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'F19'\n | 'F20'\n | 'F21'\n | 'F22'\n | 'F23'\n | 'F24'\n | 'NumLock'\n | 'ScrollLock'\n | 'AudioVolumeMute'\n | 'AudioVolumeDown'\n | 'AudioVolumeUp'\n | 'MediaTrackNext'\n | 'MediaTrackPrevious'\n | 'MediaStop'\n | 'MediaPlayPause'\n | 'Semicolon'\n | 'Equal'\n | 'NumpadEqual'\n | 'Comma'\n | 'Minus'\n | 'Period'\n | 'Slash'\n | 'Backquote'\n | 'BracketLeft'\n | 'Backslash'\n | 'BracketRight'\n | 'Quote'\n | 'AltGraph'\n | 'Props'\n | 'Cancel'\n | 'Clear'\n | 'Shift'\n | 'Control'\n | 'Alt'\n | 'Accept'\n | 'ModeChange'\n | ' '\n | 'Print'\n | 'Execute'\n | '\\u0000'\n | 'a'\n | 'b'\n | 'c'\n | 'd'\n | 'e'\n | 'f'\n | 'g'\n | 'h'\n | 'i'\n | 'j'\n | 'k'\n | 'l'\n | 'm'\n | 'n'\n | 'o'\n | 'p'\n | 'q'\n | 'r'\n | 's'\n | 't'\n | 'u'\n | 'v'\n | 'w'\n | 'x'\n | 'y'\n | 'z'\n | 'Meta'\n | '*'\n | '+'\n | '-'\n | '/'\n | ';'\n | '='\n | ','\n | '.'\n | '`'\n | '['\n | '\\\\'\n | ']'\n | \"'\"\n | 'Attn'\n | 'CrSel'\n | 'ExSel'\n | 'EraseEof'\n | 'Play'\n | 'ZoomOut'\n | ')'\n | '!'\n | 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