mirror of https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer synced 2024-06-14 14:02:48 +00:00
Jack Franklin c07e6d4fa9
chore(docs): ensure old docs are removed when generating ()
I lost time today due to some old docs files lingering for code that is now gone. To avoid that happening, let's remove the directories before generating.

As part of this work I also changed the API Extractor to not output to `temp/X.api.json` and instead `docs-api-json/X.api.json` to make it clearer what that folder is for.
2021-06-10 08:30:40 +00:00

123 lines
4.5 KiB

"name": "puppeteer",
"version": "10.0.0-post",
"description": "A high-level API to control headless Chrome over the DevTools Protocol",
"main": "./cjs-entry.js",
"types": "lib/types.d.ts",
"repository": "github:puppeteer/puppeteer",
"engines": {
"node": ">=10.18.1"
"scripts": {
"test-browser": "wtr",
"test-browser-watch": "wtr --watch",
"unit": "npm run tsc-cjs && mocha --config mocha-config/puppeteer-unit-tests.js",
"unit-debug": "npm run tsc-cjs && mocha --inspect-brk --config mocha-config/puppeteer-unit-tests.js",
"unit-with-coverage": "cross-env COVERAGE=1 npm run unit",
"assert-unit-coverage": "cross-env COVERAGE=1 mocha --config mocha-config/coverage-tests.js",
"funit": "cross-env PUPPETEER_PRODUCT=firefox npm run unit",
"test": "npm run tsc && npm run lint --silent && npm run unit-with-coverage && npm run test-browser",
"prepare": "node typescript-if-required.js",
"prepublishOnly": "npm run build",
"dev-install": "npm run tsc && node install.js",
"install": "node install.js",
"eslint": "([ \"$CI\" = true ] && eslint --ext js --ext ts --quiet -f codeframe . || eslint --ext js --ext ts .)",
"eslint-fix": "eslint --ext js --ext ts --fix .",
"commitlint": "commitlint --from=HEAD~1",
"markdownlint": "prettier --check **/README.md docs/troubleshooting.md",
"markdownlint-fix": "prettier --write **/README.md docs/troubleshooting.md",
"lint": "npm run eslint && npm run build && npm run doc && npm run commitlint && npm run markdownlint",
"doc": "node utils/doclint/cli.js",
"clean-lib": "rimraf lib",
"build": "npm run tsc && npm run generate-d-ts",
"tsc": "npm run clean-lib && tsc --version && npm run tsc-cjs && npm run tsc-esm",
"tsc-cjs": "tsc -b src/tsconfig.cjs.json",
"tsc-esm": "tsc -b src/tsconfig.esm.json",
"apply-next-version": "node utils/apply_next_version.js",
"test-install": "scripts/test-install.sh",
"clean-docs": "rimraf new-docs && rimraf docs-api-json",
"generate-d-ts": "npm run clean-docs && api-extractor run --local --verbose",
"generate-docs": "npm run generate-d-ts && api-documenter markdown -i docs-api-json -o new-docs",
"ensure-correct-devtools-protocol-revision": "ts-node -s scripts/ensure-correct-devtools-protocol-package",
"ensure-pinned-deps": "ts-node -s scripts/ensure-pinned-deps",
"test-types-file": "ts-node -s scripts/test-ts-definition-files.ts",
"release": "node utils/remove_version_suffix.js && standard-version --commit-all"
"files": [
"author": "The Chromium Authors",
"license": "Apache-2.0",
"dependencies": {
"debug": "4.3.1",
"devtools-protocol": "0.0.883894",
"extract-zip": "2.0.1",
"https-proxy-agent": "5.0.0",
"node-fetch": "2.6.1",
"pkg-dir": "4.2.0",
"progress": "2.0.1",
"proxy-from-env": "1.1.0",
"rimraf": "3.0.2",
"tar-fs": "2.0.0",
"unbzip2-stream": "1.3.3",
"ws": "7.4.6"
"devDependencies": {
"@commitlint/cli": "11.0.0",
"@commitlint/config-conventional": "11.0.0",
"@microsoft/api-documenter": "7.13.8",
"@microsoft/api-extractor": "7.15.1",
"@types/debug": "0.0.31",
"@types/mime": "2.0.3",
"@types/mocha": "7.0.2",
"@types/node": "14.14.45",
"@types/proxy-from-env": "1.0.1",
"@types/rimraf": "2.0.2",
"@types/sinon": "9.0.11",
"@types/tar-fs": "1.16.2",
"@types/ws": "7.4.4",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "4.23.0",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "4.23.0",
"@web/test-runner": "0.12.20",
"commonmark": "0.29.3",
"cross-env": "7.0.3",
"eslint": "7.26.0",
"eslint-config-prettier": "8.3.0",
"eslint-plugin-import": "2.22.1",
"eslint-plugin-mocha": "8.1.0",
"eslint-plugin-prettier": "3.4.0",
"eslint-plugin-unicorn": "22.0.0",
"esprima": "4.0.0",
"expect": "25.2.7",
"husky": "4.3.8",
"jpeg-js": "0.3.7",
"mime": "2.5.2",
"minimist": "1.2.0",
"mocha": "8.4.0",
"ncp": "2.0.0",
"pixelmatch": "4.0.2",
"pngjs": "5.0.0",
"prettier": "2.3.0",
"sinon": "9.2.4",
"source-map-support": "0.5.19",
"standard-version": "9.3.0",
"text-diff": "1.0.1",
"ts-node": "9.1.1",
"typescript": "4.2.4"
"husky": {
"hooks": {
"commit-msg": "commitlint --env HUSKY_GIT_PARAMS",
"pre-push": "npm run ensure-pinned-deps"