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synced 2024-06-14 14:02:48 +00:00
Rather than maintain our own test runner we should instead lean on the community and use Mocha which is very popular and also our test runner of choice in DevTools too. Note that this commit doesn't remove the TestRunner source as it's still used for other unit tests, but they will be updated in a future PR and then we can remove the TestRunner. The main bulk of this PR is updating the tests as the old TestRunner passed in contextual data via the `it` function callback whereas Mocha does not, so we introduce some helpers for the tests to make it easier.
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401 lines
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* Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const utils = require('./utils');
const expect = require('expect');
const {getTestState,setupTestBrowserHooks, setupTestPageAndContextHooks} = require('./mocha-utils');
const bigint = typeof BigInt !== 'undefined';
describe('Evaluation specs', function() {
describe('Page.evaluate', function() {
it('should work', async() => {
const { page } = getTestState();
const result = await page.evaluate(() => 7 * 3);
(bigint ? itFailsFirefox : xit)('should transfer BigInt', async() => {
const { page } = getTestState();
const result = await page.evaluate(a => a, BigInt(42));
itFailsFirefox('should transfer NaN', async() => {
const { page } = getTestState();
const result = await page.evaluate(a => a, NaN);
expect(Object.is(result, NaN)).toBe(true);
itFailsFirefox('should transfer -0', async() => {
const { page } = getTestState();
const result = await page.evaluate(a => a, -0);
expect(Object.is(result, -0)).toBe(true);
itFailsFirefox('should transfer Infinity', async() => {
const { page } = getTestState();
const result = await page.evaluate(a => a, Infinity);
expect(Object.is(result, Infinity)).toBe(true);
itFailsFirefox('should transfer -Infinity', async() => {
const { page } = getTestState();
const result = await page.evaluate(a => a, -Infinity);
expect(Object.is(result, -Infinity)).toBe(true);
it('should transfer arrays', async() => {
const { page } = getTestState();
const result = await page.evaluate(a => a, [1, 2, 3]);
it('should transfer arrays as arrays, not objects', async() => {
const { page } = getTestState();
const result = await page.evaluate(a => Array.isArray(a), [1, 2, 3]);
it('should modify global environment', async() => {
const { page } = getTestState();
await page.evaluate(() => window.globalVar = 123);
expect(await page.evaluate('globalVar')).toBe(123);
it('should evaluate in the page context', async() => {
const { page, server } = getTestState();
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/global-var.html');
expect(await page.evaluate('globalVar')).toBe(123);
itFailsFirefox('should return undefined for objects with symbols', async() => {
const { page } = getTestState();
expect(await page.evaluate(() => [Symbol('foo4')])).toBe(undefined);
it('should work with function shorthands', async() => {
const { page } = getTestState();
const a = {
sum(a, b) { return a + b; },
async mult(a, b) { return a * b; }
expect(await page.evaluate(a.sum, 1, 2)).toBe(3);
expect(await page.evaluate(a.mult, 2, 4)).toBe(8);
it('should work with unicode chars', async() => {
const { page } = getTestState();
const result = await page.evaluate(a => a['中文字符'], {'中文字符': 42});
itFailsFirefox('should throw when evaluation triggers reload', async() => {
const { page } = getTestState();
let error = null;
await page.evaluate(() => {
return new Promise(() => {});
}).catch(e => error = e);
expect(error.message).toContain('Protocol error');
it('should await promise', async() => {
const { page } = getTestState();
const result = await page.evaluate(() => Promise.resolve(8 * 7));
it('should work right after framenavigated', async() => {
const { page, server } = getTestState();
let frameEvaluation = null;
page.on('framenavigated', async frame => {
frameEvaluation = frame.evaluate(() => 6 * 7);
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
expect(await frameEvaluation).toBe(42);
itFailsFirefox('should work from-inside an exposed function', async() => {
const { page } = getTestState();
// Setup inpage callback, which calls Page.evaluate
await page.exposeFunction('callController', async function(a, b) {
return await page.evaluate((a, b) => a * b, a, b);
const result = await page.evaluate(async function() {
return await callController(9, 3);
it('should reject promise with exception', async() => {
const { page } = getTestState();
let error = null;
await page.evaluate(() => not_existing_object.property).catch(e => error = e);
it('should support thrown strings as error messages', async() => {
const { page } = getTestState();
let error = null;
await page.evaluate(() => { throw 'qwerty'; }).catch(e => error = e);
it('should support thrown numbers as error messages', async() => {
const { page } = getTestState();
let error = null;
await page.evaluate(() => { throw 100500; }).catch(e => error = e);
it('should return complex objects', async() => {
const { page } = getTestState();
const object = {foo: 'bar!'};
const result = await page.evaluate(a => a, object);
(bigint ? itFailsFirefox : xit)('should return BigInt', async() => {
const { page } = getTestState();
const result = await page.evaluate(() => BigInt(42));
itFailsFirefox('should return NaN', async() => {
const { page } = getTestState();
const result = await page.evaluate(() => NaN);
expect(Object.is(result, NaN)).toBe(true);
itFailsFirefox('should return -0', async() => {
const { page } = getTestState();
const result = await page.evaluate(() => -0);
expect(Object.is(result, -0)).toBe(true);
itFailsFirefox('should return Infinity', async() => {
const { page } = getTestState();
const result = await page.evaluate(() => Infinity);
expect(Object.is(result, Infinity)).toBe(true);
itFailsFirefox('should return -Infinity', async() => {
const { page } = getTestState();
const result = await page.evaluate(() => -Infinity);
expect(Object.is(result, -Infinity)).toBe(true);
