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* Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import {Protocol} from 'devtools-protocol';
import type {Readable} from 'stream';
import {isNode} from '../environment.js';
import {assert} from './assert.js';
import {CDPSession} from './Connection.js';
import {debug} from './Debug.js';
import {ElementHandle} from './ElementHandle.js';
import {TimeoutError} from './Errors.js';
import {CommonEventEmitter} from './EventEmitter.js';
import {ExecutionContext} from './ExecutionContext.js';
import {JSHandle} from './JSHandle.js';
* @internal
export const debugError = debug('puppeteer:error');
* @internal
export function getExceptionMessage(
exceptionDetails: Protocol.Runtime.ExceptionDetails
): string {
if (exceptionDetails.exception) {
return (
exceptionDetails.exception.description || exceptionDetails.exception.value
let message = exceptionDetails.text;
if (exceptionDetails.stackTrace) {
for (const callframe of exceptionDetails.stackTrace.callFrames) {
const location =
callframe.url +
':' +
callframe.lineNumber +
':' +
const functionName = callframe.functionName || '<anonymous>';
message += `\n at ${functionName} (${location})`;
return message;
* @internal
export function valueFromRemoteObject(
remoteObject: Protocol.Runtime.RemoteObject
): any {
assert(!remoteObject.objectId, 'Cannot extract value when objectId is given');
if (remoteObject.unserializableValue) {
if (remoteObject.type === 'bigint' && typeof BigInt !== 'undefined') {
return BigInt(remoteObject.unserializableValue.replace('n', ''));
switch (remoteObject.unserializableValue) {
case '-0':
return -0;
case 'NaN':
return NaN;
case 'Infinity':
return Infinity;
case '-Infinity':
return -Infinity;
throw new Error(
'Unsupported unserializable value: ' +
return remoteObject.value;
* @internal
export async function releaseObject(
client: CDPSession,
remoteObject: Protocol.Runtime.RemoteObject
): Promise<void> {
if (!remoteObject.objectId) {
await client
.send('Runtime.releaseObject', {objectId: remoteObject.objectId})
.catch(error => {
// Exceptions might happen in case of a page been navigated or closed.
// Swallow these since they are harmless and we don't leak anything in this case.
* @internal
export interface PuppeteerEventListener {
emitter: CommonEventEmitter;
eventName: string | symbol;
handler: (...args: any[]) => void;
* @internal
export function addEventListener(
emitter: CommonEventEmitter,
eventName: string | symbol,
handler: (...args: any[]) => void
): PuppeteerEventListener {
emitter.on(eventName, handler);
return {emitter, eventName, handler};
* @internal
export function removeEventListeners(
listeners: Array<{
emitter: CommonEventEmitter;
eventName: string | symbol;
handler: (...args: any[]) => void;
): void {
for (const listener of listeners) {
listener.emitter.removeListener(listener.eventName, listener.handler);
listeners.length = 0;
* @internal
export const isString = (obj: unknown): obj is string => {
return typeof obj === 'string' || obj instanceof String;
* @internal
export const isNumber = (obj: unknown): obj is number => {
return typeof obj === 'number' || obj instanceof Number;
* @internal
export async function waitForEvent<T>(
emitter: CommonEventEmitter,
eventName: string | symbol,
predicate: (event: T) => Promise<boolean> | boolean,
timeout: number,
abortPromise: Promise<Error>
): Promise<T> {
let eventTimeout: NodeJS.Timeout;
let resolveCallback: (value: T | PromiseLike<T>) => void;
let rejectCallback: (value: Error) => void;
const promise = new Promise<T>((resolve, reject) => {
resolveCallback = resolve;
rejectCallback = reject;
const listener = addEventListener(emitter, eventName, async event => {
if (!(await predicate(event))) {
if (timeout) {
eventTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
new TimeoutError('Timeout exceeded while waiting for event')
}, timeout);
function cleanup(): void {
const result = await Promise.race([promise, abortPromise]).then(
r => {
return r;
error => {
throw error;
if (isErrorLike(result)) {
throw result;
return result;
* @internal
export function createJSHandle(
context: ExecutionContext,
remoteObject: Protocol.Runtime.RemoteObject
): JSHandle | ElementHandle<Node> {
const frame = context.frame();
if (remoteObject.subtype === 'node' && frame) {
const frameManager = frame._frameManager;
return new ElementHandle(
return new JSHandle(context, context._client, remoteObject);
* @internal
export function evaluationString(
fun: Function | string,
