect(ids).toEqual(['shown', 'hidden']);