mirror of https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer synced 2024-06-14 14:02:48 +00:00
Yury Semikhatsky 715aad2d67 fix: proper parse Error message on Node 12 ()
Check message prefix rather than strict equality when detecting circular JSON error. The message format has changed in Node 12 which broke the condition and failed a test.
2019-07-12 17:19:02 -07:00

104 lines
3.5 KiB

const {helper, assert, debugError} = require('./helper');
const {JSHandle, createHandle} = require('./JSHandle');
class ExecutionContext {
* @param {!PageSession} session
* @param {?Frame} frame
* @param {string} executionContextId
constructor(session, frame, executionContextId) {
this._session = session;
this._frame = frame;
this._executionContextId = executionContextId;
async evaluateHandle(pageFunction, ...args) {
if (helper.isString(pageFunction)) {
const payload = await this._session.send('Runtime.evaluate', {
expression: pageFunction,
executionContextId: this._executionContextId,
return createHandle(this, payload.result, payload.exceptionDetails);
if (typeof pageFunction !== 'function')
throw new Error(`Expected to get |string| or |function| as the first argument, but got "${pageFunction}" instead.`);
let functionText = pageFunction.toString();
try {
new Function('(' + functionText + ')');
} catch (e1) {
// This means we might have a function shorthand. Try another
// time prefixing 'function '.
if (functionText.startsWith('async '))
functionText = 'async function ' + functionText.substring('async '.length);
functionText = 'function ' + functionText;
try {
new Function('(' + functionText + ')');
} catch (e2) {
// We tried hard to serialize, but there's a weird beast here.
throw new Error('Passed function is not well-serializable!');
args = args.map(arg => {
if (arg instanceof JSHandle) {
if (arg._context !== this)
throw new Error('JSHandles can be evaluated only in the context they were created!');
if (arg._disposed)
throw new Error('JSHandle is disposed!');
return arg._protocolValue;
if (Object.is(arg, Infinity))
return {unserializableValue: 'Infinity'};
if (Object.is(arg, -Infinity))
return {unserializableValue: '-Infinity'};
if (Object.is(arg, -0))
return {unserializableValue: '-0'};
if (Object.is(arg, NaN))
return {unserializableValue: 'NaN'};
return {value: arg};
let callFunctionPromise;
try {
callFunctionPromise = this._session.send('Runtime.callFunction', {
functionDeclaration: functionText,
executionContextId: this._executionContextId
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof TypeError && err.message.startsWith('Converting circular structure to JSON'))
err.message += ' Are you passing a nested JSHandle?';
throw err;
const payload = await callFunctionPromise.catch(rewriteError);
return createHandle(this, payload.result, payload.exceptionDetails);
function rewriteError(error) {
if (error.message.includes('Failed to find execution context with id'))
throw new Error('Execution context was destroyed, most likely because of a navigation.');
throw error;
frame() {
return this._frame;
async evaluate(pageFunction, ...args) {
try {
const handle = await this.evaluateHandle(pageFunction, ...args);
const result = await handle.jsonValue();
await handle.dispose();
return result;
} catch (e) {
if (e.message.includes('cyclic object value') || e.message.includes('Object is not serializable'))
return undefined;
throw e;
module.exports = {ExecutionContext};