...args: unknown[]
): string {
if (isString(fun)) {
assert(args.length === 0, 'Cannot evaluate a string with arguments');
return fun;
function serializeArgument(arg: unknown): string {
if (Object.is(arg, undefined)) {
return 'undefined';
return JSON.stringify(arg);
return `(${fun})(${args.map(serializeArgument).join(',')})`;
* @internal
export function pageBindingInitString(type: string, name: string): string {
function addPageBinding(type: string, bindingName: string): void {
/* Cast window to any here as we're about to add properties to it
* via win[bindingName] which TypeScript doesn't like.
const win = window as any;
const binding = win[bindingName];
win[bindingName] = (...args: unknown[]): Promise<unknown> => {
const me = (window as any)[bindingName];
let callbacks = me.callbacks;
if (!callbacks) {
callbacks = new Map();
me.callbacks = callbacks;
const seq = (me.lastSeq || 0) + 1;
me.lastSeq = seq;
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
return callbacks.set(seq, {resolve, reject});
binding(JSON.stringify({type, name: bindingName, seq, args}));
return promise;
return evaluationString(addPageBinding, type, name);
* @internal
export function pageBindingDeliverResultString(
name: string,
seq: number,
result: unknown
): string {
function deliverResult(name: string, seq: number, result: unknown): void {
(window as any)[name].callbacks.get(seq).resolve(result);
(window as any)[name].callbacks.delete(seq);
return evaluationString(deliverResult, name, seq, result);
* @internal
export function pageBindingDeliverErrorString(
name: string,
seq: number,
message: string,
stack?: string
): string {
function deliverError(
name: string,
seq: number,
message: string,
stack?: string
): void {
const error = new Error(message);
error.stack = stack;
(window as any)[name].callbacks.get(seq).reject(error);
(window as any)[name].callbacks.delete(seq);
return evaluationString(deliverError, name, seq, message, stack);
* @internal
export function pageBindingDeliverErrorValueString(
name: string,
seq: number,
value: unknown
): string {
function deliverErrorValue(name: string, seq: number, value: unknown): void {
(window as any)[name].callbacks.get(seq).reject(value);
(window as any)[name].callbacks.delete(seq);
return evaluationString(deliverErrorValue, name, seq, value);
* @internal
export function makePredicateString(
predicate: Function,
predicateQueryHandler?: Function
): string {
function checkWaitForOptions(
node: Node | null,
waitForVisible: boolean,
waitForHidden: boolean
): Node | null | boolean {
if (!node) {
return waitForHidden;
if (!waitForVisible && !waitForHidden) {
return node;
const element =
node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE
? (node.parentElement as Element)
: (node as Element);
const style = window.getComputedStyle(element);
const isVisible =
style && style.visibility !== 'hidden' && hasVisibleBoundingBox();
const success =
waitForVisible === isVisible || waitForHidden === !isVisible;
return success ? node : null;
function hasVisibleBoundingBox(): boolean {
const rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
return !!(rect.top || rect.bottom || rect.width || rect.height);
const predicateQueryHandlerDef = predicateQueryHandler
? `const predicateQueryHandler = ${predicateQueryHandler};`
: '';
return `
(() => {
const checkWaitForOptions = ${checkWaitForOptions};
return (${predicate})(...args)
})() `;
* @internal
export async function waitWithTimeout<T>(
promise: Promise<T>,
taskName: string,
timeout: number
): Promise<T> {
let reject: (reason?: Error) => void;
const timeoutError = new TimeoutError(
`waiting for ${taskName} failed: timeout ${timeout}ms exceeded`
const timeoutPromise = new Promise<T>((_res, rej) => {
return (reject = rej);
let timeoutTimer = null;
if (timeout) {
timeoutTimer = setTimeout(() => {
return reject(timeoutError);
}, timeout);
try {
return await Promise.race([promise, timeoutPromise]);
} finally {
if (timeoutTimer) {
* @internal
let fs: typeof import('fs') | null = null;
* @internal
export async function importFS(): Promise<typeof import('fs')> {
if (!fs) {
fs = await import('fs');
return fs;
* @internal
export async function getReadableAsBuffer(
readable: Readable,
path?: string
): Promise<Buffer | null> {
const buffers = [];
if (path) {
let fs: typeof import('fs').promises;
try {
fs = (await importFS()).promises;
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof TypeError) {
throw new Error(
'Cannot write to a path outside of a Node-like environment.'