it('should accept "undefined" as one of multiple parameters', async() => {
const { page } = getTestState();
const result = await page.evaluate((a, b) => Object.is(a, undefined) && Object.is(b, 'foo'), undefined, 'foo');
it('should properly serialize null fields', async() => {
const { page } = getTestState();
expect(await page.evaluate(() => ({a: undefined}))).toEqual({});
itFailsFirefox('should return undefined for non-serializable objects', async() => {
const { page } = getTestState();
expect(await page.evaluate(() => window)).toBe(undefined);
itFailsFirefox('should fail for circular object', async() => {
const { page } = getTestState();
const result = await page.evaluate(() => {
const a = {};
const b = {a};
a.b = b;
return a;
itFailsFirefox('should be able to throw a tricky error', async() => {
const { page } = getTestState();
const windowHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => window);
const errorText = await windowHandle.jsonValue().catch(e => e.message);
const error = await page.evaluate(errorText => {
throw new Error(errorText);
}, errorText).catch(e => e);
it('should accept a string', async() => {
const { page } = getTestState();
const result = await page.evaluate('1 + 2');
it('should accept a string with semi colons', async() => {
const { page } = getTestState();
const result = await page.evaluate('1 + 5;');
it('should accept a string with comments', async() => {
const { page } = getTestState();
const result = await page.evaluate('2 + 5;\n// do some math!');
itFailsFirefox('should accept element handle as an argument', async() => {
const { page } = getTestState();
await page.setContent('<section>42</section>');
const element = await page.$('section');
const text = await page.evaluate(e => e.textContent, element);
itFailsFirefox('should throw if underlying element was disposed', async() => {
const { page } = getTestState();
await page.setContent('<section>39</section>');
const element = await page.$('section');
await element.dispose();
let error = null;
await page.evaluate(e => e.textContent, element).catch(e => error = e);
expect(error.message).toContain('JSHandle is disposed');
itFailsFirefox('should throw if elementHandles are from other frames', async() => {
const { page, server } = getTestState();
await utils.attachFrame(page, 'frame1', server.EMPTY_PAGE);
const bodyHandle = await page.frames()[1].$('body');
let error = null;
await page.evaluate(body => body.innerHTML, bodyHandle).catch(e => error = e);
expect(error.message).toContain('JSHandles can be evaluated only in the context they were created');
itFailsFirefox('should simulate a user gesture', async() => {
const { page } = getTestState();
const result = await page.evaluate(() => {
return document.execCommand('copy');
itFailsFirefox('should throw a nice error after a navigation', async() => {
const { page } = getTestState();
const executionContext = await page.mainFrame().executionContext();
await Promise.all([
executionContext.evaluate(() => window.location.reload())
const error = await executionContext.evaluate(() => null).catch(e => e);
itFailsFirefox('should not throw an error when evaluation does a navigation', async() => {
const { page, server } = getTestState();
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/one-style.html');
const result = await page.evaluate(() => {
window.location = '/empty.html';
return [42];
itFailsFirefox('should transfer 100Mb of data from page to node.js', async function() {
const { page } = getTestState();
const a = await page.evaluate(() => Array(100 * 1024 * 1024 + 1).join('a'));
expect(a.length).toBe(100 * 1024 * 1024);
it('should throw error with detailed information on exception inside promise ', async() => {
const { page } = getTestState();
let error = null;
await page.evaluate(() => new Promise(() => {
throw new Error('Error in promise');
})).catch(e => error = e);
expect(error.message).toContain('Error in promise');
describeFailsFirefox('Page.evaluateOnNewDocument', function() {
it('should evaluate before anything else on the page', async() => {
const { page, server } = getTestState();
await page.evaluateOnNewDocument(function(){
window.injected = 123;
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/tamperable.html');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => window.result)).toBe(123);
it('should work with CSP', async() => {
const { page, server } = getTestState();
server.setCSP('/empty.html', 'script-src ' + server.PREFIX);
await page.evaluateOnNewDocument(function(){
window.injected = 123;
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/empty.html');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => window.injected)).toBe(123);
// Make sure CSP works.
await page.addScriptTag({content: 'window.e = 10;'}).catch(e => void e);
expect(await page.evaluate(() => window.e)).toBe(undefined);
describe('Frame.evaluate', function() {
itFailsFirefox('should have different execution contexts', async() => {
const { page, server } = getTestState();
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
await utils.attachFrame(page, 'frame1', server.EMPTY_PAGE);
await page.frames()[0].evaluate(() => window.FOO = 'foo');
await page.frames()[1].evaluate(() => window.FOO = 'bar');
expect(await page.frames()[0].evaluate(() => window.FOO)).toBe('foo');
expect(await page.frames()[1].evaluate(() => window.FOO)).toBe('bar');
itFailsFirefox('should have correct execution contexts', async() => {
const { page, server } = getTestState();
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/frames/one-frame.html');
expect(await page.frames()[0].evaluate(() => document.body.textContent.trim())).toBe('');
expect(await page.frames()[1].evaluate(() => document.body.textContent.trim())).toBe(`Hi, I'm frame`);
it('should execute after cross-site navigation', async() => {
const { page, server } = getTestState();
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
const mainFrame = page.mainFrame();
expect(await mainFrame.evaluate(() => window.location.href)).toContain('localhost');
await page.goto(server.CROSS_PROCESS_PREFIX + '/empty.html');
expect(await mainFrame.evaluate(() => window.location.href)).toContain('127');