mirror of https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer synced 2024-06-14 14:02:48 +00:00
Andrey Lushnikov 62cacbe5f5 Implement documentation linter ()
This patch implements documentation linter, which leaves under `test/doclint`

The documentation linter works like this:
1. Parse javascript source code with esprima and construct a "documentation" out of source code
2. Generate HTML out of `api.md` and traverse the HTML with puppeteer.
3. Make sure javascript aligns nicely with HTML

The documentation linter adds the following commands:
- `yarn doc` - to test that documentation covers all the relevant apis
- `yarn generate-toc` - to update the table-of-contents for the `api.md`
2017-07-07 19:36:45 +03:00

136 lines
4.2 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @unrestricted
class ESTreeWalker {
* @param {function(!ESTree.Node):(!Object|undefined)} beforeVisit
* @param {function(!ESTree.Node)=} afterVisit
constructor(beforeVisit, afterVisit) {
this._beforeVisit = beforeVisit;
this._afterVisit = afterVisit || new Function();
* @param {!ESTree.Node} ast
walk(ast) {
this._innerWalk(ast, null);
* @param {!ESTree.Node} node
* @param {?ESTree.Node} parent
_innerWalk(node, parent) {
if (!node)
node.parent = parent;
if (this._beforeVisit.call(null, node) === ESTreeWalker.SkipSubtree) {
this._afterVisit.call(null, node);
let walkOrder = ESTreeWalker._walkOrder[node.type];
if (!walkOrder)
if (node.type === 'TemplateLiteral') {
let templateLiteral = /** @type {!ESTree.TemplateLiteralNode} */ (node);
let expressionsLength = templateLiteral.expressions.length;
for (let i = 0; i < expressionsLength; ++i) {
this._innerWalk(templateLiteral.quasis[i], templateLiteral);
this._innerWalk(templateLiteral.expressions[i], templateLiteral);
this._innerWalk(templateLiteral.quasis[expressionsLength], templateLiteral);
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < walkOrder.length; ++i) {
let entity = node[walkOrder[i]];
if (Array.isArray(entity))
this._walkArray(entity, node);
this._innerWalk(entity, node);
this._afterVisit.call(null, node);
* @param {!Array.<!ESTree.Node>} nodeArray
* @param {?ESTree.Node} parentNode
_walkArray(nodeArray, parentNode) {
for (let i = 0; i < nodeArray.length; ++i)
this._innerWalk(nodeArray[i], parentNode);
/** @typedef {!Object} ESTreeWalker.SkipSubtree */
ESTreeWalker.SkipSubtree = {};
/** @enum {!Array.<string>} */
ESTreeWalker._walkOrder = {
'AwaitExpression': ['arguments'],
'ArrayExpression': ['elements'],
'ArrowFunctionExpression': ['params', 'body'],
'AssignmentExpression': ['left', 'right'],
'BinaryExpression': ['left', 'right'],
'BlockStatement': ['body'],
'BreakStatement': ['label'],
'CallExpression': ['callee', 'arguments'],
'CatchClause': ['param', 'body'],
'ClassBody': ['body'],
'ClassDeclaration': ['id', 'superClass', 'body'],
'ClassExpression': ['id', 'superClass', 'body'],
'ConditionalExpression': ['test', 'consequent', 'alternate'],
'ContinueStatement': ['label'],
'DebuggerStatement': [],
'DoWhileStatement': ['body', 'test'],
'EmptyStatement': [],
'ExpressionStatement': ['expression'],
'ForInStatement': ['left', 'right', 'body'],
'ForOfStatement': ['left', 'right', 'body'],
'ForStatement': ['init', 'test', 'update', 'body'],
'FunctionDeclaration': ['id', 'params', 'body'],
'FunctionExpression': ['id', 'params', 'body'],
'Identifier': [],
'IfStatement': ['test', 'consequent', 'alternate'],
'LabeledStatement': ['label', 'body'],
'Literal': [],
'LogicalExpression': ['left', 'right'],
'MemberExpression': ['object', 'property'],
'MethodDefinition': ['key', 'value'],
'NewExpression': ['callee', 'arguments'],
'ObjectExpression': ['properties'],
'ObjectPattern': ['properties'],
'ParenthesizedExpression': ['expression'],
'Program': ['body'],
'Property': ['key', 'value'],
'ReturnStatement': ['argument'],
'SequenceExpression': ['expressions'],
'Super': [],
'SwitchCase': ['test', 'consequent'],
'SwitchStatement': ['discriminant', 'cases'],
'TaggedTemplateExpression': ['tag', 'quasi'],
'TemplateElement': [],
'TemplateLiteral': ['quasis', 'expressions'],
'ThisExpression': [],
'ThrowStatement': ['argument'],
'TryStatement': ['block', 'handler', 'finalizer'],
'UnaryExpression': ['argument'],
'UpdateExpression': ['argument'],
'VariableDeclaration': ['declarations'],
'VariableDeclarator': ['id', 'init'],
'WhileStatement': ['test', 'body'],
'WithStatement': ['object', 'body'],
'YieldExpression': ['argument']
module.exports = ESTreeWalker;