throw error;
const fileHandle = await fs.open(path, 'w+');
for await (const chunk of readable) {
await fileHandle.writeFile(chunk);
await fileHandle.close();
} else {
for await (const chunk of readable) {
try {
return Buffer.concat(buffers);
} catch (error) {
return null;
* @internal
export async function getReadableFromProtocolStream(
client: CDPSession,
handle: string
): Promise<Readable> {
// TODO: Once Node 18 becomes the lowest supported version, we can migrate to
// ReadableStream.
if (!isNode) {
throw new Error('Cannot create a stream outside of Node.js environment.');
const {Readable} = await import('stream');
let eof = false;
return new Readable({
async read(size: number) {
if (eof) {
const response = await client.send('IO.read', {handle, size});
this.push(response.data, response.base64Encoded ? 'base64' : undefined);
if (response.eof) {
eof = true;
await client.send('IO.close', {handle});
* @internal
export interface ErrorLike extends Error {
name: string;
message: string;
* @internal
export function isErrorLike(obj: unknown): obj is ErrorLike {
return (
typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null && 'name' in obj && 'message' in obj
* @internal
export function isErrnoException(obj: unknown): obj is NodeJS.ErrnoException {
return (
isErrorLike(obj) &&
('errno' in obj || 'code' in obj || 'path' in obj || 'syscall' in obj)
* @internal
export interface DeferredPromise<T> extends Promise<T> {
resolved: () => boolean;
resolve: (_: T) => void;
reject: (_: Error) => void;
* Creates an returns a promise along with the resolve/reject functions.
* If the promise has not been resolved/rejected withing the `timeout` period,
* the promise gets rejected with a timeout error.
* @internal
export function createDeferredPromiseWithTimer<T>(
timeoutMessage: string,
timeout = 5000
): DeferredPromise<T> {
let isResolved = false;
let resolver = (_: T): void => {};
let rejector = (_: Error) => {};
const taskPromise = new Promise<T>((resolve, reject) => {
resolver = resolve;
rejector = reject;
const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
rejector(new Error(timeoutMessage));
}, timeout);
return Object.assign(taskPromise, {
resolved: () => {
return isResolved;
resolve: (value: T) => {
isResolved = true;
reject: (err: Error) => {
* Creates an returns a promise along with the resolve/reject functions.
* @internal
export function createDeferredPromise<T>(): DeferredPromise<T> {
let isResolved = false;
let resolver = (_: T): void => {};
let rejector = (_: Error) => {};
const taskPromise = new Promise<T>((resolve, reject) => {
resolver = resolve;
rejector = reject;
return Object.assign(taskPromise, {
resolved: () => {
return isResolved;
resolve: (value: T) => {
isResolved = true;
reject: (err: Error) => {