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synced 2024-06-14 14:02:48 +00:00
This patch removes all dynamic requires in Puppeteer. This should make it much simpler to bundle puppeteer/puppeteer-core packages. We used dynamic requires in a few places in lib/: - BrowserFetcher was choosing between `http` and `https` based on some runtime value. This was easy to fix with explicit `require`. - BrowserFetcher and Launcher needed to know project root to store chromium revisions and to read package name and chromium revision from package.json. (projectRoot value would be different in node6). Instead of doing a backwards logic to infer these variables, we now pass them directly from `//index.js`. With this patch, I was able to bundle Puppeteer using browserify and the following config in `package.json`: ```json "browser": { "./lib/BrowserFetcher.js": false, "ws": "./lib/BrowserWebSocket", "fs": false, "child_process": false, "rimraf": false, "readline": false } ``` (where `lib/BrowserWebSocket.js` is a courtesy of @Janpot from https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer/pull/2374/) And command: ```sh $ browserify -r puppeteer:./index.js > ppweb.js ``` References #2119
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* Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const {TimeoutError} = require('./Errors');
const debugError = require('debug')(`puppeteer:error`);
/** @type {?Map<string, boolean>} */
let apiCoverage = null;
class Helper {
* @param {Function|string} fun
* @param {!Array<*>} args
* @return {string}
static evaluationString(fun, ...args) {
if (Helper.isString(fun)) {
assert(args.length === 0, 'Cannot evaluate a string with arguments');
return /** @type {string} */ (fun);
return `(${fun})(${args.map(serializeArgument).join(',')})`;
* @param {*} arg
* @return {string}
function serializeArgument(arg) {
if (Object.is(arg, undefined))
return 'undefined';
return JSON.stringify(arg);
* @param {!Protocol.Runtime.ExceptionDetails} exceptionDetails
* @return {string}
static getExceptionMessage(exceptionDetails) {
if (exceptionDetails.exception)
return exceptionDetails.exception.description || exceptionDetails.exception.value;
let message = exceptionDetails.text;
if (exceptionDetails.stackTrace) {
for (const callframe of exceptionDetails.stackTrace.callFrames) {
const location = callframe.url + ':' + callframe.lineNumber + ':' + callframe.columnNumber;
const functionName = callframe.functionName || '<anonymous>';
message += `\n at ${functionName} (${location})`;
return message;
* @param {!Protocol.Runtime.RemoteObject} remoteObject
* @return {*}
static valueFromRemoteObject(remoteObject) {
assert(!remoteObject.objectId, 'Cannot extract value when objectId is given');
if (remoteObject.unserializableValue) {
switch (remoteObject.unserializableValue) {
case '-0':
return -0;
case 'NaN':
return NaN;
case 'Infinity':
return Infinity;
case '-Infinity':
return -Infinity;
throw new Error('Unsupported unserializable value: ' + remoteObject.unserializableValue);
return remoteObject.value;
* @param {!Puppeteer.CDPSession} client
* @param {!Protocol.Runtime.RemoteObject} remoteObject
static async releaseObject(client, remoteObject) {
if (!remoteObject.objectId)
await client.send('Runtime.releaseObject', {objectId: remoteObject.objectId}).catch(error => {
// Exceptions might happen in case of a page been navigated or closed.
// Swallow these since they are harmless and we don't leak anything in this case.
* @param {!Object} classType
* @param {string=} publicName
static tracePublicAPI(classType, publicName) {
let className = publicName || classType.prototype.constructor.name;
className = className.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() + className.substring(1);
const debug = require('debug')(`puppeteer:${className}`);
if (!debug.enabled && !apiCoverage)
for (const methodName of Reflect.ownKeys(classType.prototype)) {
const method = Reflect.get(classType.prototype, methodName);
if (methodName === 'constructor' || typeof methodName !== 'string' || methodName.startsWith('_') || typeof method !== 'function')
if (apiCoverage)
apiCoverage.set(`${className}.${methodName}`, false);
Reflect.set(classType.prototype, methodName, function(...args) {
const argsText = args.map(stringifyArgument).join(', ');
const callsite = `${className}.${methodName}(${argsText})`;
if (debug.enabled)
if (apiCoverage)
apiCoverage.set(`${className}.${methodName}`, true);
return method.call(this, ...args);
if (classType.Events) {
if (apiCoverage) {
for (const event of Object.values(classType.Events))
apiCoverage.set(`${className}.emit(${JSON.stringify(event)})`, false);
const method = Reflect.get(classType.prototype, 'emit');
Reflect.set(classType.prototype, 'emit', function(event, ...args) {
const argsText = [JSON.stringify(event)].concat(args.map(stringifyArgument)).join(', ');
if (debug.enabled && this.listenerCount(event))
if (apiCoverage && this.listenerCount(event))
apiCoverage.set(`${className}.emit(${JSON.stringify(event)})`, true);
return method.call(this, event, ...args);
* @param {!Object} arg
* @return {string}
function stringifyArgument(arg) {
if (Helper.isString(arg) || Helper.isNumber(arg) || !arg)
return JSON.stringify(arg);
if (typeof arg === 'function') {
let text = arg.toString().split('\n').map(line => line.trim()).join('');
if (text.length > 20)
text = text.substring(0, 20) + '…';
return `"${text}"`;
const state = {};
const keys = Object.keys(arg);
for (const key of keys) {
const value = arg[key];
if (Helper.isString(value) || Helper.isNumber(value))
state[key] = JSON.stringify(value);
const name = arg.constructor.name === 'Object' ? '' : arg.constructor.name;
return name + JSON.stringify(state);
* @param {!NodeJS.EventEmitter} emitter
* @param {string} eventName
* @param {function(?)} handler
* @return {{emitter: !NodeJS.EventEmitter, eventName: string, handler: function(?)}}
static addEventListener(emitter, eventName, handler) {
emitter.on(eventName, handler);
return { emitter, eventName, handler };
* @param {!Array<{emitter: !NodeJS.EventEmitter, eventName: string, handler: function(?)}>} listeners
static removeEventListeners(listeners) {
for (const listener of listeners)
listener.emitter.removeListener(listener.eventName, listener.handler);
listeners.splice(0, listeners.length);
* @return {?Map<string, boolean>}
static publicAPICoverage() {
return apiCoverage;
static recordPublicAPICoverage() {
apiCoverage = new Map();
* @param {!Object} obj
* @return {boolean}
static isString(obj) {
return typeof obj === 'string' || obj instanceof String;
* @param {!Object} obj
* @return {boolean}
static isNumber(obj) {
return typeof obj === 'number' || obj instanceof Number;
static promisify(nodeFunction) {
function promisified(...args) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
function callback(err, ...result) {
if (err)
return reject(err);
if (result.length === 1)
return resolve(result[0]);
return resolve(result);
nodeFunction.call(null, ...args, callback);
return promisified;
* @param {!NodeJS.EventEmitter} emitter
* @param {string} eventName
* @param {function} predicate
* @return {!Promise}
static waitForEvent(emitter, eventName, predicate, timeout) {
let eventTimeout, resolveCallback, rejectCallback;
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
resolveCallback = resolve;
rejectCallback = reject;
const listener = Helper.addEventListener(emitter, eventName, event => {
if (!predicate(event))
if (timeout) {
eventTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
rejectCallback(new TimeoutError('Timeout exceeded while waiting for event'));
}, timeout);
function cleanup() {
return promise;
* @param {*} value
* @param {string=} message
function assert(value, message) {
if (!value)
throw new Error(message);
module.exports = {
helper: Helper,