Andrey Lushnikov 932c8cbe9a
chore: introduce initial version of flakiness dashboard (#4781)
This patch introduces a dashboard that records test results and
uploads them to https://github.com/aslushnikov/puppeteer-flakiness-dashboard

Since many bots might push results in parallel, each bot pushes
results to its own git branch.

FlakinessDashboard also generates a simple README.md with a flakiness
summary. If this proves to be not enough, we can build a website that
fetches flakiness data and renders it nicely.
2019-07-31 22:23:50 -07:00

271 lines
9.4 KiB
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const fs = require('fs');
const os = require('os');
const path = require('path');
const spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
const debug = require('debug')('flakiness');
const rmAsync = promisify(require('rimraf'));
const mkdtempAsync = promisify(fs.mkdtemp);
const readFileAsync = promisify(fs.readFile);
const writeFileAsync = promisify(fs.writeFile);
const TMP_FOLDER = path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'flakiness_tmp_folder-');
const RED_COLOR = '\x1b[31m';
const GREEN_COLOR = '\x1b[32m';
const YELLOW_COLOR = '\x1b[33m';
const RESET_COLOR = '\x1b[0m';
class FlakinessDashboard {
constructor({dashboardName, build, dashboardRepo, options}) {
this._dashboardName = dashboardName;
this._dashboardRepo = dashboardRepo;
this._options = options;
this._build = new Build(Date.now(), build.name, build.url, []);
reportTestResult(test) {
async uploadAndCleanup() {
console.log(`\n${YELLOW_COLOR}=== UPLOADING Flakiness Dashboard${RESET_COLOR}`);
const startTimestamp = Date.now();
const branch = this._dashboardRepo.branch || this._dashboardName.trim().toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, '-').replace(/[^-0-9a-zа-яё]/ig, '');
const git = await Git.initialize(this._dashboardRepo.url, branch, this._dashboardRepo.username, this._dashboardRepo.email, this._dashboardRepo.password);
console.log(` > Dashboard Location: ${git.path()}`);
// Do at max 5 attempts to upload changes to github.
let success = false;
const MAX_ATTEMPTS = 7;
for (let i = 0; !success && i < MAX_ATTEMPTS; ++i) {
const dashboard = await Dashboard.create(this._dashboardName, git.path(), this._options);
await dashboard.saveJSON();
await dashboard.generateReadme();
// if push went through - great! We're done!
if (await git.commitAllAndPush()) {
success = true;
} else {
// Otherwise - wait random time between 3 and 11 seconds.
const cooldown = 3000 + Math.round(Math.random() * 1000) * 8;
console.log(` > Push attempt ${YELLOW_COLOR}${i + 1}${RESET_COLOR} of ${YELLOW_COLOR}${MAX_ATTEMPTS}${RESET_COLOR}: ${RED_COLOR}FAILED${RESET_COLOR}, cooldown ${YELLOW_COLOR}${cooldown / 1000}${RESET_COLOR} seconds`);
await new Promise(x => setTimeout(x, cooldown));
// Reset our generated dashboard and pull from origin.
await git.hardResetToOriginMaster();
await git.pullFromOrigin();
await rmAsync(git.path());
console.log(` > TOTAL TIME: ${YELLOW_COLOR}${(Date.now() - startTimestamp) / 1000}${RESET_COLOR} seconds`);
if (success)
console.log(`${RED_COLOR}=== FAILED${RESET_COLOR}`);
const DASHBOARD_FILENAME = 'dashboard.json';
class Dashboard {
static async create(name, dashboardPath, options = {}) {
const filePath = path.join(dashboardPath, DASHBOARD_FILENAME);
let data = null;
try {
data = JSON.parse(await readFileAsync(filePath));
} catch (e) {
// Looks like there's no dashboard yet - create one.
return new Dashboard(name, dashboardPath, [], options);
if (!data.version)
throw new Error('cannot parse dashboard data: missing "version" field!');
if (data.version > DASHBOARD_VERSION)
throw new Error('cannot manage dashboards that are newer then this');
const builds = data.builds.map(build => new Build(build.timestamp, build.name, build.url, build.tests));
return new Dashboard(name, dashboardPath, builds, options);
async saveJSON() {
const data = { version: DASHBOARD_VERSION };
data.builds = this._builds.map(build => ({
timestamp: build._timestamp,
name: build._name,
url: build._url,
tests: build._tests,
await writeFileAsync(path.join(this._dashboardPath, DASHBOARD_FILENAME), JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));
async generateReadme() {
const flakyTests = new Map();
for (const build of this._builds) {
for (const test of build._tests) {
if (test.result !== 'ok')
flakyTests.set(test.testId, test);
const text = [];
text.push(`# ${this._name}`);
for (const [testId, test] of flakyTests) {
text.push(`#### [${test.name}](${test.url}) - ${test.description}`);
let headers = '|';
let splitters = '|';
let dataColumns = '|';
for (let i = this._builds.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
const build = this._builds[i];
headers += ` [${build._name}](${build._url}) |`;
splitters += ' :---: |';
const test = build._testsMap.get(testId);
if (test) {
const r = test.result.toLowerCase();
let text = r;
if (r === 'ok')
text = '✅';
else if (r.includes('fail'))
text = '🛑';
dataColumns += ` [${text}](${test.url}) |`;
} else {
dataColumns += ` missing |`;
await writeFileAsync(path.join(this._dashboardPath, 'README.md'), text.join('\n'));
constructor(name, dashboardPath, builds, options) {
const {
maxBuilds = 30,
} = options;
this._name = name;
this._dashboardPath = dashboardPath;
this._builds = builds.slice(builds.length - maxBuilds);
addBuild(build) {
class Build {
constructor(timestamp, name, url, tests) {
this._timestamp = timestamp;
this._name = name;
this._url = url;
this._tests = tests;
this._testsMap = new Map();
for (const test of tests)
this._testsMap.set(test.testId, test);
reportTestResult(test) {
this._testsMap.set(test.testId, test);
module.exports = {FlakinessDashboard};
function promisify(nodeFunction) {
function promisified(...args) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
function callback(err, ...result) {
if (err)
return reject(err);
if (result.length === 1)
return resolve(result[0]);
return resolve(result);
nodeFunction.call(null, ...args, callback);
return promisified;
class Git {
static async initialize(url, branch, username, email, password) {
let schemeIndex = url.indexOf('://');
if (schemeIndex === -1)
throw new Error(`Malformed URL "${url}": expected to start with "https://"`);
schemeIndex += '://'.length;
url = url.substring(0, schemeIndex) + username + ':' + password + '@' + url.substring(schemeIndex);
const repoPath = await mkdtempAsync(TMP_FOLDER);
// Check existance of a remote branch for this bot.
const {stdout} = await spawnAsync('git', 'ls-remote', '--heads', url, branch);
// If there is no remote branch for this bot - create one.
if (!stdout.includes(branch)) {
await spawnAsyncOrDie('git', 'clone', '--no-checkout', '--depth=1', url, repoPath);
await spawnAsyncOrDie('git', 'checkout', '--orphan', branch, {cwd: repoPath});
await spawnAsyncOrDie('git', 'reset', '--hard', {cwd: repoPath});
} else {
await spawnAsyncOrDie('git', 'clone', '--single-branch', '--branch', `${branch}`, '--depth=1', url, repoPath);
await spawnAsyncOrDie('git', 'config', 'user.email', `"${email}"`, {cwd: repoPath});
await spawnAsyncOrDie('git', 'config', 'user.name', `"${username}"`, {cwd: repoPath});
return new Git(repoPath, url, branch, username);
async commitAllAndPush() {
await spawnAsyncOrDie('git', 'add', '.', {cwd: this._repoPath});
await spawnAsyncOrDie('git', 'commit', '-m', '"update dashboard"', '--author', '"puppeteer-flakiness <aslushnikov+puppeteerflakiness@gmail.com>"', {cwd: this._repoPath});
const {code} = await spawnAsync('git', 'push', 'origin', this._branch, {cwd: this._repoPath});
return code === 0;
async hardResetToOriginMaster() {
await spawnAsyncOrDie('git', 'reset', '--hard', `origin/${this._branch}`, {cwd: this._repoPath});
async pullFromOrigin() {
await spawnAsyncOrDie('git', 'pull', 'origin', this._branch, {cwd: this._repoPath});
constructor(repoPath, url, branch, username) {
this._repoPath = repoPath;
this._url = url;
this._branch = branch;
this._username = username;
path() {
return this._repoPath;
async function spawnAsync(command, ...args) {
let options = {};
if (args.length && args[args.length - 1].constructor.name !== 'String')
options = args.pop();
const cmd = spawn(command, args, options);
let stdout = '';
let stderr = '';
cmd.stdout.on('data', data => stdout += data);
cmd.stderr.on('data', data => stderr += data);
const code = await new Promise(x => cmd.once('close', x));
if (stdout)
if (stderr)
return {code, stdout, stderr};
async function spawnAsyncOrDie(command, ...args) {
const {code, stdout, stderr} = await spawnAsync(command, ...args);
if (code !== 0)
throw new Error(`Failed to executed: "${command} ${args.join(' ')}".\n\n=== STDOUT ===\n${stdout}\n\n\n=== STDERR ===\n${stderr}`);
return {stdout, stderr};